11+ Million Gold To Respec Paragon? Are you kidding?

If this is true, re-levelling for the sake of new build because your first character of the class is too deeply entrenched in high respec cost will get old super fast, epsecially in a game where there are a lot of loots to be explored. I no longer have time to level multiple characters of same class, at best, only 1 or 2 if the game’s levelling is super fun. Otherwise, D4 would lose interest for me real quick.


All you have to do is just drink spring water and pee. Wait 420 years or just get a laboratory to speed up the process. That is cheap. How often do you pee? A bottle full a day? 10% evaporate and 90% is yours. All the gold is mine and all the silver is mine declared the Lord. Silver kills Werewolf? Druid’s weakness! What is Silver? An ore! The Lore of Diablo.

I mean it’s not hard to figure out. Also, you should be mad regardless if that’s what they do or not.

is a positive Buy signal. Finally a game that dares to expect players to plan and think about their builds, and not just switch around willy-nilly.

Or that’s just your opinion.

So I should just be mad to be mad?

It’s called critical thinking. If you have seen my past posts on here I’ve rarely criticized anything about D4. But I also know that Blizzard is a scumbag company outside the D4 team and some of their idiot marketing fools would sit here and tell them to make respeccing cost too much so they can sell you the ability to respec.


Seems more likely the dev team managed to hire one competent developer, who argued his case for having limited respecs, and the team finally listened.

Similar to how the devs seem to understand now why D3 set items were bad.

It is refreshing. Hopefully it lasts, and that dev dont find another job.

If it cost to much to respec than there needs to be unlimited character slots for multiple classes and builds. The question should be which is better for server stability. Limited character slots with unlimited respecs? Or unlimited character slots with no repecs? My guess is limited slots with unlimited respecs will be better for server stability. Less data would have to be stored server side with this option.

I’ll take server stability over anything else.

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Yes it definitely raises the skill cap to have everyone end up copying the same meta builds instead of experimenting /s


Seems more like they hired morons who obsess over D2 and don’t realize they can never beat PoE in terms of a D2 successor.

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I’ve been arguing this with you for days and you have yet to point out a reason where free-respecs hinders players’ fun.

Meanwhile, myself and others have pointed out multiple scenarios where you trying to place costs/punishments on respec-ing hinders players’ fun.

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Good. Rather you should probably go ahead and refund now. That way ideas like yours won’t get heard and end up ruining the game.

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I think we’d prefer the person dumb enough to do/say this did that

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What is it you usually say, just have some self control and dont copy builds?

Nor did I mention anything about raising the skill cap.

D2 is irrelevant tbh.
Restricted respecs just makes sense to have in an A-RPG.

Restricted respecs add nothing and deter quite a number of things … impeding player enjoyment.

They don’t make sense in an aRPG.


Or you know, leave it alone for now and actually try it out at launch.

That is great and all but they’ve already stated that all loot drops were tuned up for the Beta. So drawing any conclusions of that is a moot point.

I’m confused about the respec costs; I feel like the players who want prohibitive respec costs (including myself) already refunded. Who do they think their audience is?

That is the question isn’t it? We’re acting like they are making this game for the hardcore, but they really ain’t.

Why do you feel like that? :smiley:

True. But having a respec cost definitely also isnt for the “hardcore”. It can be for everyone.