11 years later zero lessons were learned


I’m not sure how many people from D3 are even involved in D4.

If you look at photos of dev teams from 1999-2003 and so on up until now, you can kinda tell why the games have been on the decline for years.


I already addressed this point several times throughout the thread.

you keep saying it but you are SO wrong …
it was DEMO … beta starts 6.6.
Go check the progress from 2019 … there has been downgrades and they openly shows bugs and glitches in pictures and videos … it will tell you they dont care and they are going to release broken product … same glitches for 2 years. They will not going to fix it in 2 months.

you had access to almost everything you will be doing in the endgame, it wont be different … totally same mechanics, same system, same gameplay, same everything …
the only difference will be that max lvl will be 100 instead of 25 … but nothing else.

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You had access to not mich of anything you’d be doing in endgame.

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Yeah? You got to use your paragon board? You got to do helltife events? You got to access the other 100 legendaries and uniques? Interesting.

Nightmare dungeons
Helltide events
3 more World Tiers
Unique items
Full skill points
Paragon boards
4 more Acts

Yeah, nothing else :roll_eyes:.

Wow… where do i start with this absolute nonsense.

  1. You can’t release a DEMO before Beta.
  2. Beta has been and is still in progress, you had access to the open public beta of a multimonth old biild.
  3. You have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about, even the difference from end game beta to public beta (which is only a couple of months apart in build terms) is absolutely massive and drastic.

You’re either a massive troll, or so inept at life that you have to come here spewing verifiable nonsense for attention.

Begone troll.

well there are gonna be the wisper of secrets… dunno how hyped i am about that tho since i havent heard much about it

the helltides does sound pretty cool…

but yeah we played the dungeons and they are gonna be the main endgame… and i got tierd of them doing the first weekend…

Dungeons is supposed to be a major part of the endgame… so we had acces to about 33% of the endgame content in the beta…

can you verify that what we saw in the beta wasent the most resent build of the game? if not then i suggest you rethink your post a bit…

Devs have said there are over 150 dungeons in the game; we had access to 22 in the beta. That is 14.6%, not 33%.

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And that’s just the beginning as well. They can always add more, plus new minizones or whole new zones (new aspects, more legendaries, etc…), and perhaps even megadungeons meant to be even harder and more involved if they steal from WoW (could require a group and have large bosses in it).

The only things I am worried about is class balance and overly complicated lucky hit system. Tho I’m sure it’ll smooth out over time. I love D3 and think its the best ARPG out right now, so I would say the more systems they lean into there the better.

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I’m sorry you don’t like the game but I think all the decisions you disagree with were intentional. Just not your cup of tea I guess.
I do agree with some of your analysis, but these matters are out of our hands.
I’m going to go ahead and play it as is and I’m sure I’ll enjoy it too.

25% but even then not the same.

well considering those where pretty much the same im not expecting the rest to be eny differend…

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There you are, was wondering when I’d see you!

Yeah, Blizzard chose to do a beta on a really old beta when they had a release candidate sitting out there with everything fixed and perfect ready to go. Suuuuuuuuure.


finally someone who could put 2 and 2 together… its amazing that ppl keep saying that is a old build… i mean the “beta” was just as much a PR stunt as a test so there would be NO reason whatsoever to not use the best build they have…

and ppl who think otherwise… well ignorance is a bliss i guess…


The D4 devs must have lived under a rock back then and seem to be mostly unaware of D3’s shortcomings. Whatever they must have heard or read, they have misunderstood and/or misinterpreted.

Your first paragraph is spot on.

While I really like the game, I respect what you otherwise said and where you are coming from. More people should have posts like this, instead of putting other people’s posts down.

You’re delusional.
Firstly it was 0.8.x, that’s not release candidate.
RC1 will be 1.0.x

Secondly, the version number was apparently the same as the press test last year, so yes, it’s an old build.

Thirdly, in what mindspace are you that you think that everything in that build was perfect and fixed?

If you can’t grasp these simple things then you’re a lost cause. They do NOT do beta testing on final products.

The current beta in testing is likely a 0.9.x. release and they’ll probably go live for early access on something like 1.0.05, and we’ll get 1.0.06 on 6/6.

This is how things actually work in the real world.