11 years later zero lessons were learned

There is not a single ounce of D2 in that game lol what are you talking about.


Not really, I got most characters to 25 and farm world boss non stop if I choose to, you are talking about the first few hours on Friday when everyone in the world is rushing in to play and you are trying to make it sounds like the entire beta test is like this, NOT TRUE, TROLL DETECTED.

yet another crazy person writing walls of text no one actually cares about. ffs MrLama is Never going to make a game, get over it.

its going to be a blast, buy the game get in discord have a drink and play. gl hf ss.

100% But the issue is newer gamers and white knights who are completely okay to be shovelled the same slop over and over, and just accept it but worse, try to rationalize why you should also like it, when its painfully obvious its got tons of glaring issues and the as you said, its got the worst from D3 and Immortal.


Stop doing this. The comma. Stop. It’s impossible to read your post for too long watching you misuse the comma over and over.

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I don’t care what others are saying… I completely agree. This game feel like it was made over a few months, not years. It feels empty. Story is not that engaging. And for some reason, the characters, and mob design look more like caricatures of what they should be (this probably only makes sense to me). Gameplay? Well feels like it’s missing something. Feels very much like an arcade game and not something I’d invest time into. in my opinion, the decision to go hybrid MMO was a mistake. Should have been single player with the option of multiplayer. Or go like poe style where you see other players in town with the option to play together. Gameplay did not feel responsive. And what the hell is with that super high memory usage? I noticed it too.
Anyway, a disappointed for me. Those who enjoyed D3 will probably still enjoy this. But D3 was also a let down for me. I expected more out of this one. Guess I’ll go back to poe for now.


This game is not d2 2.0

Cast rate is the most stupid thing ever invented, and d2 team was dumb for introducing that stat

It makes you cast spell faster, so functionally, there’s zero difference between cast speed and attack speed, except for the names

I had fun the past 2 weekends but i agree with OP on most things.

I’ve played d1 d2 d3 and immortal and a little poe, dungeon siege, torchlight.

I’m likely to play through the game a few times with a couple classes and be done.

Graphics looked good though i really dislike the size and glow of the necro skeletons. Loved that they autospawn at boss fights… so much time wasted in diablo 2 due to this.

Some abilities were pretty good others felt awful. The skill points dont seem to matter as much. Maybe i dont understand them, but i liked diablo 2s skill tree better. Having to scroll around isnt great either.

Class balance seems off. Should be fixable

Items felt like immortal. I dont know why but i just didn’t care. In other diablos i cared about loot more. Real let down. I doubt this is fixable

I felt like there needed to be more equip slots for skills. Like 2 more. Felt very limiting for the druid. Necro 1 slot is all summons but druid is 3 slots.

Not sold on mmo aspects.

Need an autoskip cut scenes/dialog. Not just escape to skip but full autoskip. And dialog sometimes cant be skipped…

Story was ok.
Cinematic quality was great.

Game crashed alot until i changed my swap file to be ssd only. I have 32gb of ram so I’m not entirely sure why that was necessary.

Combat was fun but repetitive so i know ill quit playing after a couple play throughs. the rogue does have combo points and you can freeze and smash and stuff, but i feel like there could be more. Compared to fps combat where youre actively able to dodge, target etc or other genre’s i still find this lacks the adrenalin and intensity.

Boss fights were pretty repetitive so far.

Mixed feelings on the timed overworld boss events. I kept missing it due to kids and life. So it’s kinda cool but i didn’t find it accessible.

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And in the end the question is why is Blizzard/Buzzard So reluctant and or afraid to bring back or include the Amazon?

D4 consistently used 11/64 GB for me. The weird thing though is even at low CPU utilization and ~60% utilization on my 3080ti after about half an hour of play the game would do 2 second freezes every 10 seconds or so until I restarted.

I really really hope that all you sobbing, moaning, so called Diablo fans really choose to not buy this game. That way we can have fun without you.

I am 40 years old and played D1, D2(/R) and D3 ALot over the years and the only constant in all that time is how toxic the Diablo community is, especially Diablo 2 fans, who can’t cope with anything that isn’t an exact copy of D2.

Diablo 2 Res clearly isn’t that much of a success as they aren’t doing anything with it. Or is the community is too busy arguing with itself. We want this thing, no we don’t want this thing. All this back and fourth achieves is a stagnation of progress and new ideas.

