1.2b gold pair of gloves

D2 still exists. You can play it right now.
But then - you’re omitting the chances if those runes dropping, and getting an item in the appropriate sockets/state (like ethereal). But keep wearing the rosy glasses!

I start to get nervous when a near perfect item drops and I need to go temper it.

There is a lot of this going around. Sucks but I would like to offer the counter. I bought a 3GA hammer from a guy last night for 50 million and hit my exact tempers on the first two tries. Still has 3/5 left on it. I am starting to wonder what percentage of these complaints are people getting the temper they want and then pushing it for a maxroll.

I miss when ancient old game that did not age well did X…

Pepperidge Farms members too…

lol this post aged well… Seeing how many people have been raging after bricking an extremely rare or extremely expensive 3GA item :smiley: sucks eh? lol

Blizzard needs to fix tempering, simple as that.

Make it 100m gold +1 spark to reset, second reset is 200m gold and 2 sparks, 400m gold and 4 sparks… At least this way people have something incentive to work to fix the extremely rare/expensive item that they’ve bricked lol…

thats it? I had 3 bows at 3b ea brick. a set of gloves worth 5b brick that i found. 2 daggers worth 2b ea brick… I got 2 more bows with the last of my gold that I farmed all season at good deals 1b ea to have ea of them brick as well. rage logged and said I quit until its changed and blizzard wont get a dime from me until they do. plenty of other really good games coming out soon

thats a bit extreme. ive got 3 sparks playing hard this season after I crafted my shako

Fix is here. Brick cant be expected outcome. Its never going to work longterm. Players are getting fed up and starting to leave.

I bricked decent wands over and over and that is when I finally gave some other games in my steam a try. Sun Haven is pretty gud!

I just cannot understand this mindset that we have to give up something to make a feature fun and enjoyable. No spark, no 100’s of millions of gold, no exponential increases, just a farmable temper reset item.

maybe there’s another “bricked post” because there’s an actual problem with it?

My fix doesnt need any reset item because items dont :brick:

im the most anti tempering guy there is but it does need to be work to reset it or everyone will be full bis week one. I think stygian stones is a great reset option

I like rax’s idea. each roll gives rng number of all tempering of that choice and you pick one. then use your remaining to reroll for a better number or not

In any case, I see an overwhelming majority in agreement that tempering needs to be addressed in one way or another…

pretty much. Ive been coming to the forums a little in hopes of hearing a change but havnt logged into the game beyond getting the free cosmetic for a few days now

Fourms represents 1% or less of the playerbase. Id hardly say a majority thinks they way you do but we shall see as time goes on.

Tempering is fine imo. The current systems are far superior to D3. Ive rolled a couple 3ga in a suboptimal ways, its not a big deal. This is the first season im still playing on my main. Its not just oh I played 2 weeks and min/max accomplished.

really in threads about tempering i see about a 50/50 split. dont see a majority one way or the other

That’s a false assumption. You’re assuming that all possibilities have equal outcomes.

You believe that a desired affix with lower available affixes on a temper lends to greater odds - when in fact, if weighting is true, it could be the exact opposite.

Temper 1
Affix #1 (desired) - 10%
Affix #2 - 45%
Affix #3 - 4t%

Temper 2
Affix #1 (desired) - 40%
Affix #2 - 20%
Affix #3 - 20%
Affix #4 - 20%

As you can see, even though Temper 2 has 4 possible Affixes, the desired Affix may actually be higher due to weighting. We don’t know what the weighting or values are, but the general consensus is that weighting does indeed exist.

Wow your the world 1st to clear pit 200.

I actually agree with RAX’s approach on tempering. Each temper should roll all affixes and allow you to select what you want. You still get a specific number of tempers and after that you’re done. This way you have the option to possibly get better temper affixes however you may not. This way your item does NOT brick but there is no reset mechanic and there is always room for future growth.

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