"If you don't want WASD you are stupid"-Asmongold

If that’s what helps you sleep at night… Personally, I don’t imagine other dudes sucking on my balls. I have a wife for that and her lips are probably softer…

My guess is your wife probably looks like a dude. I’ve been on dating apps and 90% of the women look terrible. Not likely that you are one of the 10%. Maybe to stomach having sex with your wife you make her cake up some makeup but that just isn’t for me.

I’m sorry… did you just make the claim that you’re level-headed/intelligent after admitting to getting drunk and smashing your hand repeatedly? Also, you are a self-proclaimed master dominator/manipulator? It seems more believable if you simply misspelled another word that rhymes with master and baiter…

To fix the potential kiting issue they could nerf ranged a little and buff melee.

Game companies modernize newer games in a franchise. The reason companies have mostly moved away from the “point and click” model is because it feels archaic and clunky.

I am sorry but the argument “I don’t want WASD in a game because I don’t like it” is a weak argument especially when people stated it should come as an optional control/movement system.

We should ask people in the medical field about this matter. However, Doing the same action repeatedly for hours causes fatigue in that portion of the human body.

I generally agree, but not this part because it’s an isometric game… range is already nerfed to the point that it’s basically glorified melee. I don’t know how much shorter range you could still even refer to as ranged…

You may have made the mistake of giving any credit to that douchewagon kabooms like you would do for a normal person with a differeing viewpoint. You can’t compromise with stupid without some of it rubbing off on you. I don’t blame you for considering a compromise, just offering a warning.

No there was just a night that I felt like it was appropriate for me to mangle my hand for my massive viewership. It was actually based. They threatened to dox and call cops to my house, but others warned them of the outcome of that interaction. It would have made national news.

This part is something that seems like they are doing anyway, but for a different reason. At least in the earlier levels of the game, melee seems pretty obviously underwhelming in comparison to the ranged classes. This is likely less of an issue at endgame, but pretty much everyone has easily established the melee deficiencies early on.

It’s also unclear, but highly likely that a few of the classes who performed poorly in the beta weren’t fairly assessed due to the inability to access their class-specific abilities fully. Barbarian specialization would have been nice, but that doesn’t seem as relevant at low level considering that you need to reach rank 10 to fully maximize arsenal bonuses. The worst performer was Druid, but I didn’t get a clear picture of how the boons system works and what impact that would have on low levels either.

We might see a small buff to both classes at launch, but even if we don’t, it should be manageable, if not a bit underpowered until we reach the point it probably balances out. I was eventually able to solo all the content that I struggled with on those two classes. It took a little more optimization than I would have liked, but I think everyone agrees that it would suck if they didn’t address the imbalance, even if it were only noticed at low levels. Nobody wants their preferred class to suck at any stage of the game.

Which you didn’t do for money… just like… to help people somehow because you’re so level-headed and intelligent… snicker

Why would I do it for money. I entertain not exploit. I have enough money to live the rest of my life btw. I’m not one of the greedy people in the country that tries to drain wealth from others. I have enough to live out the rest of my life comfortably as a rat. A bed on the floor and a desk with a computer on it.

I suppose watching some moron maim themselves comically might be somewhat entertaining, but it would be like laughing at you, not laughing with you… but you’re so benevolently dominating/manipulating, it would almost be like they should be paying you for the inspiration…

Yes, this can lead to RSI. Which the ulnar nerve issue I have is a branch of. Arguably any repetitive action can lead to this, so long term gaming of any kind, computer use etc.

Because I use a computer for work, then for leisure at home I have to be quite careful about aggrevating my left arm from repetitive mouse use.

Wait till he/her hears about the advantage ultrawide gives!

I have played Tekken and League for a good rank for many years, don’t act like a Billy Big Spud when you’re not using enough of your brain to realize the possible potential for Blizzard with Diablo 4.

PvP replay value is the highest grossing mechanic in online gaming today and for the past many years and its very important that for any game away from the FPS genre (mechanics are too simple) sticks to a universal control scheme for the general playerbase.
In the case of Diablo 4, that have no plans to public beta test any decent PvP or PvP game mode its not looking promising so far for their potential but they may have future plans with the game that would be innovative enough to bring a competitive desire amongst players, more so seperate from the main game most likely.