Well sorry guys the scores are in and this Beta is mostly a success and all the crying and moaning is not gonna change the general concensus. People like the game, the game is good (for the most part).

I’m excited, maybe not for day 1 launch, maybe not for the first season but for the potential this games has. If you don’t want to come along for the ride, OK no probs. You won’t be missed, because ALot of people seem to want to be part of the experience.

Anyway I’ve spent along time being a lurker on these forums and trying to ignore the mindless negativity but this topic was just the absolute pinnacle of everything that is wrong with us as fans. We don’t know anything about 80 percent of the rest of the game, the games still in Beta, we don’t know what the end games gonna be, and people are still treating the game like it’s a gaureteed miscarriage.

Cheer up kids, it might be good.

Where did you get to play the entire game? I only got to play Act 1 and on easy level? I played closed and both weekends. Not sure how you can judge a game by playing 10% and only for a few hours.

Unplayable, I had 3 at 25 the first Saturday and the other 2 the second Saturday. Game was totally playable. But you expected a demo nit a stress stest, which is exactly what this was. The hame had issues for roughly 5 hours the first friday and 8 the second. After that it was rather smooth.

Another gripe for me with Buzzards Cool down techniques/issues{Which is alive and well in D 4} is the Left Click/Right Click builds which started with the Uliana’s set from what I remember gave me tendentious in my right IE Dominant Hand

it matters the most …
you CANT expect different people to make something as good as previous people …

i mean … just look at the developers updates, they are openly lying and overtalking simple stuff … 30 minutes about 2 mouse clicks and how awesome that is … plus they are not social people.
There is difference between developer and TV person.
But this totally reminds me FALLOUT 76 … everyone was so hyped when they said “16 times the detail” and i was like … its even worse than fallout 4 and people wanted to eat me alive for being toxic and guess who had the last laugh :slight_smile:
You dont get many smart people today.

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You understood perfectly well what I said.

I know these guys are not Blizzard North.
I am also well aware, that they are not even the D3 dev team.

That is irrelevant. They could have done their research and they could have approached the game differently.

They should have had real testing phase… you know, a testing phase, during which the testers could have told them, that bringing back some of the worst parts of D3 into a newer game is a very bad idea.

Instead, the closed endgame beta was likely friends and family, white knights and shills…
That’s why all the nonsense slipped and we have it in what essentially is a demo version, 2 months away from release…

Shameful, absolutely disgusting and a deal breaker.

I also understood what you’re saying.


I wonder how they are supposed to learn, since everyone runs away from this company after a few years.

If people were like this, it would be paradise. Good dream but naive.

they had a real testing phase but they dont listen …
First of all, they are lying … closed beta was alpha … every picture and video they posted even says “PRE-alpha” … so basically not even alpha. Their every video had glitches and they never cared. They could just move 5 meters away to hide that glitch but they are openly showing these glitches … telling us this is what we are gonna get.

Now open beta was just demo … not beta.
Beta starts 6.6. with payments … its common tactic today, shouldnt be happening but unfortunately it is.

What bothers me most … ZERO difference between last year version and this month version. If they couldnt do a single thing within 6 months, what will they do within 2 months?

I just made joke about why D4 is bad, because the number of release date is 665 instead of 666, like full devil number. Its sad joke about reality.
They could take inspiration from D2R, D3, WoW … but they said NO, we need something new, something that doesnt work.
There are actually 2 things that extremely bothers me … light radius and live loading (invisible walls). Loading will be probably fixed no doubt, but the light radius i am not sure … they never addressed this issue ever. I absolutely hate it, i made like 30 topics about it last year … i am pretty sure i am not the only one that sees it.

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Yeah, I am too much of an idealist sometimes…

it was a beta.

it was a beta, you only got to level 25, you had access to almost nothing.

agreed. blizzard really messed up here.

its freaking GORGEOUS! its screams diablo! its screams dark and evil, its everything we as western players could have ever wanted.

you want 3000 glowing pink swords that fall from the sky, rip up the earth, send debry everywhere, pink ponies with fluffy angels wings emerging from the ripped up earth, and then the swords explode for you auto attack? go play a korean mmo. what we have in D4 is amazing.

the game play was buttery smooth, especially once you got more skills.

it was a beta with max lvl 25.

your twisted perception of beauty is not what drives this game, if you want super pretty girls with big bouncy mommy milkers i suggest you go back to a korean mmo.

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