6 new uniques šŸ˜‚

Itā€™s not clear the class needs a defensive overhaul, they need to fix resists. The primary defensive stat for sorc is resists, and the resists arenā€™t doing anything.

Of course, this is the blizz clown car so they donā€™t even have a timeline that this is going to be fixed, maybe by s2. lol

The offensive power of most of their abilities needs to be DRAMATICALLY increased though. Frozen orb, fireball, hydras, chain lightning, etc. all broken and useless.


Barb Unique: You deal 25% less damage and 10% slower cuz reasons.

Fixed that for you

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For necro itā€™s: Bone Spear does 100% more damage (multiplicative), Minions do -50% damage.

Since youā€™ve mentioned the developers, I think they did a really good job with the game overall.
On the other hand, Blizzard Management, which is responsible for monetization like battlespasses, and content planning like Seasons, I think is truly failing us all. In the end of the day, someone like Rod Fergusson at some point looked at Season 1 and said OK, thatā€™s good enough, letā€™s do that.

minion build is a toilet flush build

after 10 seasons there will be so much things that people will complain about the game being bloated with too many uniques and activities lmfao.

Iā€™m enjoying the game and looking forward to season 1.

I always thought it felt like stuff was shifted from the core game to seasons on purpose just to make seasons look better. This wouldnā€™t be so much of an issue of the core game wasnā€™t so lackluster once the honeymoon period wore off.

Ok so wait 10 years to properly play the game

We pay to get a beta version ā€¦

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Not ARPGs. Only in Diablo apparently. Normally you can keep the power on the eternal realm you just may not be able to farm more of the seasonal mechanic. Sometimes even the mechanic rolls over.


There really is much to like about the game, but I have to agree, the loot pool is excessively poor, the loot drops are excessively poor. As a loot based game, this might quite possibly be the worst Iā€™ve ever played.

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So in two years there will slowly be an interesting amount of uniques? Wow! :clap:


Yep, they have to remove them. Wouldnt want to unbalance pvp in eternal because that matters for this for some reason but not for other things.

Iā€™m still shocked at how many of you people donā€™t realize how seasons work. its baffling. this is seasonal content its does not stay. if it did all this would be would be another diablo 3 where before long you would have items that give 60,000% inc dmg. the devs even addressed this in the dev stream

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There literally was no item in Diablo 3 that gave you that kinda damage. You obviously never played it. Infinite paragon points are what gave people unlimited power.

Seasons in D4 are DIRECT models from Diablo 3, that is straight from Joeā€™s mouth. You couldnā€™t keep things in Diablo 3 seasons either.


And a ton of patches, some content from seasons that stayed, and lastly a new expansion and class.

Obviously, you never played it. i have over 6k hours in D3. and when a set is combined with other sets or legendary items you very much had it

Also, the DH M6 set alone gives 36,000% increased damage. just by itself.

Set Bonuses:

  • [Vengeance]Companion, Hatred generator (Primary) skills, Chakram, Cluster Arrow, Elemental Arrow, Impale, and Multishot deal 12000% additional damage for every active Sentry (6 pieces)

Where are you getting three per class from? There is only going to be 6 new uniques and only 7 new aspects.

Which wouldnā€™t be a problem if the game didnā€™t ship with practically none.

Alright you are correct. I guess in my D4 rage I have been blinded and forgot. Yes, those sets together gave you that kinda power, but a single item didnā€™t. You also wernā€™t guaranteed to clear a 150 just because you had that set, you had to have extensive paragon and near perfect rolls to supplement.