1.2b gold pair of gloves

So you can’t do everything. What a shocker :scream_cat:

Like removing tempering will make you do it, funny you is, witch in the end will give you a Big Nothing.

According to your logic, rares, blues and whites are not useless, you can still use them right? everything ok? :roll_eyes:

Removing tempering and putting the stats back to item drop would be a vast improvement.
Playing a slot machine in town is not what a loot hunting game should be about.
This was Blizzards bad answer to removing the bloated affixes. They move them to tempering manuals instead of actually fixing the bloat.

My man. That 100% right. Once you can clear 61, you can 12/12. Everything beyond is meaningless

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Yeah so people can go to the forum and whine about their alleged 1.2billion gold gloves, for which they “now” also paid 7 sparks and 700mil to brick them again and again.

Yup. That will change the situation :roll_eyes:

Tempering needs to stay as it is. Getting a 2GA item with perfect temper/stats in general should not be easy. 3 should almost not be achieveable. Thats it.

Well that I could agree upon, I would definitely would like to see 5 affixes drop rather than temper. Or could have both temper and drop, but drop would be better, temper makes it way easier.

These people buying 3GA and bricking make me laugh my a$$ off.
Oh no I brick my item trying to shortcut stuff.
You deserve to brick your item if your cutting corners buying.
Bring back D3 trade. Will solve all these garbage problems

some builds do require GA gear, they have so called thresholds:

  1. crit chance above X
  2. cooldown reduction above Y
  3. attack speed above Z

if you don’t have it you will have problems with pit30. if you have that you can speed farm pit81+. its a question to Blizzard if such things should be possible but they are real, not everyone runs overtuned meta builds that can do pit71 with minimal effort. for example bone spirit necro require that CD gear >40%, flame shield sorc CD above 50%, just the things I have personally tried but there should be more. and if you try to make these builds you will realize how some affixes are extremely rare to drop, and why theyt cost billions on AH. not because they are OP or “we want GAs for no reason”, but because the drop rate is very low and these cannot be farmed.

You saying builds required GA stats Is false.
Optimal sure but you could still play it. I’ve seen players with completely scuff gear. You couldn’t tell what there playing. But U better believe there having fun just doing there own thing
Not requiringbGAs.

Your putting a personal limit on yourself saying it’s required.

I have the multiple class setups

Now all my setups might not be optimal and arnt 3GA every piece, some pieces arnt even GA but at least one class spec can do Pit61 and the other ranges between 31 and 61 . I can use one class to Masterwork the other. Grow it. Play it for fun . Materials being account wide you really only need to meta play 1 thing honestly for guaranteed mats.

I am having fun that’s all that matters

If your fun is limited by your ability to do pit 200 well then your never going to be happy and just non stop complain

Buying gear is for suckers who want shortcuts and they honestly deserve to have gear brick.

Here is what you are not seeing. It takes me about 120 hours to farm a GA3 with the proper affixes.
So lets be generous and knock that down to 80 hours. Now at a minimum you have 9 gear slots when using a 2h.
So to just get the 9 GA3 items with proper affixes that is 720 hours per season or 60 hours per week of game play.
So each GA3 bricked equates to a minimum of 80 hours of farming lost.

And so what if it takes that long . The time isnt lost if your enjoying playing the game.
You seem to forget not everyone NEEDS to have everything 3GA at the end of a season.
IF it takes you longer and you really wana invest play the character when they go Eternal.

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You are that much of an elitest? If the game is going to be designed for seasonal play then furthermore caters to a casual player. The current system is not facilitating either of these play styles.

“Let them eat cake”
-Marie Antoinette

The game is casual already , people are getting to 100 faster then ever before
You can gear up and be doing Pit 61 ( Abiltiy to 12/12 masterwork pieces ) in maybe 2 weeks MAX
And your wanting to double down on this even further and want to be able to fully 3GA a character with GG tempers all in a season.
Mate serioously. Your setting ur own limitations here and thats what making it unfun for you.
If getting a character max temper and 3GA takes forever and you really enjoy enjoy the character , then invest in it and play it in eternal.
The current rate of getting gear is perfectly fine

Well it is matter of choice for sure, but I think with proper dedication (what 720 hours per seasson for sure is) it should be reachable to get some proper 3GA items…

So far I have 3x100 lvl (full HT except glyphs), around 100± duriel/andariel runs and about 50± hours doing content where 925 is dropping… and so far I´ve got 3GA, with two usable affix. Not a signel perfect 3GA.

Don´t mind slower droprate, but considering I still can brick them is too much.

Never said the rate of getting gear wasn’t fine. I have been very vocal about the tempering system being horrible.
Feel bad mechanics are not good for games. I equate this to putting your hand on a hot stove. How many times are you willing to get burnt before you stop?
I have also asked for the leveling time to be 60 hours or 5 hours per week.

No, that’s ridiculous, too expensive. I don’t see how people think things are okay as they are now. The combination of greater affixes and with tempering how it is is just bad now. It is stressful and not fun to have to worry about getting the right tempers on your good items.

We simply need to be able to reset tempers at not a crazy cost AND be able to choose to keep a previous roll.

I agree with this 100%


This will be your last stupid mistake.

Resets free or get out.