If they introduce and fully support every “accessibility” feature, they’re essentially kicking themselves in the butt when they don’t have too, even for PvE.
If devs design very difficult PvE combat, on what is a CROSSPLAY ONLINE GAME for say controller and it is indeed very hard but for WASD+Mouse the hardest of content actually ends up being too easily completed by 33% or more of players on PC then not only is that going to cause unnecessary feedback or salt but it essentially creates 2 very seperate playerbases away from casual and “try hard”, WASD vs casual controls.
Then what else is going to happen, well ofc WASD users are going to ask for harder content but cannot provide it because its out of reach from controller and mouse movement schemes!

Enough with the feelings, I’m simply trying my best to explain how Diablo 4 can reach much higher potential properly and carefully utilizing its online experience.

I like the fact you always know what he thinks - life would be boring if we all agreed with each other all the time!

Controller has always been the most comfortable entertainment experience for a lot of people. You can even play very competitive games at exactly the same level as other control schemes on the likes of Rocket League and any fighting game such as Tekken/Street Fighter.

In regards to WASD control scheme, it is a fairly overwhelming experience for most people who are inept with a keyboard (ie for many people still they have to look at their keyboard pressing).
You have WASD, and at least 6 other keys around that, that are of important mechanics and depending on peoples keyboards they might not be the most ideal IE every keyboard is different and most of the population uses cheap keyboards that don’t feel great, especially for gaming, so generally user enjoyment from keyboard controls input is not fantastic across the board.

It has been proven that most of the young world very much likes and enjoys operating a controller or a mouse and League of Legends has proven that in regards to keyboard use, most are very capable of leaving their fingers primed on QWER for skill uses, with a stretch for 2 summoner spells ( D and F), so 6 keys used in total, no more complexity than that!

People need to understand a Keyboard is not such a worldwide accessible “instrument” as you may think for most people around the world for something as fast paced as gaming. People who enjoy fighting games are usually overwhelmed by a Fighting Stick but a Fighting stick offers no advantage over a controller but look at how big this thread is to show you that there is clearly a problem in the case for an ARPG going online crossplay.

There is a lot of assumption in there, about controller or mouse based movement being preferable, but the fact so many wants wasd flies in the face of that.

I’ve played both wasd and click to move games, playing a game that has a certain system of control is not evidence that this is favoured. I’ll play d4 even without my preferred system of movement, although it might limit the amount I can play.

You didn’t really present an argument against wasd as an option. With the argument you laid out people would just use the control system that felt better for them when multiple are available.

Which is ideal for me, because if one control system gets too painful I could shift to another.

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Hei dudes,
In my opinion, just the option to force movement helps a lot. I use W to force movement, for example, and control the character with the mouse interspersed with W.
WASD would be too bad to use the whole set of skills, wouldn’t it?

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What assumptions have I made?? You really believe most people around the world have appropriate keyboard skills for gaming and that mouse/controller comfort is an over exgeration?? There would be tons of evidence to support my claims, they are not far reaching in the slightest.

I have too, non stop kicking butt on mmorpg’s like Black Desert and Archeage for more than 8 hours a day of gameplay most of the time. As I said in a previous post, I do not recommend WASD for prolonged play as it will hurt your joints (and don’t feel the need to crack them!).

If you feel in my last, large 2 posts that I didn’t present a strong arguement, you’re either being extremely rude or you’re currently suffering from severe head fog.

I see no outcry on Diablo 4 reddit for WASD, no outcry for WASD in the 8+ years I was deeply hanging around the League of Legends community. This 1 forum on the internet has this 1 big thread alone in regards to a control scheme, no others exist where its a case of “I found Diablo 4 confusing because it lacked input options such as WASD”, that has not been a major complaint of Diablo 4 for the huge majority of people or ANY POPULAR STREAMER who makes money off of taking a stance or creating drama (only Asmongold has mentioned it briefly in one of his long talks but not as part of any of his review of the game).

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To throw in my input, yeah I’d really appreciate more control schemes to not have to click and use the mouse as much. It starts hurting my wrist after a while. Either that, or I prefer playing clicky games like this with a controller if I can because of it.


It was probably the biggest thread on the D4 reddit for the beta.