6 Masterworks on Shako = Resource Genception 🎲

I mean - you still have a shako dude.

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Mine hit resources 3 times before the resets took. Eventually got cooldown & all stat. Using it on heartseeker rogue so no use for it. :wink: got a clanmate who has a greater affix shako with it. Lol

I got life for all of the masterworks.

Better luck next time maybe 7 times is the charm :smiley:

Nope. I will take what I get at that point.

Yeah, that is a bit ridiculous… lol

tempering (and affix) stats are absolutely weighted. There is a mountain of evidence from tons of people at this point. This is a common tactic in gacha/loot games. Especially ones you pay for.

It’s quite obvious it’s weighted after seeing continuous rolls on the same affix, for so many times. It’s just hard believe I am this lucky.

I have rolled the same Tempering consecutively more often than should be possible. The only solution I found is to use a different vendor on each reroll.

Just an FYI (for those that aren’t aware) - you can use other class Tempers. Instead of Damage While Close, Rogue has Crit% Damage.

You can also use other classes’ Enchanting pools, too.

Just port your item over, do the business, then port it back.

Im happy that i have a shako. Because if i find nice pants with + to heartseeker i dont get the +25% hitting it. +8 to heartseeker after tempering? RNG-wet-dream :rofl:

Shako won’t gain +8. The Unique power is the +4, so it doesn’t increase as an Affix would.

But if you meant +8 on your pants… tgen carry on. :slight_smile:

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Yes. +8 on the pants :jeans:

:sob: looks like im spending 4 hours to lv a rouge to 100 lol. Thank you

yea 6 tries with a 25% chance is realy enought data to claim stuff is broken
when will people understand how % chances work ?
propably never
when we are at it lets look if lootdrops are broken i didnt get a 4ga shako yet even tho i did duriel like twice - no idications its broken lets just look at it anyway
also i believe my horse is 0.0005% slower than normaly please give me the entire source code

Doesn’t have to be 100. I think you can get that Temper very early on.

Tagging Urza so he sees this as well. I’m just a forum rando and don’t know how to tag people. Read below. :smile:

I wouldn’t be surprised there’s a problem with the code.

Not just Blizzard, but any game company can have such problems. Randomization in code is easy to get wrong, shaving off one end, adjustments by someone that disrupt the whole balance and make certain outcomes disporportionately more likely, etc.

Problem is that it’s so hard to prove. And even if you sample enough to prove it, some non-programmer community manager or customer service agent or even newbie programmer is more likely going to dismiss you instead of checking the code, because they know it’s unlikely that they be held accountable ever.

Which is why I’ve always been against uncapped RNG.

RNG should always be capped in a game.

Mine is at 10/12
Hit resource generation twice.

Dont you need to find the manuals tho? Tbh I just dont like rouge gameplay.

Yes. But I think it’s just a yellow/rare, so you can get it any difficulty.

So far 9 resets:
zero CDR.
6 Resource
1 Max life
2 All stat

that’s with 4 Resource in a row…totally random./s