A chunky druid isn't an archetypal fantasy

Devs definitely should care how their players feel and kul tirans weren’t that popular at all. Forcing that archetype into d4 undersells both the class and the game for anyone that might be interested. Or at least for most people who are potentially interested in that archetype. This is a business not an excuse to poop all over people.


Yea it is a business and them having a thick boy druid isn’t gonna cause people to not play and who cares if a few don’t? If they’re so offended, tough.

The video didn’t even showcase a chunky druid like dah eff.

honestly, just unlock all the character creation customization we have already and let us choose.


Carnivores are NOT typically fat. There might be a handful that are, but most, no. This is just straight up misinformation.


Lost me at that. Lol “important” y’all need more going on in your lives.

Got to love that people claim that everyone is sensitive and offended is offended over a model that shapeshift and also so zoomed out that the 30 more pixels in gameplay is just so unbearable…

Yes I used a pun.

I see many kul tiran players on wow as it many things wrong with retail than fake outrage. It is best to have body sliders in both games than forcing everyone to be the false beauty of the western world.

Western world? I am pretty sure the whole civilized world has the same beauty standards, intertwined with culture of course. But i havent seen the glorification of obesity anywhere else than in some african tribes who still see it as a sign of wealth.

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You ruined the forums for me, 10000 views 700 replies, and 150 likes on some drool garbage about how the druid is fat. I can’t even comprehend the level of stupid it takes to get to this point. Thanks.

Those who do workout would distinguish one as physique and one as powerlifter.

The druid is just fat.

While I’d prefer to not play the morbidly obese character… I plan on playing the morbidly obese character at launch.


The devs kept saying “your fantasy, your way”.

Fat Druid = not my fantasy

That said, for people who like it, great. I personally think there should be variation among the classes. Just as there are variations of all peoples throughout the world. Genetic anomalies and such.

Someone mentioned that because a Druid turns into a bear he must be fat. That might true maybe if the law of conservation of mass holds true in a Diablo fantasy setting. Also, on that point I would argue that druids should not be that big because, well, wolf. Not as big.

Someone else argued that druids aren’t physical fighters. That they rely on elements and nature magic and such. Somewhat true in this setting. But, hello? Werebear/werewolf! Definitely physical.

Someone else pointed out that they have body fat because of cold climate and for when food becomes scarce. Well, guess what happens when food becomes scarce? Not eat = lack of nutrition = body begins to feed on itself = loss of weight. And to my knowledge, druids don’t hibernate.

Again, for those who like the build of this druid, that’s great. Enjoy and have fun. It’s just not what I would have liked. A more moderate/medium build is something I would have preferred.


Bears. One of the two things the Druid turns into, even in D2. We got the skinny wolf Druid in D2, now we get the ch0nkm-master 4000 Bear Body Druid for D4.

It isn’t gonna change, you’re not gonna get your waifu druid, QQ for you, but your fatphobic body shaming isn’t working here, or in your mirror.

Buh-bye. :kissing_heart:

Mueller: I think two words that come to mind are “authenticity” and “believability,” or “grounded-ness.” [Because] we made the decision to make a connected open world with towns and villages and things that feel like a real place — the mud and dirt and grit of that world — the characters in the armor and all the things that you see about players need to kind of reflect that.
Mueller: I think there’s two ways that I think of experiencing that character, which is the character that’s in my mind that I have developed, and I grow over time. Diablo is a game that you play when you’re not playing it, in your head. You play it in your head a little bit. And [the] persona of the character kind of exists in my mind, it’s almost like a book, and so that character develops an identity in my mind. And when I see that login screen, and when I see that character full screen, that’s what stuck in my mind, that’s my character.

So, even though we pull out in game, you see him in the in-game cutscenes, which is a really nice feature that we added. [Your] story is interwoven in the game in a way that we’ve also never done. And the player is doing a lot of work in their own mind about the identity of their character. So, we’re just trying to give them the quality and the and the production values around that. Make it feel good.

Cool story.
He is right…it’s SO MUCH WORK to make that …thing fit the wind caster archetype.

chubba bubba the deer rubba

for the ones of you who think to be overweight is good and nice. i suggest you to watch a movie called The Whale. should give you some hints


We can’t just let these dumb threads die huh? Gotta continue the fight over nothing huh?

watch that movie, perhaps you decide to start eating healthier and do more exercises after that lol

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What movie? Lol.

I already exercise and eat well. You better be a model of health and fitness talking this big a game. :rofl:

In the normal world? Sure, everyone’s got the ideal beauty standard of “Not looking emaciated” or “Not looking like a land whale”.

Alas it seems you’ve not been seeing America and its obsession with pushing fat and obesity as “Healthy, fit and beautiful”. Why else do you think Lizzo is being put on a pedestal of someone to aspire to, even though she’s got the personality of a sponge and the body of someone who needs a whole row of seats on a plane?

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That counts as a new movement, i would say, based on the huge amount of obese middle-class people living in America. But i dont think that movement has high chance of staying considering the huge backlash it already got when it started and is still going on.

I would count that movement as a win when they change the majority of the media into obese glarification, means you will see only obese models on billboards, all tv is full of obese people, celebrities will all be obese and of course musicians. But i highly doubt that will ever happen, because it would be idiotic.

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