11+ Million Gold To Respec Paragon? Are you kidding?

I am considering that person. That person is me.


ā€œPeopleā€ means more than one person.


Just because we have jobs, it doesnt mean we want to cheat in gamesā€¦
The respec cost definitely should not be influenced by cheaters.
Instead, ban the cheaters. And make gold untradeable, regardless.


Well not all ā€œpeople with jobsā€ are just going to cheat as you seem to think.

Like I said, if gold is acquired at the same rate as D3, even the most casual player will have billions of gold.

Iā€™m as casual as them come and my season 28 gold in D3 us 4.5 billion.

This is a non issue.

what does it matter? youre just going to CTRL C CTRL V off maxroll anyways, you aint respeccin LOL


Agreed, make gold untradeable. And ban the cheaters.

I would never suggest that -all people who have jobs are necessarily cheaters-

That would be ridiculous and obviously illogical given that at least one person who has a job is not a cheater. So that was obviously not what I was saying or where I was taking the point.

I farm 1 mil gold on lv 25 dungeon ezpzā€¦
That 11mill at the end game is not that expensive.


Again, not what I said. Reading comprehension is needed when responding to other people.

I am saying people who can afford to buy gold, and have limited time, will encourage the RMT gold sellers to set up shop where gold costs are enough and time required to gain those amounts sufficiently prohibitive for the sellers to anticipate making real money profit.


hopefully, blizzard will sell gold in the cash shop so we can afford to respec all we want!

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I love it. Respeccing should be costly.


How about with a KFC Double Down purchase you get a respec voucher.


Only if you are required to eat it before getting the voucher, that would be its own Hardcore mode increasing respec cost :smiley:

Perfectly stated.

Itā€™s going to be a huge problem, as entire systems in this game are not in sync/balance with one another, thereā€™s no cohesion, no logic (other than selling gold or stash tabs to players), etc. Oof


Youā€™re looking at an image that was probably taken mid last year. Maybe wait for game release before you rage about costs.

Pretty sure I had way more than 54k by the time I hit level 23. The rate that gold rolls in in the later levels is probably going to go up exponentially.


Pretty sure I had way more than 54k by the time I hit level 23. The rate that gold rolls in in the later levels is probably going to go up exponentially.

Over the first weekend, I bought 3 stash tabs for 100k, 200k, and 300k each, and was always running out of gold trying to re-roll rare gear before putting aspects on them. As for the info theyā€™ve shown for nightmare, inferno and hell, I donā€™t recall seeing substantive global modifiers to gold income that would keep pace with possible 11+ mil paragon respec costs.

As soon as one starts re-rolling yellow gear to get good, but not optimized, stats on it, all the gold goes poof. I think 2H weapons cost about 93k gold to re-roll a stat for the 4th time? I might be a little off, but re-roll costs skyrocket very quickly. Respeccā€™ing skills and paragons might be trivial compared to re-rolling gear.

Gold is going to be a problem, and many will be tempted to bot, or RMT, to get more.


I have no interest in path of building honestly getting very close to refunding at this point this is idiotic.


Because some of us obviously not you actually would like to experiment and create our own builds rather than just copying the streamer you watch 20 hours a day.


Save the playerbase that will actually continue playing the game for a long period from your requests to dumb down the game. We are better off without you.


I think this discussion is still unnecessary because we donā€™t know how much gold it will be possible to farm at level 50 or at endgame.

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