11+ Million Gold To Respec Paragon? Are you kidding?

It could be like Diablo 2 where you have to farm materials to craft a potion to reset your skills and paragon boards. In Diablo 2 the potion reset stats and skills.


  1. It takes a million years to level up
  2. There are only 10 character slots, total.

The ā€œroll a new character to use a new buildā€ argument is just clearly wrong.

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I guess I have the unpopular opinion, but I think respects should just be 1 click, and freeā€¦ If you can honestly give me a reason why it shouldnā€™t be this way I will listen.


Agreed. For the vast majority of players, this game is essentially single-player. Respec costs are a punitive legacy from a 20-year-old game that honestly has no place any more.

If they want people to feel connected to their character, to try things out, to play, to experiment, then remove the costs, and improve the interface.

If they want people to get bored, to be afraid to try new skills, to just get all their builds from third-parties, then they should leave it as it is.

I cannot fathom why the designers thought #2 was the better choice hereā€¦


What sorta blows my mind is how Blizz even thinks these daysā€¦

Community: We want easy respecs with 1 click ( maybe free or vastly reduced cost )

Blizzard: We hear you, so we added in this convoluted scroll system that you will get a limited number of at random to respec in 1 clickā€¦

Community: That isnā€™t what we asked for, we just want a simple hot fix to make Respecs less painful.

Blizzard: OK So we will do that, but not for a month tell we add in a new season with even more mechanicsā€¦

Community: Fix your game please.

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What double-blows my mind is that they have these features in all of their other games.

WoW has beautiful skill trees with meaningful choice. It has a ā€œeditā€ mode, where you make changes before you commit them. It lets you save builds. It lets you drag skills directly from the tree into your action bar (notably D4 doesnā€™t let you do this, it has a separate interface for that).

D3 saves builds, lets you swap between them, and takes a fraction of the number of clicks to build a new one.

As a game developer not using previous functionality, especially when it is QoL functionally, in your new game is essentially unacceptable.

How many people have grown up hearing over and over
ā€œlearn from your accomplishments and mistakesā€ā€¦

How is it that a man who gets a 6 figure income to head up Diablo 4ā€¦ doesnā€™t think it is a good idea to implement previous features that clearly were good ideasā€¦
Like what level of pretentious do you need to be in order to ignore all previous paths laid before you that have a literal GOOD IDEA sign on themā€¦

If this was a small indie dev team I could accept that they may now have the time to add all the systems we would wantā€¦ But this is Blizzā€¦ and we donā€™t have a LFG Finder in a 2023 ā€œMMOā€

11 million gold can literally be farmed in a couple of hours.

Farming for a couple of hours to respec is extremely unfun, and more of a job than a fun game.

Sounds like Team Fortress or Overwatch would be more up your alley.

Or D3, a the previous game in the exact same series made by the exact same company.

Just rest assured: respec costs, farming for gold for respecs, these are not popular features. D2 was popular in spite of these, because it was great in other ways, and it was boundary setting, not because you couldnā€™t respec. I played D2 when I was in high school and had no life. Now, itā€™s been 20 years, and farming for hours just to respec hasnā€™t been fun in over a decade.

Exactly. It comes to the point it is frustrating to find legendaries for different builds because the cost of trying them out is ridiculous at a high lvl, and then you have to switch back again if you end up not liking the new build. Itā€™s a hard pass for me, thank you very much.

It saddens me though that we canā€™t try out stuff because one needs to spend X amount of time farming Y amount of gold to respec and try a new unique aspect that hopefully will be good enough or work at all. By far one of the worst things in d4 imo.

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i spam lvl 36-45 NM dungeons on my lvl 93 and usually walk out with 11 items which is around 140, 000 gold a run at most. even regular dungeons donā€™t give that much: itā€™s super rare to get a full inventory in my experienceā€¦

so all these people saying they get 5 or more mill an hour are just making crap up.


Got 13 millions atm and not even trying

You can get 11+ mil gold within 1-2 hours of nonstop farming & selling.

Pfft 11 million. Im not wearing a single piece of gear that costs under 11 million for the next reroll. 11 million is pocket change comparatively.

More times you do it more it is. After time gold is not an issue

  1. No it doesnā€™t, it takes a few hours to get to the top of the skill tree, maybe 20 to reach paragon. But you are playing the build you want to play the whole time, so itā€™s fun the whole time, instead of farming for gold and items on a different build and not being able to play the one you want to try out.

  2. Have you used them all? Or do you still only have 1 slot used?

The just start a new character defense is such nonsense. Maybe if paragon was still shared like D3, but even than it would be a tone def stance. Defenders of it being people with no time commitments or Devs that keep making knee jerk decisions.

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this - the gold sinks are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to punishingā€¦
they need to increase gold drops by 10x or lower re-roll and respec costs by 90%