11+ Million Gold To Respec Paragon? Are you kidding?

Yes it is fun to play new characters to have multiple specs ready to go. Wouldn’t it be weird to have a Sorc named FrostQueen that has a lightning spec?

Don’t call your character Frostqueen, problem solved.


I played a dps only warrior that was called Swordnboard was very fun especially telling people nope I don’t tank. Sometimes having a misnomer is amusing.

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You do realize it could have been a placeholder number to make the program work at all?
I’d imagine it would crash with ‘nan’ (Not A Number).

But this is typical of the internet, and this forum in general; getting angry over something not even confirmed yet.

I bet that is what most people want.

Huh, that sounds exactly like what would make it feel good.
If you are not starved for a resource, what is the point of having that resource?

Then you just respec?
It is not supposed to be an issue at all.

If D3 is anything to go by, it might take seconds to lvl up a character :frowning:

Dude, I had almost 2M gold at 25 during the beta.

It’s not going to happen in D4 until years and years down the road.

So you think it will happen? That is pessimistic :smiley: I concur of course.

The problem isn’t so much the cost to respec per node, but more the number of nodes you need to respec just to change to a different glyph or legendary node since these nodes build out a path that cannot be severed.

But then, we don’t yet know if this is going to amount to an issue anyway depending on how fast gold can be farmed.

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That is positive imo. There should be a minimum respec cost way higher than the cost of a single node. Like maybe 25-50% the cost of a full respec.

If that happens, then Blizzard could add a QoL interface where you can change your build before committing to the change, so we dont have to change skill nodes/paragon nodes one by one, which sure seems obnoxious.

They should also not be made around the 20+hr a week player


Short answer. They’re obviously going to sell full respecs for like $5, maybe more. Get ready.


I did not know you can see the future.
Or is this just more ‘I want something to be mad about’ empty screaming?

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Try elvish names…most won’t notice it lol.

I had a death knight named blood in elvish since supposed to be blood spec. that was years ago. she went to frost then unholy. you’d have to be a tolkien geek to spot the misnomer lol.

There is a chance that what he said won’t turn out to be true, but unfortunately history has a way of repeating itself and it has done so with numerous game titles over the years. There is a pretty large pattern of companies. (Not just Blizzard.) Telling it’s player base one thing then doing the exact opposite or deciding later down the line that they’re going to do it anyway.


I already have my mouse over the refund button. If they go through with the respec cost and no armory to switch specs, then I’m clicking on it.

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Ok. No point in being mad until it happens. As proven by the post below yours:

They never sad anything about the cost. it could be random numbers to make the program work, for all we know. But wave that pitchfork and torch.

Not something they ever said we would have, so may as well refund now.
‘I want something they never mentioned or I refund!’ is such an entitled mindset. “Change the game for ME!” “Add things for ME! Or you won’t get MY money!”

I’m sure that they will look and go “Guys! We have to spend $400 worth of work or John will refund his $70!”
And before you ask how I arrived at that number:

  • Drawing the UI and graphics for an Armory, Unless you think the UI Fairy creates that. People need to be paid, art styles have to be gone over and approved and touched up before they even begin to add it to the game.
  • Actually drawing it in whatever program they use, which is man-hours spent.
  • Programming the buttons to work, and the game to actually save your specs. Which is MORE man hours spent.
  • Not to mention any bugfixing and reiterating the code to makeit work smoothly. Which is, yup; more manhours!
    It all adds up.

Bye Felicia.

You know how you make it work for both 3hr/week players and 20+hr/week players? You make it free.

You know how you make it work for both casuals and non-casuals? You make it free.

  • The casuals don’t often respec, but when they do they will welcome not having to spend the little resources they have.
  • The non-casuals will vary based on their personality but they’ll
    • use those free respecs to simply enjoy experimenting/tinkering with the system
    • enjoy having fun playing different ways now better enabled with the freedom … helping the game not go stale so quickly for them when they play so much per week or simply over the long haul (years).
    • the min-maxers leading the leaderboards will do what they always do … squeeze as much power out of it as they can

Gold’s very easy to come by, so I wouldn’t worry about respeccing costs too much right now

A modern game that comes out on 2023 with build customizations but doesn’t give you a loadout or armory to switch specs, this is going the wrong way.