11 years later zero lessons were learned

Whats wrong with weapons being used for spell damage? I see no problem with that. Easy to balance

Itemization was taken from D3 due to incompetence or laziness, your pick.

D3 set bonuses were broken apart and moved to “Legendary Items” in D4. “We have removed Set Items in D4” …

Damage scales, like in D3, entirely based on the DPS number on a weapon.

No weapon equipped = zero damage, no matter what.

D3 and D4 Character Damage Example:

(Weapon DPS) * (Skill Tree Skill Damage % * Item Bonus Damage %) = Character Damage

This means:

Weapon with ZERO damage * (5000 for example * 5000 for example) = 0

Get it?

No weapon Equipped (or Weapon equipped with Zero Damage) means no matter what you allocate on your Skill Tree and no matter what Item you Equip outside of the Weapon, will always result in Zero Damage. This is total D3 BS.


Blizzard betas used to be more polished. Do most people even have 22GB of RAM?

I had access to enough.


No, I really don’t. I like the spells being somewhat muted.
But as to the environment, the characters and the monsters sometimes feel waay too muted. I find the colors to be fine in D2R, but on the D4 engine it feels it has been done in some sort of artificial way… I can’t quite put my finger on it, but it’s noticeable.

And at higher levels you’ll be swapping world tiers. And… in order to do that, you’ll also… guess what… swap items constantly, as we clearly saw skill points don’t grant real damage.

My perception of beauty is fine. It’s not twisted in the slightest.
I did not ask for what you’re suggesting, that I asked…
I asked for better customization.
Due to the angle of the camera, the only time you’ll see the face you’ve selected for your character is if you were to open your character panel… or during a cut scene.
Hairs clip in ridiculous ways, a friend of mine made a character, who’s hair clips though his nose (one of the few facial features actually noticeable in-game) and hangs like a booger.

ITS A BETA… and there have been lots talked about with the actual release… the actual release of D4 is going to be so different compared to the beta , maybe play it on a gtx 660 to get that whole D2 feel, as for me I thinks its going to be great with many options for customization in the end release… this has been discussed.

I don’t mind the repetitiveness, I don’t mind that skill damage is from weapon damage too. I like it.

This is arpg that is base around repetitiveness like a slot machine to get that jackpot. Weapon damage from weapons is fine.

Overall I like the game.

Yeah lagendaries “enable” some build, I am all for it, the reason I play is to farm items anyway, it’s about that jackpot!

If u dont want to play, then dont. Be the shill no one wants to play with anyways lol.

you’ve clearly never played blizzard betas bfore, also, it was beta.

you had access to enough to forumlate an inaccurate, biased, and subjective opinion. yep.

so…you prefer if we just got some starting gear and that was it? how often do you want to switch gear? while i was leveling i was constantly swapping gear, sure, thats what happens when you level. when you get to level 100 you’ll swap gear less, and finally you’ll almost never swap gear.

maybe not what i suggested, but you did go into detail about how the character made you cringe and wasnt a “pretty necromancer face” even went to far as to compare it to asmongold (which was rather funny i might add)

so you def are looking for the game to present something to you which you find pretty.

Yes it’s sucks a little bit…

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Pretty sure hydra attacks faster with a 1H. That’s how it is in D3.

For those of us who have been around the block long enough, to hear this defense… Then to have the game launch just as it was in the beta with a few bug fixes.

Been through this story so many times over the years.

Feels like 20 years of games “its just a beta!!” then 20 years of them launching as the same game that was a beta with a few minor fixes, and some new bugs introduced, for games in general.

The game that we played in beta is going to be overall the same game we will be playing in June, yes sure, there will be some non major changes. the focus now will be on polish, bug fixes and balance. The wheel is not going to get reinvented.


Lol. Do you even know the meaning of the word?
I am quite the opposite of being a shill. I am not trying to entice you to buy the game.
I am literally saying the opposite – that I am not going to buy on release…

I don’t mind that either.

You like, that your character is a lie, because he’s nothing without the gear. Good for you. If that makes you happy, then wonderful… but I think you have a really poor taste when it comes to games then.

I for one don’t like that kind of stuff. I like the gear to amplify my character, but I don’t like it if my character does not have any inherent power of his own for all the leveling and skill points.

I have actually. Their betas are typically more polished than… whatever this was.

I got to test plenty of skills in order to get the overall feel. You can say it’s not true all you like, but some skills feel waay more complete than others.

I’d say switching gear should come down to preference and tradeoffs for different activities, rather than swapping all the time for that +item power in order to unlock the next world tier, with little to no care as to what the stats on the gear are actually about…

I am sorry to say this, but it seems the introduction of item power/gear score in various games has diminished a lot of brains throughout the last couple of decades.

If you care to know what I really think about my standard, then by all means, I’ll share… that is if you can process discussing “realism” in a fantasy setting… because a lot of people can’t wrap their head around that.

