6 new uniques šŸ˜‚

The point is to entice you to play the season by using a gimmick, see the season battlepass board and then part with rl money to buy cosmetics/skips ect.

Itā€™s that simple.


Yeah Iā€™m a bit disappointed with this season already.

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Honestly, I was hoping that the game would have more legendary/unique items available from the start.


Then there would be not much room for more. They intentionaly gimped the game, so they can deliver on the ā€œlive supportā€ promise. Playing the betas asshured me that they are going to pull it off this way. So i lowerd my expectations to 0, which makes the game still playable for me.

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Yet some people praise seasons, I have no idea why.

Such a bad concept

I bet the gems are just aspects they gutted from the game. A few will be turned into aspects over the next couple seasons.


wait you guys drop uniques?

are you guys serious???
ā€œi bet these 6 items were ready for launch but they hold it back just give em us 7 weeks later!ā€

its called business strategy.
obviously all the ideas for the next few seasons could have been probably implemented in launch, but thats not their seasonal strategy, is it?
What kind of moronic arguments you can read in this thread, its really somethingā€¦

also, 90% of aspects are NOT trash.
there are already a good amount of variety for each class to play differently the whole campaign and even to 100 (yea sure not every build reaches NM T100, that should also not be the goal of build design).

Maybe you should just stop play the 1-2 top builds each class every build-site advertises as best ones and try and experiment for yourself?
Use your own brain and creativity?

yea this may mean, you will do lower dmg then other builds, you will lvl slower then other builds, but who cares?
ItĀ“s about fun, experimenting and enjoying the game, not about ā€œiĀ“ll use a build, have no idea about mechanics and the game, but iĀ“ll be fast lvl 100ā€.

Well for some ppl this may be a viable strategy, and maybe if you wanna compete in Leaderboards that may be neccessary, but this does not mean, you only should play this top 1 or 2 builds of each class the whole season/time.

okay, sorry, daily rant time is over, but it felt needed somehow :smiley:


My goodness this made me laugh more then it should, ā€œremenber guys this game as only been out a monthā€ 6 uniques and 7 aspects arenā€™t going to keep people around more then 2 weeks.

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the fact that diablo 4 just feels like immortal 2 speaks numbers. It also feels like there is only one developer currently running diablo 4. Multi dollar company reducing costs I guessā€¦

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The retards in the design team shot themselves on their own foot by putting ability as aspect and having it glue on stats stick, making nearly if not all unique worthless due to having sub par ability and TERRIBLE STATS that are NOT BIS.

What college did these guys crawls out of? Did they all pat each otherā€™s back and no one criticize the obvious issue?? The design team have screw up what make an item unique, in that it is powerful and effective for a build; Not what we have here, useless replaceable thatā€™s are use as placeholder until rare gear and aspect are found with better and optimal stats.


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I know we all have been ranting but d3 usually had 1-2 per season right or is my memory wrong?

6 seems fair if its 6x4 a year coming back to eternal

I usually get bummed with leap frogging on eternal waiting 3 months to get the new items

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D3 was bad, d3 should never act as a comparison.

Even so D3 uniques pool > D4 by far.

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yea those guys on the fire chat literally said they already done S1 content like few month ago

Ok but i recall 0 new items in most d2 seasons

What are we expecting? Not looking to rant or fight but what is considered the gold standard, give ideas

I loved the free content updates in monster hunter world which was often several new items per free patch

The thing is D2 or D3 was finished games already. D2/D3 unique/legendary pool is like x5-x10 times more than in D4. Itā€™s normal to add 2-3 uniques in season to finished games, but itā€™s unacceptable to add 6 uniques to game in such a poor state. This is clearly lazy development and again itā€™s unacceptable for 70-100$ AAA game which was sold to us as a live service.

People keep throwing up this comparison between D3 and D4, itā€™s pointless.

D3 had seasons yes, however you could complete the season journey in 3 days or less most of the time, if you wanted to push leaderboards it was simple enough get legendarys you needed easy enough and then push for ancient versions ect, the mechanics were fun and such and you maybe had 1-2 new items each season, sure you could run greater rifts until the cows came homeā€¦you could also kill the cows lol.

D4 has Seasons also, my main on the eternal realm is still only level 82 after 200+ hours, still needs gear, I am not willing to invest another 200+ hours on a new char just for some cosmetics. While 6 new uniques is not a selling point for doing seasons, the time investment for most casual players is far too much. Then on top of that we have the whole idea behind seasons in D4 which is to push microtransactions using battlepass and the shop.

with BG3 and Starfield on the horizon I can see alot of people just abandoning D4, while yes blizz got the intial money player retention will drop.

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What would be the ā€˜idealā€™ amount?

Maybe the drop rates will be higher during seasons