11+ Million Gold To Respec Paragon? Are you kidding?

Yes I really loved spending a week in Korthia to get my conduit upgrades and them nerfing the hell out of it a few days after I got them all. :upside_down_face:

One of the few good things was that there was no infinite grinds for power as there were in Legion and BFA… But man did I want to play BFA instead of SL everytime when going into the Maw.

I didn’t play the last patch though, but for me raiding was the only thing carrying it. And even then balancing was all over.

Can’t say much about Dragonflight atm, as haven’t touched it since 10.0… But so far it has been way better than SL start for me at least. I had loads of content to do and wasn’t forced to do any of it for character power. But we’ve seen only one raid so far… So we’ll see how it goes next patch. But what I’ve seen it’s far better than SL for me at least.

Having a respec cost might somehow make sense in a game that doesn’t have a new season every 3 months. So maybe if you only ever play a character on the eternal realm. But all these arguments of how you will have all the gear at the end of the game and how you don’t need money for anything else anyway at the end of the game and how you are supposed to feel invested in your one and only character all fail when the fact is most people will probably never get to that end game level 100 because they will complete the season and then go play other things until a new season starts.

To be fair everyone should have a good understanding regarding builds by the time the first season releases. It will be at minimum 3 months before Season 1 releases. I am fine with there being a normal respec cost. However, If they make any major character rebalancing changes people should get one free respec to use as compensation. If it is a minor rebalance change then there shouldn’t be compensation.

Where did they say this? Last I saw they said the first season would start several weeks after launch.

I also got the picture it’d be soon’ish. Maybe July even. As they probably want to start a season in the low point of a WoW patch cycle.

Builds that worked before the season, sure. But assuming they bring new stuff every season, I’d think it’s going to be an evolving meta type of deal. Builds changings wildly between seasons. Or that is at least my hope.

Some sources point to late August/early September for Season 1 start date. This could be wrong. However, Season 1 won’t happen at launch. There will be time for people to figure out builds to a decent point.

I agree with this. People that say you should know your build by level 50, don’t understand the idea of Uniques in the game. Lets say you have an end build planned that requires a specific unique (not a leveling build). You’re lvl 50. You still don’t have the unique. Because you require the unique for that specific build, you choose a different end game build that does not require that unique or doesn’t require uniques at all. You’re level 85, you find the unique. You want to respecc your skills and paragon board, you’re f’d.

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Omg I wish I read more forum before I played. I got to lvl 80 with my sorcerer with same build thru out whole game, and realized I have terrible build. I also picked up a lot of equipments for different build I planned to try later on. I thought “ok lets just get to max level” before I try any builds. Not until not I realized how expensive it is to respec everything. I only saved up to 30mil after at least 100 hours of gaming. Take it I didn’t farm gold on purpose to get this 30mil. I still try to sell all gears I picked up along the way. This is ridiculous. All those gears I saved up in stash that I wanted to try later on are wasting space now. It is SUCH a big hassle just to change build for fun. I want to try so many things, but it all too costly. The Stash also doesn’t have enough room at all if I want to play multiple characters AND different builds for all these characters. I’m not able to grind the same boring dungeon for days just to try new build. fk that

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I love how this brain-dead community simultaneously condems the use of guides and experimentation.

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I guess with the mentality of a D2 player where respecing was VERY limited and often you were forced to create a “Lightning Sorc” “Frost orb Sorc” etc… to have multiple builds.

With this, it’s honestly just an artificial barrier created to have you decide, do I want to respec? Do I need to respec? Do I even have the gold to respec? Should I make a new character?

Many would say, at the start of the season you should have 1 class that you’ve decided on playing as to 100 and already know the build/paragon build that you are going to follow. Plus, or minus some bad lewt, you would already know what your focus would be.

The only difference in this Diablo iteration is the climb to 100 solo is abysmal. It could just be my perception, where it’s just not fun to me to continue to climb the paragon ladder… but I’d certainly spend the gold rather than recreating a new character in this game during a new season.

Respec costs are the least of this game’s issues.


I mean god forbid I want to respec into a new build to try then if it does not go well Id have to drop another 11+M going back to my old build.


unfortunately I have to silently agree on this…

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Ah, found the issue, you wanna try and experiment various builds with different legendaries for fun? We can’t have that can we now? Where’s the MEANINGFUL CHOICE? /s

Gold is nothing. Y’all gonna find out the forgotten souls is gonna be the wall to changing builds

I’m currently out of both so yeah… lmao

At what point do the costs blow up? At 77 I see costs around 7k per point which is doable for now at least (~1M for ~100 nodes).

People want to try different builds instead of having to spend 100 hours to get to the level 100 with a different build.


As usual the responses here are insane.

“3 hour a week dude should play another game”
“Who cares, it didnt affect me”
“no game should have the 3 hour a week dude in mind”
“I say you shouldn’t switch specs when you want so NO”
and last but not least, the most idiotic and unfathomably stupid
“It ShOuLd CoSt MoRe!”

The forums and its players are the stupidest group I’ve ever seen. Well done all. That takes work.

In a way, it should both cost more, and less.

As in, give people a free respec every few weeks. That way you can try new stuff without paying any gold. Also, give a free respec each time the game balance is changed; patches etc.
On the other hand, respecs outside of those times should be way more restricted. Gold is a terrible respec cost, but since it is what the game currently offers; yes, that cost should be increased, especially for the smaller respecs where you just change parts of a build. Albeit, it would be a better design if the cost was something different than gold, such as power, magic find etc.