11+ Million Gold To Respec Paragon? Are you kidding?

So wait copying from maxroll is more intelligent than players who actually experiment and find ways to make their own builds work? I think you are the one in favor of dumbing down the game here friend.


If you want to be a masochist with two cinder blocks, have at it, but for the rest of us, having well considered systems that coherently work together leads a much more enjoyable experience. Being starved for an apparently easy to get resource, never feels good.


Believe it or not people playing 15 hours a day are not the prime market for games you actually need a casual playerbase to be profitable. The most profitable players are those who pay for subs but arenā€™t constantly on the servers. There is a reason D3 has actually been successful despite an incredibly rocky start.


What is Maxroll? I will be reading my talents and paragon boards and preparing accordingly. If I make a mistake or want to greatly change my build I will farm the required resources to make that happen.


The game will sell 10s of millions of copies if it is casual or not. They may all quit, but they will come right back when the expansion drops. Let them all quit after a month because their cries to dumb the game down arenā€™t heard. Just donā€™t ruin the game.


Okay and what if you get some super fun legendaries that make you want to create a new build that is based around them? For example I made a full ice freeze build monk based around the freezing sword early in the d3 revamp did it work great hell no but it was fun to play around with for a few hours on a weekend. If I canā€™t screw around with making fun builds whatā€™s the point of having any powers that exist besides meta ones it will just make players pissed to get those drops.


There is this thing called a refund and people can and do use it also the thing thatā€™s going to pay for new content is the battle pass which is not going to have many subs if you are actively discouraging lower playtime players.

Again allowing respecs doesnā€™t ā€œruin the gameā€ you can literally never respec the only thing stopping you from doing that is your own lack of self control.


A big whale will outstrip casual subscribers by the hundreds, if not thousands. I think Blizzard will be selling MTX for D4? If its any good, some whales will buy tons of it. Iā€™ve heard enough people casually talking about MTX on discord, to know that. Beyond my pay-grade.

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icy veins and wowhead (if they do thisā€¦didnā€™t check) are smiling too.

all them hits to hit the cookie cutter good enough all in one build. which people would use. their site hits are gonna be massive Iā€™d wager.

I do for wow classic. Since I am cheap, and cba to farm several thousands of gold for dual spec for alts Iā€¦run the generic ā€œgood enoughā€ trees.

My meters wonā€™t be the best ever. But I am also not spending gold either. I am more a make enough to gem my gear and be done player there. When I desire to spam pve for moneyā€¦I got eve.

It actually gets me something. like free subs lol. Or I buy fun new toy ships jsut becauseā€¦why the hell not.

Pssssst dirty secret for you. The big whales are the people who play maybe 3 hours a week but still want to have everything. A lot of the people who play gacha style/genshin 10 plus hours a day donā€™t really spend on it. The whales are the ones who want that max constellation waifu and will drop 5k on it because they have to it burn and then only play like 5 hours that week.


i dont watch streams or youtube. swing and a miss putz. i will have less hours in this game than you, and im not still not crying about respecs LOL

Yep, and if gold scarcity is pretty severe, everyone will only play meta builds, and those who donā€™t will quit. Not good for anyone :frowning:


You have 525 posts on these forums you will not have less hours in this game than me you are insanely invested in this game. Over half my posts are on a single thread I made and you probably have as many posts on that thread.


I would probably roll another character to use that gear because why would I respec the character that I built to have fun with already?

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not everyone works at mcdonalds kid, LOL

Wait I thought you would have less hours than me how can you just nuke another character up if you are going to play so little?

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The argument against respeccing is always stupid when you consider that people can just level the same class several times and have access to different builds that way. The question you should be asking, is it fun for someone to level the same class several times just to play different builds? I think most people will say no. This is just an artificial way to prolong the game.


leveling looks like it will take like 10 hours max. LOL. get ready to use them character slots kiddo, no respecs for you LOL

The Battlepass requires you to play the game probably for quite a bit of time. Are the casuals really going to pay $10 and then not get upset when they donā€™t play enough to gain the rewards? They probably wonā€™t buy the Battlepass.

Its not about who plays :frowning:

The core of what Iā€™m trying to say is that if MTX is popular, the whales will be funding the game, not ordinary people.

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