You will ruin this game with Personal Loot

uh just like right now in d2 2000 where the vast majority of players just sit back and let the paladin kill it all? this won’t change no matter the looting system.

If this is how you or others play, then its perfectly fair to assume you will not get first crack at loot for being useless or lazy. But no, instead that paladin should stoop down to that level and share, unwillingly, the fruit of his labor instead of encouraging other players to bring themselves up to his level, and join in. That is the teamwork that has made D2 successful.

i have played d2 for 20 years too and i wouldn’t mind PL as an option. right now FFA discourages people to play together beyond exp runs…this is a co-op game right? FFA loot is lame.

This is where you are mistaken, FFA loot encourages far more teamplay because everyone who gets in there to kill stuff, gets a fair crack at what drops. Literally that is Co-Op.
Standing in the perimeter while the Paly kills stuff as you put it, with Personal Loot, why would that encourage any team play or co-op when they can stay in their safezone, wait for it to be safe, and walk out willy nilly and potentially collect some elite loot that they had no business collecting because they did not help?
This is not going to encourage any team play, that Paly is going to give you leeching self entitled welfare cases the middle finger and go hostile on you so that you get zilch, or play private games.

I have played for 20 years as well, clearly I had a much better co-op experience running Cows, Cbaal, ect with friends or get in on a regular run, and we all played together to kill hoards and understood, first click, first choice. The cooperation was far greater because of that comradery, if a sorc dropped a nice pal item, they were 1000x more willing to share that vs keeping it.

If you cant look at those reasons, and more to understand how FFA loot actually encourages co-op play vs Ploot, then you are hopeless.

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Ah resorting to personal attacks just because i don’t agree with you. so mature.


Is that all you can do? Pick out the parts of my post that trigger you instead of answering the whole thing and give your points if you have any to retort?
Top one wasnt aimed directly at you, it was a general statement, but if thats how you play, then I guess thats accurate? Atleast quote the entire thing, not a small snip without full context. It clearly said “Cases” meaning anyone who follows the A level player around for scraps.

Calling you hopeless if you cant seem to grasp facts, then thats also accurate and not a personal attack.

Got anything else to say?

with ffa loot, people just run around and wait for drops not doing nothing. with pl loot, people will be more inclined to participate which will mean faster clears, thus more loot for all.

w/e. this is something that could be tested in betas to see what effect it would have. if they added it as simply an option when hosting a game, everyone could choose which looting style they prefer. it’s as simple as that.

now insult me more, baby.


with ffa loot, people just run around and wait for drops not doing nothing. with pl loot, people will be more inclined to participate which will mean faster clears, thus more loot for all.

How…Do…you…actually…beleive…this? Its backwards… Now I really dont beleive that you have played D2 for 20 years, because if thats how you played, you would get zero loot unless the A players decided to leave it. If you do nothing in FFA loot, you wont get loot, its simple as that.

Perhaps you need to explain better why you actually beleive that with Ploot, players will be more inclined to help when they know that no matter what they do, they get a drop that ONLY THEY CAN PICK UP…
I will be 100% honest, if they go Ploot, and my magic find impacts what drops even if I do not kill anything, I will load up a barb with all magic find gear, dual 6ist swords, stay on the perimeter, then use find item on the corpses that someone else kills, since I know they have no shot at getting the items that drop for me, why would I help?
Does that sound like an encouragement for me to play?

With FFA loot, I have to go help to get the best chance to pick something up. Sounds like Co-Op to me.

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That’s an INSANELY valid point about the barbarians ability to utilize find item and amassing mf gear in order to freeload off dead bodies. I can’t believe these people flagged my post just because they don’t agree with it. Instead of making a post on why they support personal loot they would rather come and try to keep me quiet in my own thread while expressing my opinion. These are all forum trolls. Alot of people are lonely enough that they get joy out of arguing against people on forums. My original post was to thank anyone from BLIZZARD who reads it…not for all the backlash from Diablo 3 players. MrLlammas’ reaction to the survey with all the changes, reflects all of my points of view. His exact words were of people begging to “Make the game easier please.”