1.2b gold pair of gloves

You are that much of an elitest? If the game is going to be designed for seasonal play then furthermore caters to a casual player. The current system is not facilitating either of these play styles.

“Let them eat cake”
-Marie Antoinette

The game is casual already , people are getting to 100 faster then ever before
You can gear up and be doing Pit 61 ( Abiltiy to 12/12 masterwork pieces ) in maybe 2 weeks MAX
And your wanting to double down on this even further and want to be able to fully 3GA a character with GG tempers all in a season.
Mate serioously. Your setting ur own limitations here and thats what making it unfun for you.
If getting a character max temper and 3GA takes forever and you really enjoy enjoy the character , then invest in it and play it in eternal.
The current rate of getting gear is perfectly fine

Well it is matter of choice for sure, but I think with proper dedication (what 720 hours per seasson for sure is) it should be reachable to get some proper 3GA items…

So far I have 3x100 lvl (full HT except glyphs), around 100± duriel/andariel runs and about 50± hours doing content where 925 is dropping… and so far I´ve got 3GA, with two usable affix. Not a signel perfect 3GA.

Don´t mind slower droprate, but considering I still can brick them is too much.

Never said the rate of getting gear wasn’t fine. I have been very vocal about the tempering system being horrible.
Feel bad mechanics are not good for games. I equate this to putting your hand on a hot stove. How many times are you willing to get burnt before you stop?
I have also asked for the leveling time to be 60 hours or 5 hours per week.

No, that’s ridiculous, too expensive. I don’t see how people think things are okay as they are now. The combination of greater affixes and with tempering how it is is just bad now. It is stressful and not fun to have to worry about getting the right tempers on your good items.

We simply need to be able to reset tempers at not a crazy cost AND be able to choose to keep a previous roll.

I agree with this 100%


This will be your last stupid mistake.

Resets free or get out.

Things cant go on like they are. Its never going to work long term with :brick: . Fix is coming for either mid season or S5. My guess is that they will have some sort of way to reset. Another idea to make it expensive to reset is that it could take a same greater item and stygian stone. So you bricked a 3 greater wand. You need to get another 3 greater item and stygian to reset it.

I cant use this site. Send message to seller and the message just loops