You will ruin this game with Personal Loot

Cool - I have no problem giving items to other classes, and I actually like doing it because it builds some trust - which is really its own reward - and makes them more likely to give me stuff they find. But the run-up thing at the final moments is usually unavoidable in a random group - but just because I run up doesnt mean I need to stop attacking entirely. Anyway, looting is assuredly a a more relaxed kind of fun with people you dont need to reflex anxiously around. But I despise personal loot - talk about unrealism =P

I feel connected to the one environment with D2-style loot, and the items feel so separate and way too “gamey” with personal loot. Imo. It breaks a lot of the immersion for me. But this isnt a discussion about s- or p-loot merits.

Ironic example because FFA loot actually defines Lord of the rings

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That’s hilarious, Olbat

Please tell me what ‘Time spent on forums’ means compared to TWO DECADES of playing Diablo 2…

We’re on the D2R forum, tons of us have played since release, it’s not a claim to fame.

Bro thats literally classic WoW and Diablo 3 loot system. If I’m on a barbarian and the best paladin shield drops…I’m gonna try to steal it…If I get it first its mine, then I can TRADE it for the best barbarian items, or runes, or whatever…because I beat other players to grab it. Gtfo of here with that man. Same thing if I am playing solo as a barb and an assassin claw drops…That is now a viable item for me to TRADE with other players. This is what drives players to interact with each other through trading and making friends. Why do you think trading isnt a thing on Diablo 3? Because they introduced that sorry Loot 2.0 system where if you are playing a wizard you get WIZARD ONLY items. It’s catering to babies who don’t want to put in effort against the odds.

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Smart loot only counts up to 85 percent in D3 but I agree I don’t like smart loot.

Uch yeah, a great example of something looking fair on paper but lacking soul. Or maybe I should say blood.

I wouldn’t say, that picking items from the ground is like the main aspect of the gameplay, that needs preservation.

You have a really pathetic idea as to what competition in video games is.
Also, it’s really pathetic to “compete” with your teammates rather than cooperate.
Diablo is not a competitive game, it never was.

The only thing, that can be seen as some sort of competition are people making PK characters and amassing wealth trough trading.
Mind you, I am not even willing to say, that the so called ladder is a real competition, as lvl 99 is irrelevant, much less who has more free time on his hands to get to 99 first.

That’s nonsense, because it assumes, that the suggested, hypothetical personal loot will be implemented in a manner, that would be “multiple chances of highly desired gear for multiple people at once”.

Trading is certainly a major aspect of D2, arguably the best, as the basic gameplay is rather simplistic compared to that of other games. We can absolutely agree on that.
PvP however is not on the level, as the balance of the game is far from perfect and the stats are not exactly designed around PvP.

That’s not to say, that I am somehow opposed to people dueling or PKing each other… but I’m saying it’s not as skillful as some people like to pretend it is.

That seems like a rather stupid statement. Gearing character for PvP can be easy depending on the character and the build you’re going for. Some builds require more expensive items than others. That has literally nothing to do with whether personal loot will be implemented or not.

Again, it depends on how it’s implemented.

I certainly don’t see why the loot from the public Baal runs should always go to the freaking pickit user, but you are free to see it as him “winning the competition” and him “preserving the economy”, or whatever other nonsense you can come up with.

Agreed in general, but not on the specifics. The personal loot (that was back in Vanilla D3) and the smart loot implemented in RoS are not even remotely close to the top reasons as to why most of D2’s players hate D3.
There are much more important aspects and game systems, that make D3 crappy compared to D2 (for example stats, itemization, skill system, different implementations and/or restrictions of trading)…


This is not true. In a personal loot game, if one player clears a map while the other is town, the town player gets no loot from monster drops. In a FFA game in D2, the “town” player can go to the cleared amp and could scavenge all uncollected items.

I was referring to playing players, as pLoot games generally will track you participation in any kill and only reward players who ‘tagged’ the target/participated in the kill. In GW2’s example it will even track how much you contributed and have varying scales of reward depending on how much you contributed. It was also why when running with a mob I would switch to an AoE attack just so I could tag something.

The point on the pLoot side I was trying to make is no one else see’s or has access to loot dropped for you. You will get your drops irrelevant to other peoples drops and that will be across the board.

On the other side is the allocated drops will allocate the total (current level) between the players. People are more asking for allocated drops rather than pLoot. Aside from being attached to a ploot name because ploot just sounds fun, I think people here want more like a GW1 system not a GW2 system. D3 seems to be more like GW2 but thrown in the trash and kraped a bit more.

dude, you litterly are ONE person, cool that you played for 20 years, time for a change?

i still play diablo 2 and has for a wery long time, and i with many many more would love more changes, like charm inv and personal loot.

You dont tilt any scale either.

uh just like right now in d2 2000 where the vast majority of players just sit back and let the paladin kill it all? this won’t change no matter the looting system.

i have played d2 for 20 years too and i wouldn’t mind PL as an option. right now FFA discourages people to play together beyond exp runs…this is a co-op game right? FFA loot is lame.

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unless they balance the game a bit

whats that sound?


It’s getting closer


uh oh


even as you repeat everything I say as a personal attack it only proves my point about the toxicity you bring to this community.

Only your side has done what I talked about on a large and noticeable scale.

In previous posts you would ignore everything I had to say and dodged questions I would ask. You ignore facts, you ignore concerns legitimate players have

There is no productivity with you.

Actually I was driven to make that post after reading what people were saying to the original poster and flagging his content as inappropriate to try and shut him up for giving his opinion.

I have actually seen people arguing for changes also posting to flag people disagreeing with them.

Excuse me for telling the original poster what he was in for

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I dont know why this post is flagged. It seems D3 players do not like others to give a different opinion and they try to censore it.

I agree with the OP.


Diablo 3 players should cry less and be more happy.

My 2 cents: personal loot has merits I agree. But in my opinion D2 lives on for 1 reason only: competition to get best item.

People keep on running because they missed out on the drop.

And the exploiters: i don’t see personal loot as the solution to block them. It is the game’s architecture which needs to take care, not a change in the game play. Changes to the game play will just means for exploiters to change their Strategy. Personal loot will not help here.

People claiming for pickit as an issue in pub games actually dont play the game. If you are in a party of 8 and you notice there is someone using pickit, the other 7 players just unparty him and make a new party of 7 and the problem is solved, he will just leave the game and in the next run he wont be there.