6 Masterworks on Shako = Resource Genception šŸŽ²

I agree that 5M reset is not a small amount but Iā€™d take it if we can also reset tempering for just 5Mā€¦ Itā€™s better than not allowing us to do a reset and watching an item with triple greater affixes became an absolute garbage.

Triple bonus to GA Max Life at 12/12. Yeah, not the best.

its just TOO much RNG, RNG over RNG, its exausting, they should allow you to at least chose the 3rd 25%, since its the most expensive.

i masterworked my shako and got max health twice and all stats once. dont believe anything is broken

they intentionally did it like this. is the same for rerolls, e.g. when reroll an affix the chances to get +skill or +life are not the same, you will more often get +life.
this is clearly that they want to be harder to get some affixes/tempers, just that they exagereted with this, e.g. I got 6 times in a row reroll the same: main stat and life per secondā€¦

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Imagine getting 4 tempers in a row of the one you DIDNā€™T wantā€¦and you get the one you want on the 5th try but itā€™s at the lowest range.

Do you dare reroll a 6th time?

Luckily for me, even at its lowest range, it was on a staff so I got double.

Game on.

For some sorc builds you need attack speed/CDR breakpoints and you can only reach them if you hit right affix in masterworking at least twice.

Idk is it working as intended or there is some ā€œprioritizedā€ affixes but i spent more than 600m on the ring(just for rerolls so itā€™s more than 120 rerolls) to get it and god only knows how much pit materials. Maybe i just that unlucky but to hit 1/5 twice is only 1/25 tho.

And you guys like to talk about ā€œbrickingā€, masterworking is probably the most timegating mechanic that ever existed in diablo series lmao.


The hits are weighted just like enchanting rolls are. Youā€™re more likely to get life or regen on a shako than +all stats or the coveted CDR. Itā€™s just how things are. Itā€™s like trying to get crit chance when enchanting. Youā€™ll hit the least desirable options far, far more than what you really want for your build.

Broā€¦ How about 4 times? Canā€™t tell you how many times itā€™s done x3 for me, and sometimes x4. Yay. :partying_face: :tada: Itā€™s so silly I canā€™t really be mad at it afterward.

I have two 100 lvl classes and dinĀ“t get any item worth to MW over lvl 4. Not even close worthy to ressetā€¦ soā€¦ yeah :smiley:

There could be affix rarity table on masterworking, same like Enchantment. CDR is the rarest in Enchantment and loot drop so far. Blizzard make this to ensure players maximum excitement when they successful rolled CDR. They can continue to reset and gather mats to try re-roll till they get it. Thatā€™s why it is called Item Journey, your time with your gear will not stop on the day you picked them up :joy:

I firmly believe they are weighting rolls just like I firmly believe they use an AI assisted controlled ā€œRNGā€ system. None of which should even be allowed in games like this.

RNG should be RNG and Blizzard should not be doing anything to try to ā€œcontrolā€ it for their own benefit.

They are deliberately screwing all of us so that we spend more time logged in and hopefully spend more money in the shop.

Blizzard has become completely corrupt.

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Project manager explaining to the board: Yeah, the devs also tried their best to masterwork the game too, but RNG kicked inā€¦


This is funny, I used to dev a NWN Persistent World, coded the loot system myself, and just loved watching all the conspiracy theories. They read just like this thread, and none of them were correct.

RNGs rely on seeding from non-random variables which are only effectively random in the sense that the outcome canā€™t be predicted. If they didnā€™t sometimes give streaks of the same outcome that would be a red flag that they are not good RNGs.

ā€˜Truly randomā€™ outcomes (if there were such a thing) will inevitably show streaks. Streaks are no more or less likely than other sets of results they are just more noticeable to our ape brains. And in the case of Tempering and Masterworking, more annoying. Or more delightful if you get lucky.

Of course, none of that is to say there isnā€™t some weighting to masterworking but I doubt any 1 person has a big enough sample size to know. I do know I got CDR on my Godslayer first time. :slight_smile:


Computer randomization with an especially small seed is going to trend like hell.

Ever play X-COM or BG3? Thereā€™s a reason they have a special option for randomizing in BG3. For X-COM or others, not even a 100 seed is good enough. I tend to use Random(0, 999).

Yea, pretty much what this person said which I didnā€™t read before posting mine =D

The only real RNG are dice and other analog means.

IDKā€¦ real DnD with a real D20 isnā€™t any different from what I experienced in BG3. You can get streaks of 1s or 20s in both. The difference is in BG3 players would blame the RNG despite being probably closer to simulating a real D20 than anyone could realistically detect, whereas with a real D20 they just throw that die in the bin. Or make it a speciall baggie and call it their lucky die for about 2 years.

My friends insisted on having the ā€œbad luck mitigationā€ or whatever it was called turned off as they thought it made things worse.

I got 2x resource generation and 1x +all stats from masterworking on my Shako.

In case of BG3 and Divinity OS2 the engine Random.Math function is quite bad. Iā€™ve worked with it for the past 5 years now and run it through 100k simulations. It does have a trending problem.

Thatā€™s the other thing though. Not all computerized RNG is equal.
For dice I just mean technically since computers canā€™t truly do random.

Well said.

Yet people (like in the OP) will tell you ā€œitā€™s not confirmation bias, my friend had the same experience!ā€ but if you tell them your experience is completely different, it just doesnā€™t register in their brains the same way.

True confirmation bias case. :sweat_smile:

Remember the Spotify random shuffle? The one that had to be made less random so people felt like itā€™s more random?

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