1.2b gold pair of gloves

Yup, i think the tempering mechanic is the most infuriating thing in the game. I’ve gotten close to rage quitting after spendng gold on an item that got bricked by tempering.

it’s quite literally your action which bricks it. that’s the difference and that’s the mistake. if it were a drop, you’d blame the monster.

omg… I just succeeded in tempering a 3GA…

What feels wrong is that I feel relieved rather than thrilled. I was so afraid yesterday bricking it would make me quit.

Psychological aspect matters, I don’t want to go through this again (but I want GA drop,).

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Quit crying. Current way is just fine

alot of my freinds stopped playing because of this…sad mechanic remove it or fix it its broken and it break items and espacially the best…

Out of curiosity, what is the average age of your friends?

I think we are in agreement on the OP.

Just 5M gold is enough. A spark is too valuable.

when it gets bricked, then you use it to throw at the duriel

At least you aren’t a south african businessman who turned a 40 billion real life dollar company into a 4 billion real life dollar company.

I think we do but Im still salty on my CTA cause it was also in HC :sob: rolled a 6/6 after but my tears were still salty

The only “issue” should they add a reset where the cost is a meaningful choice, people would just :sob::sob: and bliz would remove the costs. So thats my only reservation.

Tho I suspect the majority of the :sob: is from some who paid a lot of money for a ga 3/3 and turned it into something they didnt desire. I believe it does also help combat RMT.

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I think the bricking system is good but perhaps the Brick should enter at earlier stages and once you are beyond say stage 5/10 its heavy investments but risk of losing is gone.

So at stage 1/10 you have a brick threshold to pass then again at stage 4/10 and after that you are golden and “only” need lots of mats to upgrade.

getting certain elevated +skills are worth 100’s of millions of gold.
Certain max roll aspects are worth 100’s of millions
certain uniques max rolled are worth 100’s of millions

It’s not hard to get a billion if you consistently play and parse effectively and sell items that are worth multiple millions.

The fact you are accusing someone of RMTing a realistic amount of gold just shows you shouldn’t be speaking on this topic at all because you don’t actually play the game and have no idea what the meta is or should be.

A glove with elevated triple stats that include +skills and crit/attackspeed or main stat are 100% worth 1.2 billion gold if not more

I miss the unity ring from D3. I’ll pay someone 5 billion gold for it if they ever add it to D4 just to be an early adopter.

if anything it encourages it because now all that time spent farming for items to get gold to get the item base you want to start working on is now not close to what you wanted with no way to fix it , so people will be more encouraged to “skip” the line and break ToS because they got owned in two 1/4’s not hitting in 7 attempts.

An item becoming account bound after starting the crafting process is what helps combat RMT .

Rerolling tempers could be the one true gold deletion sink the game needs, make it scale with number of elevated mods on the item

Learn to temper, you obviously lack the required skill.

This isnt a true reset cost because the 1.2 billion gold is not exiting the economy and 1.2 billion gold is obviously way too much of a one time reset cost anyway.

Thats why i am against auction house in the game. It will be the same crap as in wow with ridiculous prices

I see 2 mistakes here.

  1. Paying 1.2b gold for something.
  2. Playing the slot machine with 1.2b.
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I get pretty salty each time I brick a new 1 or 2 GA item. Haven’t seen a 3 GA yet.

I spend all this time going through gear and finally see something that could be an upgrade, but then get bricked. It is what it is, but it’s not a feeling people want to have many times before giving up the season.