11 years later zero lessons were learned

What it really seems like to me after being in the forums and playing the beta’s to the full extent of what we have available, my conclusion is simple.

A portion of the fans are diehard Diablo fans and want an authentic and true experience that takes the best parts of D1 through to D3 and combine them into the ideal game.

And other portion of fans never played the originals or have skewed memories of them and want a hybrid Diablo/Guild Wars 2/WoW style game that isn’t faithful to the predecessors and basically are more vocal and trollish saying your wrong and know nothing.

I agree with most points made by the OP. Right now, if I’m being serious - I would definitely delay launch a few months and rebalance some of the classes, have another open beta session after a significant upgrade in a few areas, because I can’t see them having time to change a few core issues in the time they have left.

100% accurate statements, I’ll gaureentee that by the end of Season 1, the playerbase will have dropped 80%+ and just have the typical holdouts. This happened each and every time, if Blizzard hadn’t have dropped the RMT auction house on D3…I could have seen the playerbase stick around longer as people were making money (I made a bunch too :stuck_out_tongue:) but soon as they abandoned that, the playerbase quickly left.


I have a wild idea…go play diablo 2

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Lol I feel sorry for you. You spent so much time hating D4 beta… Well… Then go make the perfect Diablo game that satisfies your personal needs lololol.
The rest of us really look forward not seeing you in Sanctuary.
Make sure you don’t install the Retail D4 when it’s out yea? Don’t torture yourself with this horrible made 4.5 game.

I’ll see you in game at launch.

Look at all these fanboys hailing d4 as a great game yet not acknowledging how much d4 is designed for console gamers with controllers, microtractions with cosmetics, a battle pass? serious a freaking battle pass to pay more money on top of a game you already paid? HECK you can’t even get a game buying pc collectors edition.

this is why these games are turning to cash grab because of fools pretending its something new while it’s designed to take more of your money and spend less on quality, fools.


Did we play the same game? Played 7 days of beta right now, 6 chars @25, region 100%, tested serveral “builds” (if you can talk about builds at this level and stage) and had alot of fun.

And thats what counts - having fun while playing.

The graphics and artstyle is superb, the sound and lighting is incredible and the story is awesome. Whe havent seen 2/3 of gameplay mechanics yet and you already give a final “score”.

But the good part is - you dont need to play it. Save your money :blush:
I will have fun playing it. And i play arpgs since 30 years.

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Don’t worry about others and what they do i can tell you 100% i already unsubbed wow and uninstalled and getting d4 refund, they want my business back since 2004? they need to get rid of the bs microtransaction cash grab shop, this is a diablo game not a mobile scam like immortal.


I feel sorry for myself, too. 11 years later I should have known better… but maybe some of the hype got to me, and I was hopeful for a sec… and Blizzard still managed to disappoint me.

I don’t own the IP, I am not a programmer, and making a proper Diablo game would not be a one-man-job.

Oh, I’ll still be in Sanctuary, you just wont see me :stuck_out_tongue:

Also, who’s “the rest of us”? Those of you, who literally used your first forum post on the D4 forums to reply to me, rather than make a thread and praise the game you claim is great and you can’t wait to play on launch?

I wont, not on launch anyways. I might give it a try if the game is on discount, some time after release…or wait till an expansion in order to avoid the torture of having to re-farm my gear.

I also might watch some streamers play it rather than indeed torturing myself. From what I can tell, this is one of those games designed for streamers, for their crowd to watch them play rather than play themselves… since it’s clearly about lucky random drops, rather than who truly farms and/or trades better, which is true Diablo.

Sadly, you wont be seeing me at launch… even if you’re waiting for me “up to four days earlier” :stuck_out_tongue:

Some people like to play video games, while intoxicated. I don’t. I also don’t have fun playing things, that annoy me and/or disappoint me.

Some people can have fun while talking to a friend, while playing a game and the game being the 2ndary activity. That’s wonderful, but it can be done via a cheaper and/or better game.

If you truly had fun while playing, not noticing how poorly this thing has been stitched together, then I am happy for you… but I also think your taste in games is poor :stuck_out_tongue:

There were plenty of people capable of predicting how some WoW expansions will turn out just by playing closed betas months before release.

There were several people, who rightfully anticipated how poor D3 is going to be on release, and they were exactly right.

I don’t know why you’re not considering even for a second, that I might have the wits and the experience to tell where this thing is headed, especially after playing similar games such as Diablo: Immortal and Lost Ark, as well as knowing Blizzard’s approach towards expansions like RoS.

You might like the art style, but the graphics are not superb… But dated graphics is nothing new to this franchise, literally all the Diablo games had dated graphics, so that’s fine I guess.
But you might also wanna check out the D4 console graphics, I’m sure you’ll love them, too :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s nice. I’m newer to Diablo compared to you, I’ve only played Diablo for 23 years, and have been gaming for 24-25 years.
In few years I might realize, that life’s too short and I shouldn’t be so picky about my entertainment… but today is not that day :stuck_out_tongue:


What’s your twitch so I can watch you stream it on launch day?

