6 Masterworks on Shako = Resource Genception 🎲

6 hits on resource generation. RNG done broke? I see this too much. I dont think its confirmation biased anymore. I swear you are more likely to roll what you have just rolled on masterworks and enchants. I want this looked at and verified its working. This shouldnt happen this often. I realize it can happen but there are many stories like this in forums, by frens, and on my own.

This was in a row. I kept resetting on 4/12 only to get rekt everytime. There goes mah obeliskite or whatever it is!

What are some of your horror stories on masterwork RNG?


im always with people on this stuff.

at least until i see the code

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I hit CR 3 times on my first attempt to masterwork shako to 12. Just good luck?

Not sure about Masterworking (haven’t reached it yet)

But was tempering an item last night, one of the two tempers rolled the same value not once, but twice.

This was RnG at its finest. I did manage to get tempers that worked in the end.

But then went to do a re-roll of another stat on this item.

This happened yet again. Got the same stat, same value not once, but TWICE.

RnG should not be working in that way in my opinion. In this case, it didn’t break the item, I did get a more useful stat on the 3rd attempt, but it does make one wonder.

I can certainly see why some would be frustrated.

What’s funnier yet, in all the re-rolls (not tempers) I have done trying to get something useful, the stats I would like to see rarely ever fall before I run out of something to make the attempt. Such as gold in most cases.

But can’t complain much. Still level gearing, only at 71 right now. But I do see the frustration that some of you are experiencing.

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I dont think its rigged on purpose. I just think we have an error in code perhaps. Blizzard has had some really bad examples of stuff like this happening.

Masterworking and tempering have a statically observable pattern of rerolling same things repeatedly. I don’t know the algorithm, but if you did a large statistical analysis it would come up as something detectable.

@Urza, although I think masterworking different than enchanting.Same feel but different reasons I think.

Hopefully you weren’t resetting the roll at 12/12!

You never know with Blizzard coding, and sadly only they have the data for the entire player base. All we can do is hope they look at it, and see if there is an actual problem.

I just bricked 5 swords where 80% of the rolls were Rain of Arrows damage. It’s RNG, I wish they improved it to not roll the same thing in a row, but that ain’t happening.

They should create and pin a thread about RNG stuff, it’s always hilarious in aRPGs.

It definitely has a tendency to roll the same things over and over again and the things you want the least. If Blizzard says otherwise they are lying.

There are definitely layers of RNG within the RNG that control the frequency of some rolls.

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I guess once I hit cooldown I might get lucky easier but its super frustrating right now. Time to farm more low pits!

I did this on regular amulet earlier that gave me fire resist temper 5x in a row.
Lost 25M gold for noting.

No idea if we’ve just bad RNG or something bugged.
5M gold/reset is a lot.


Yah I have been selling good gloves I have got for my build because they sell for ungodly amount of gold. Only reason I can reroll multiple times.

Thats RNG… you win some, you lose some.





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From what I can tell Enchanting and Tempering is weighted. Woudln’t be surprised if Masterworking is too.

You are assuming this RNG is True Random, which is isn’t. And depending on its implementation, whether intended or due to incompetence, it could be very far removed from actual True Random indeed.

Yeah i just did tempering on a 3ga off hand and rolled perfect on both dmg to close enemies and chance for frozen orb to cast twice.

Rng is rng :person_shrugging:

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U lucky sum B!

Damage to close is what I might go for next. Im on cold damage now but it seems the build is always close to enemies. Maybe the close glyph is good too. Territory.

I was cold dmg before but you give up alot of damage and I like to tele into a pack of mobs.

Dmg to close you can roll and extra 40-50% dmg I think.

But yeah ive been lucky this season. S4 my luck was aweful.

Had this happen to me multiple times.