Just like I wouldn’t like it if the next Star Wars movie is about Luke Skywalker jumping really high and exploding the nearest sun with his light saber;

the exact same way I don’t like it, when I am trying to create a character and all the options have this insane look, that has all the tells of paranoid schizophrenia. I can’t see such characters defeating Diablo, Lilith or anything really. They are gonna be the first to be corrupted by the demons.
And it’s a bit sad, that a lot of the characters sure as hell seem, that would be the first to die during a demonic invasion.

I tried to make a character with a bit more stoic look. I didn’t go for those “mommy milkers”.

What made me cringe was the realization as to how exactly Blizzard were using the words “body type”…

to describe bodies typically referred to as male and female body types.
I hoped for a second, that they implemented slightly taller, shorter, slender and/or thicker body types… as in options.

I’d settle for a better A RPG… I thought D4 is gonna be it, but sadly I no longer think that will be the case.
My main issues with with the character progression in terms of skills and itemization. If I have the option to create a character, that I find appealing, then that would be a bonus.

I am pretty sure D3 was and still is a terrible game and it should not be given as an example of how things should be done right in an ARPG. Not even the same genre as D1 and D2. RoS is a bad arcade game.

They won’t learn, what they do learned that even baiting a game with the name of an EPIC game like D2 to sell copies, there will always be shceisse eaters in big numbers.

It’s not a lie and it doesn’t matter if I do no damage without a weapon, because we wont play without weapons. Idk why you care so much about doing no damage with no weapon when we will always be carrying a weapon. it’s not like for some content we cannot wield a weapon or something. Due to this, It doesn’t matter. So why care abt a thing that doesn’t happen? (thus making it doesn’t matter) unless you just wanna nitpick and just complain just for the sake of complaining.

And saying someone has a poor taste when it comes to games is kinda rude. Maybe it is you that is just nitpicking saying things that doesn’t happen (such as not carrying weapons). True tho, At least this is good for me as I will enjoy the game instead of being miserable (maybe exaggerated, but you crossed the line too by saying I have a poor taste in games).

The point isn’t that you’ll be using a weapon, but that the weapon doesn’t matter. Whether it’s a staff, a big war hammer or tiny dagger, doesn’t matter, all that matters are the stats. If the two handed hammer makes your fireball do more damage, you gonna abandon your staff, and yet you can’t even use the weapon to melee with it. They could get rid of all the different weapon types (except whether it’s 1-handed or 2-handed), and it wouldn’t impact the game. That’s just dumb design.

Imagine sorc had a spell to make your weapon fly in front of you, and staffs/wands would give a specific bonus to spells. You could either equip a sword and whirl it around with magic, or have a more powerful fireball, even swap it midfight depending what you need more.

All these possibilities were made impossible in favor of the dumbed down design.

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You know, your type of “gamers” would be in the introvert side of personality, and not even that, the kind that want a game to become more than entertainment, you want your life to be about said game.

Games with a steep learning curve is a huge turn away for alot of people, because a game is meant to be fun and interactive, not something sort of a sit down study and prepares.

D1-D2 are outdated and the designs are boring, punishing, and dull. Pressing tp and then spam one skill? Really? is that fun? .

and you’ve just reinforced my point. this was an EXTREMELY polished beta.

you havent even played it yet lol, but whatever floats your boat buddy.

I just reinstalled D3. It sucks and doesn’t scratch that itch I had in D4 beta. Not even close. The aesthetic was there massively in D4 beta. I can’t express how happy I am with the necromancer aesthetics. I am looking forward to Diablo for the 1st time since Diablo 1. The last time there was true grit.

Anyone who wants color and pretty needs to just go settle for Lost Ark.

LoL, waay to straw man people.

It was worse than the SC2 beta, the D3 beta, Overwatch beta, and the World of WarCraft betas (US back in 2004 and EU 2005)…
Those were waay more polished than this one in terms of performance.

This one is by far the least polished one out of everything I’ve seen over the years.

But feel free to lie through your teeth, that I’ve never played beta versions of Blizzard games.

once again proving you never played blizzard betas, the WoW beta in particular was in shambles, server performance was horrendous, they even had ROLL BACKS during a beta. roll backs! it was insane, and dont even get me started on the actual optimization of the game at the time hahaha wow.

I think the worst part was the constant disconnects, if you could even get in.

This was one of the cleanest Beta tests i’ve seen, and i’ve been around for a damn long time.

I played both US and EU betas of WoW. That game wasn’t a global release back then.
One of them, I think the European one, had this end of beta event, where the world was invaded by the legion… a lot of people gathered in the Crossroads to fight infernals and dreadlords. The server handled it perfectly.

From my experience, there were more issues with the game after launch, than during the beta phase.

I got reminded of that event many years later during the pre-Legion event at the end of Warlords.

But sure, man. I’ve never played a Blizzard betas before, whatever makes you sleep.