Couldn’t agree more with the OP. It seems almost schizophrenic how Blizzard claimed that D4’s design was influenced by D1 and D2, when in actuality it’s nothing more than a darker and gorier D3 reskin. Almost everything is recycled from D3’s gameplay loop, with the itemization, the auto-leveling, the cooldown-based skills, and the damage model being the worst offenders. The result is a tactically and mechanically shallow game that becomes boring af in just a couple of days.

I think it all comes down to the fact that the Blizzard North guys were actual gamers and nerds who made games they themselves wanted to play. That’s what made D1 and D2 so great and addictive. In comparison, the current Activision Blizzard is a soulless corporate entity that cares for one thing only: sheer profit. In this regard, it’s hardly surprising what we’ve been getting from them lately.


You see a small portion of the game and in a state that isn’t optimized and balanced CLEARLY as it is BETA, not a demo and you come up with all that.
You clearly have no idea of the game development process or at least that’s how it looks from your comment.

I hope not. It’s okay, best in class visuals, nothing else stands out. For skills and talent trees, Last Epoch is better. Can’t speak for story in any ARPG, never pay them any heed.

Im enjoying d4 sorry your not lol

I am astonished by how little innovation this iteration brings compared to D3, and to the hack & slash genre in general. This just feels like playing D3 in a bigger map - is this the best Blizzard can come up with after 11 years?

For example, D3 brought destructible environments and ragdoll physics to the table. D4 does the same to a lesser extent it seems. Pretty sure there are more objects that can be destroyed in D3 which you can’t do in D4 (wooden doors, cranes).

In terms of classes, they feel the same as before. Level structure in dungeon is over-simplistic aside from main quest which uses the elevation (climbing) mechanic. And bosses are being recycled.

Music is almost copy/paste of D2 in certain parts; it’s not a bad thing mind you, but clearly shows they are running out of ideas. And I won’t go into MMO mechanic which makes the game lag each time you enter/exit a new zone - that is atrocious and not sure it can be resolved in final build.

D4 is basically D3 made darker because that was one of the main complaints when D3 came out. Somehow I was expecting more after a decade of waiting…


Why are you expecting anything else? They have shown you w/o any crayons needed their game design plans.

This is NOT the old Blizzard. This is a whole different beast entirely. Not good or bad, just what it is. D3 was not a very good ARPG by traditional standards, however, it did serve a market. D4 is still serving the same market. And, honestly, that’s fine.

Stop thinking D4 is going to be something it never was going to be and you might just enjoy it for what it is. D4 will be a blast on the couch on a console.

As a in depth ARPG? No, but then again that’s not the intent. Clearly.

The story is good, Lilith is imho the best char they have fleshed out in decades in any of their games, and it’s mildly entertaining combat. Have fun with it. It’s like a Marvel movie…fun…but no God Father.


One guy mentioned something and it indeed is a bit nail in the coffin of this mess :

  • No stat allocation (if they said they will not be doing it , I forgot when they said it)
    Also I saw a guy praising Jay Wilson…
  • Jay Wilson knew nothing (nada,niente, zilch) about D2.
    -There is still a video of HIM prior D3 launch explaining how an item as the CORRUPTION RIFT SMALL CHARM (A hacked , custom-made item with item editor) will not be in D3 as to not break the game…
    -No one but very few called him out under that utube vid, or in the D3 forums
    -You can’t be this ignorant for a game franchise you are a director for - and on its back then latest installment

This will be interesting to watch from the sides. I am too going to wait for either

  • decent discount ($20-$30)
  • expansion + discount of base game at the same time
    And for whatever piqued my interest in the story - Dark Lore Dash will make awesome videos, better than a licensed audio book + game footage to accompany the story telling/reading so there is that.

Don’t say the J word! That’s like voldemort but like 30x worse!

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OP is largely right.

D4 feels like they built on the worst, most boring parts of D3, then added a completely out of control amount of cutscenes and unskippable dialogue.

This isn’t the hack n slash loot farming game I was hoping for. It doesn’t seem very Diablo’ish either. The story isn’t even engaging - if it was, all the forced waiting might have been worth it.

Unless major changes are made, I believe I will give this title a pass, possibly just go for a walk outside instead which should be just as entertaining. It’s a shame, cos I had been looking forward to it ever since D3 flopped so hard.

It’s not complicated. Plan a build, kill enemies, get loot, improve your character.

But the devs are apparently mostly video artists and editors…

Even the skill tree system is superficial and boring. More inspiration from Path og Exile would have been good - on many fronts in fact.

The price point is also ridiculous.


God you sound dumb. Go make your own game if you expect the devs to cater to exactly what you want and think they should do. All of your points would likely make the game completely terrible. Go play something else if you actually feel that way.

Of course it feels unfinished, BECAUSE IT IS UNFINISHED! It’s still in beta and not due out until June so this is a very stupid comment.

Not sure about the argument about damage beinf determined by weapon. Of course its going to be affecrmted by gear, thats the whole point of upgrading gear and progressing.

Skills dont feel lame to me, some have been pretty funand combined with others again is the whole point to maximize output. Sounds like you literally want to do max damage with no skill and no gear upgrades, etc. You sound lazy and in that case, any form of rpg is not for you.

As for other mentioning queues, this weekend was far better and the whole point was to stress test. I think the longest i had this weekend was 5 minutes. Too many companies use the term beta very loosely, but beta is a testing phase, not a completed and/or ully functional demo.