6 Masterworks on Shako = Resource Genception 🎲

Yep, hit all resource gen on my shako.

I think it’s RNG of 3 affixes. 2 will be favored with a slight chance of a 3rd. I betcha NOONE has ever seen five random rolls.

Mostly it’s 2 going back and forth, with a slight chance for a third on the 5th roll.

I wonder if they’re doing the same RNG manipulation that D2 does. D2 was proven not to be random drops. A sequence of opening chests a certain way will always yield a BER rune.

I am doing the manipulation showed by the Chinese/Rob now, basically brick a useless item of the same type before you try yours. Or roll 4 times in a failure.

Works like a charm.

If it is your first item then you do not reroll. Dont temp the :brick: gods.

IF you have a backup item then you :game_die: !

This is exactly what I’m talking about - not enough data and what data we do have is self-selecting for runs of bad luck. Most people who have normal experiences within the realms of what we would expect, or who have good luck, aren’t here complaining about it.

I got CDR on my first masterworking on my helm. So that must mean CDR is overrepresented right? Of course not.

I totally understand that from your experience it seems this way but it’s not enough data to make any sort of firm conclusion or even a tentative one really.

my story is 10 times reroll Tibault’s Will on potion capacity

I doubt that’s actually what’s making a difference.

The randomiser will almost certainly use the current date and time because that is unique (probably only repeating every 100-10k years depending if they use 2024 or just 24) which changes the seed to something unique. It probably also uses your characters location which would change just by leaving the menu and moving slightly. It might also or alternatively use the next few closest players’ positions. Or the number of players online which will vary every second. Chuck in something like the amount of gold or relevant resource you have which will change every attempt. Then the outcome is chaotically generated from there.

The tricky thing is you can’t know what you would have got from the first vendor had you stayed there.

Confirmation bias is real.

sometimes it looks to me as if it changes seeds once per 10-15 seconds instead of actually reading realtime. it happened to me few times that if i reroll tempers very quickly i get 6 times in a row same affix. Never happened if i dont skip.

This is somewhat plausible but unlikely, I think.

Not sure if you read my post before I edited it, but it would be trivially easy to include something like the amount of resources you have left with the seed to ensure it changes every attempt.

Masterworking is a tricky one because it is literally just picking the affix. With Enchanting for example you might see the same affix but you would still know it’s randomised because the amount (%crit, amount of Stat etc.) would probably be different.

With masterworking you have less information to go on and getting the same affix multiple times is actually the exact same outcome. Which makes it more susceptible to our tendency towards pattern recognition.

just because something is trivial to solve for dev, doesnst mean they did it correctly xd. Remember how you need to load every player stash when he is in the same map as you? i think i dont have to say more about programming skills of devs there

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I’ll grant that did appear to be bad programming, but I asked my son and various others with knowledge on the matter and they said there are valid reasons to do that. We don’t know the exact reason why they did that but there has to be one. It wouldn’t just do this by default, someone decided that was the best way to achieve whatever they were trying to achieve.

Plus something like inventory management in an online game is a lot more complex than picking what variables to put into an RNG seed.

rolled 10times my leggs didn’t get a single +1 base skill :see_no_evil:

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I just took my “bad rolled” leggs to 12/12 and called it a day :rofl:

after spending 80M on them i got a +1 skill and was like well , good enough :joy:

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Just bricked a 2B perfect 2 hand mace and didn’t even hit the first temper roll… smh

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I don’t believe it’s broken, but certain stats are “weighted”. So it’s not a true RNG system. You’ll see this pattern with a lot of different Temperings. The bad stats are easy to get. The really good ones are rare. RNG some would claim. But you don’t really need a 1000 try sample size to see an obvious pattern.

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Just got my shako tonight for my heartseeker build, then fixed up my new +heartseeker pants with proper enchants and affix. Then masterworked them and got the +4 immediately. 13 levels in heartseeker feels damn good lol

This is why I gave up actively pursuing gear after the first few days of the update. Every single roll is heavily weighted towards the less desirable stats.

Is heartseeker fun?
I have yet to play a rogue and I thought, why not try out this new hotness while it’s still a thing.
With the IW rep grind, this season has seriously motivated me to try out a bunch of new things I otherwise might not have.