6 new uniques 😂

They are probably all for incinerate the most used and popular skill :o)

Ideally, D4 Season 1 would be a banger capitalising on D4’s release hype. Unfortunately, it feels rather lackluster and subverts any positive momentum for the game’s future.

It’s kinda disappointing that it’s just 3 new aspects and 2 new uniques for each class. Like they’re introducing maybe 1 build and it may or may not be worth playing.

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The problem is that you’ve said absolutely nothing concrete there. What, in real terms, does ‘a banger capitalising on D4’s release hype’ mean?

I was just pointing out the general sentiment around Season 1.

For me, a banger Season 1 would’ve been in addition to the Malignant theme, 5 new Aspects per class, 1 new World Boss, 2 Uber Bosses before Uber Lilith.

To me, that’s a banger.


D4 is a Disaster game ( more Nerfs but no buffs ) and low kontent , thats all for 90 euro !! perfekt

Nah they’re going to release more aspects and uniques for bone spear, hota, ice shards, etc. probably because that’s how incompetent they are.

Blizzard ignore the Firesorcerer don´t know why…he need realy a big Buff

They’re ignoring sorc altogether really the whole class needs an overhaul. it’s not right for a class to need all 4 defensive skills for every build


im pretty sure there is one class getting trash tier aspect and uniq

Where are all the knights trying to protect maiden Bobby’s virtue ?
They should’ve been here already, must be a holiday or something.

Don’t forget the uniques will just be the basic gear that exists with just the aspect being the unique, possibly the worst thing I hate about the whole ‘unique’ crap.

It could be 600 unique but if they don’t drop, then why does it matter.


Ladder has always been the same, a few new runewords. It’s about a fresh start and replaying the game with friends, trying new things. Maybe you went barb but now know you like the Necro play style more, maybe you want to get more involved in pvp or make a character designed to kill uber lilith. I think what you are looking for is called an expansion. You must be the PoE/D3 crowd.

Six new Uniques crap can’t even get some of the ones are in the game right now. What do I need six new ones for. All I get on Druid is butchers cleaver over and over

considering someone put their account with Melted Heart of Selig on auction with stupid price, i think it will a great chase for some people.

I got the impression that as season 1 was “ready” before launch and a bunch of ultimate editions (already including the paid version of the battle pass) were sold, devs felt compelled to do close to nothing for season 1.

Not to worry tho, resistances and such will get fixed (maybe) in season 2 so everyone can buy that season’s battle pass lol

Hopefully they are some really awesome uniques because most suck atm

I especially love getting the fireball staff and gloves for my sorcerer. So excited every time

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The malignancy theme doesn’t make sense because we are already in sanctuary where there are demons and monsters and corruption rampant everywhere so how is malignancy a new thing since it’s literally already there to begin with? That’s what we have been fighting all along since diablo 1 is malignant corruption of hell

No, I’ve played the first path of exile for about a week and it wasn’t for me.

I did however play Diablo 2 for close to 15 years.