A chunky druid isn't an archetypal fantasy

Every class does not need to be perfectly purty like yall want it to be. If this game was actually the players way yall would want tails and elf ears.

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100% agree, I’m very disappointed that I cannot customize my druid differently. I’m all for having more options for all the classes.

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What are you talking about? Have you even tried playing it? Lmao

Yes and i was lucky enough to have it pre nerf, i still use it while i build a stormwolf build but it’s been absolutely nerfed into the ground. It functions, but to call it the best build in the game is short sighted and low IQ.

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What i find even more hilarious is they defend as to why they picked the body style, but tell me why in their trailer to advertise the class and another recent trailer the model standing in for the video doesnt look like some huge beefy log throwing lumber jack on steroids with tons of body mass. Dude looks muscular but fit. No where near the body size of the character in game. Necromancer doesnt look emaciated either. Was hoping they were going to put a female druid in the trailer cause i really wanted to see how they were going to “represent” her visually. You know very well they would not try to put people in that looked close to either of those classes. Im sure they know there would of been uproar over that in itself for a trailer.

To me the male looks ok, but the female looks like Feona in Ogre form from Shrek except you cant pick green skin for her. its a fantasy game. They loved adding in all sorts of detail for pigment except crazy color options like most fantasy games. I was excited just like you, for my druid class to come back with the option to finally play a female character instead of being stuck with an older looking fit man in D2. As a female gamer I like playing an appealing character as well. I live in TX surrounded by massively huge people, dont care to see that in a fantasy game. We play video games to escape reality, not seeing body issues in game. Necro is no better, she looks so extremely emaciated but at least her class actually plays well. Druid, when i pushed myself to give it a go, felt so squishy, so weak and just not worth it over all. A few other buddies decided to play a male druid and still complaints class doesnt feel tanky no matter what build they try to follow, no matter what top tier gear, they feel like the class itself is a waste.


Psst, Hey. Yes, you.
That setting exists in real life, it’s called Japan.
Sumo hasn’t developed in other societies or in one that you would hastily think it would be much more probable to do so. It has done only there. Sumotoris are acclaimed, almost venerated and the practise of Sumo per se is higly reverred as both a sport and a quasi"religious" observation/cultural event, as weird and offputting it ends being for us here in the western hemisphere.
Just adding two and two for you. Spoiler alert: It’s actually four.


LOOK GUYS it’s the COOL ARMOR that NEEDS to MUCH work to look AMAZING and that’s why we can’t have different body types.

“Normal” sized druid and fix cloak clipping or riot (well, more like PoE :))).

This post is still going? Plz someone crash the earth onto the sun!

I did say I’m never dropping it didn’t I? (Still not a ‘flex’.)

Funny you say that because historically sumo wrestlers were not fat. It’s a modern thing.

When they realized higher body mass = harder to push out of the ring thats when they started packing the pounds. It is in no way necessary for the sport to function nor is it natural at all. Not sure what druid has to do with it.

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Lol sounds like a fat person trying to shame a skinny person because she likes to maintain her figure and be healthy and wish to live beyond 50 without having massive fat problems like diabetes and heart disease. Oh the irony.

Honestly You’re pathetic to call, maintaining a healthy self as “vain” . People like you are what’s wrong with Society. “Oh hey fat people matter too!” Get outa here with your pro unhealthy bs. Stop trying to make everyone fat like you and make it seem ok.


Season about to start. Still can’t make myself play druid.
Hurricane still looks like a poorly drawn whirlpool with…a bit more uptime than I initially thought.
And I think you still can’t make a build where 45%+ of your damage comes from Hurricane (which is really sad and this needs to be added in the 1st expansion at the latest).

While I don’t think one button builds (or zero button builds) should really work in D4 endgame (except maybe minion necros, sort of) I did recently see a post about someone enjoying killing things with auras in D2…and something like that should be a thing (and a thing that works, and maybe even works well… until a point or after you get a lot of gear and still doesn’t quite keep up).

Throns barb doesn’t really count since you have to get hit and there’s barely any visual feedback, we have no palas…so…hurricane druid!

Play your way…well my way is a not-bearlike caster druid that IS the storm (hurricane having chucks of rock and stuff in it was so much better). Whatever Wudi says it’s still the meme skill of the game (just not from the “it’s useless” pov).

5 minutes later: I looked at D2R videos…gotta say…Hurricane is probably the worst looking spell in D4…maybe except some of the Necro minions.

So …yea…fix wind/caster druid archetype in more ways than the body shape OPTION.

(Off to prepare my Picachu face for when they come up with440EUR support packs with better looking spells because too many people are asking for more things to pay for in the shop.)

You are one of them who want more skins with fairy themes in D4 to spent more money on diablo? This not need to be “beutiful” in term of your desires. Accept that other people like other type of shapes.
Stop with that body shaming.

Funny you say that because Druid in D4 aren’t fat, either.
Cope harder. :cowboy_hat_face:

The solution would have simply been to allow players to choose any class with any body style they wanted. Why Blizzard didn’t do this, who really knows…other than pure laziness of course.

Why did you necro a thread that had been dead for 10 months and reply to a person who hasn’t been seen on the forums since December? How do you people keep finding these threads? I really want to know.

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I completely agree, even if the druid was exactly as lore should dictate. It does make the druid less desirable to play. I enjoy playing the druid, but I don’t play one because it’s just some fat out of shape person that is supposedly an adventurer. Muscular or not with as much as they are fighting off the hordes of demons from hell, one would assume they would be a bit more lean.

It’s called Discourse, the underlying framework that powers this and a 99% of the forums out there, since it’s perfect for what nowadays one would expect about a dying tool/feature. Everyone “migrates” to Discord. Yeah, precisely. By killing the forums, and switching to the not-touching-grass teen emo preferred way of sparing time.

So, it keeps a record of read posts and the markers of each of them (like, if you left at comment #32, and there’s hundreds, it takes you back to 32 next time.)

Magic? Nope, just smart features. So there’s no NECROING threads anymore. Moreover when the rant is EHRMAGERD DRUID IS SO FAT I WANT A REFUND :cry:

Yeah, since no single hero in my account won’t ever stop to take a two or a three after fighting the horders of Hell™, their bladders and digestive tracts must be at the edge of causing a serious complication, most probably fatal.

Should I worry? Should I see a doctor?