1.2b gold pair of gloves

D3 did pretty well with this until its second expansion was canceled and left it to what it is - sounds like a plan to me.

Well, d3 was a fine game. But I think it could be improved upon. This game seems to have a more itemized loot hunt direction, while still pulling a lot of dynamics from its predecessor.

If the goal was to have a game that had a bis set you were going after and that was that, I would likely have a different opinion on this.

who is farming 100’s of millions of gold? go outside man.

1.2b gold? So you are mad you bought Gold? Lol.

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And should stay that way - with not rng there is no loot to hunt

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That’s true. And resetting the RNG on an item after an elongated process is still RNG. I mean if I farm pindleskin long enough in Diablo 2, I’m going to get a griffins.

If I reset my tempering enough, I’m going to get what I want. RNG is still there.

My idea just lets you focus on one item at a time if you dub it good enough. It’s simply a motivation to play the RNG and keep playing the game.

And I wouldn’t have a problem at all if the average time it took to perfect your item in tempering was the same average time it took to farm a griffins at pindle.

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Yes in a way you’re right, but the point of the system was a fail chance with no return. If there was a way - there’s enchanting witch already exists and makes no sense why would tempering have same thing. It’s either keep tempering as it is or remove it.

You don’t need perfect stats on an item unless you are playing competitively. Farm items for an hour and you will get gloves 85% as good as that one guaranteed.

You must not have heard of diablo.trade website :wink:

Never hear about the 3 g/a ones that dont brick :slight_smile:

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you gotta be not very bright to spend too much money on a expendable item, i rather buy 10-20 1-2GA and temper em than a tripple GA one as the increase is actually very marginal. as master working is always optimal in A single affix. the other 2 stats are the weakest part of min maxing, mostly irrelevant.

Stop watching braindead guides and their corresponding streamers, these people participate in PTRS yet they blatantly make videos on how to snap shot, they are just $ thirsty, you got farmed my fellow sheep, they exploit the game INTEAD of actually making suggestions in the PTR to make the game good, those individual should have PTR access forbidden.

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OMG wallet warrior! lmao!

I bought a +4 frozen orb with +13.5% IAS on diablo.trade

Right now there are 4 pairs on there currently listed at 3b, 3.3b, 5b and one at 1b however this was not listed when i purchased mine at 1.2b

People saying i bought gold using rtm however it is not that hard to get a billion if you farm pit runs and sell 2ga gear you find that roll decent. such gear can sell from 50-150m a piece depending on the rolls and char type.

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It was your choice to spend any amount of gold of a potentially bad item. Before tempering rolls are applied, it is simply unknown whether the item is 3/5 or 5/5 of what you want.

You can always buy another and try again. That is the reset cost.

I honestly have no clue wtf you just said lol…

it is clear, just rng, system don’t know if w/e the temper applied is good for your build or not. lmao

And thus is the root of the problem…

You get a HUGGEEE dopamine hit when you find an amazing item with 2 or 3 Greater Affixes that match what you need for char build only to be kicked in the gut when it roles the same stupid junk temper 4 out of 5 times and the final temper is just more junk :slight_smile:

Even worse when you spend days trading to get gold to get the item you need only to get kicked in the guy with crap roles.

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Id disagree. I once rolled a 1/1/6 and BO only lasted 30 seconds or something. Low rolled RW were aweful. I mean yes you could use them but they were not optimal

don’t believe everything they may write here :roll_eyes:

1.2 billion gold bro must be buying from those sites