1.2b gold pair of gloves

not everyone like doing trade you know

FInd a new pair or buy a new pair if you want that much gold to reroll stats, just buy a new pair for 100mil. Rofl.

Curious what the gloves were to be ‘worth’ that much? I’m guessing 3ga something something? That sucks but you knew the gambles you were taking. How’d you get so much gold lol

It helps even more when that $50-$200 purchase could end up being $100k vedor item.

+4 frozen orb +13.5% IAS GA gloves :slight_smile: they were nice… not anymore of course lol…

Be happy you have any 2 GA items, when I get one it usually has life regen, healing increased or some resist.

You must have some master gaming chair to clear 200 pit… damn gz

I try to roll crit chanse on identical gloves… lost 400ml and still no luck xD
But at leats my tempering was fine.

You must have a big imagination my friend, you wouldn’t clear pit 200 even if they removed all the bricks and gave you all the highest possible gear in the game, but good luck with that if you think otherwise.

Hey… i was not the one that wrote " i can clear all the content without it"

If you call that a content that gives you nothing, sure.

It is in the game… and gives you something to do… what else it is then not" content"

It gives something you to do no doubt, but doesn’t change the fact that you can beat everything to acquire things so you can push whatever pit level you want, but I won’t argue with you, my bad, guess I didn’t clear all the content.

Don’t pay 1.2b gold for a pair of gloves. Problem solved.

the more people who rmt gold or items and then “brick” items the more i end up loving tempering. i love the idea of cc warriors being “screwed” out of their money. meanwhile i will spend the time farming my gear and everything will be ok

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I almost want to believe those are the loudest voices :sob:. Temporing isnt credit card warrior friendly. But they wont admit they bought an item and its not what they wanted.

I feel anyone whos legitimately finding gear likes the system alot better then pre S4

No more than those who believe in NFTs.

no need to make it “really expensive” to reroll the temper. My time is being wasted enough as it is by this games supposedly patched “mechanics”.

They should just let you target single abilities and roll them, if you want to roll them perfectly just increase the mat cost or something, problem solved.

I’m definitely not here to dump 100 hours into a single item in a game, life is way too short for that crap.

Temperimg is exactly bot friendly and rmt friendly. The higher demnd for base gear, the more movited they are (bots make more money and rmters have more to show off) . And rng sets rmters further away from regular player.

Look at the price in spam in game… rmters only lose some irrelevant amount of money while regular player loses chunk of time. Efficiency wise, it’s faster to make moneny in real world and buy from 3rd party website… Bots are always attracted to grindy games, the fact that people are willing to buy seasonal content tells…

My 3ga didn’t brick :confused: keep trying idk…

Your 1 did not brick my 50 out of 55 did. So maybe you should keep trying before joining the convo?

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