WW is perfectly balanced

I see way too many people talking in ptr that barb is too strong and I ask them why.

“GR 85 is super easy now”
Please just stop talking.

Look at the top clear. It’s 135 with 7k paragon. That’s perfectly balanced. Right at the 135 mark with good gear and high paragon.

Bois, this is what being balanced feels like. You’re so used to a weak noodle weapon barb that something balanced feels overpowered.

Where was the outcry when vyrs wiz was doing 145grs? Just be quiet and enjoy the game.

Barbs have been left behind for so long and now that we actually get some balancing you have the audacity to call for nerfs?

Blizz doesn’t nerf by 5%. They swing as hard as they can with the nerf bat, you know this.

So be quiet and go slice some monsters up.


ww is not balanced, rend is up the roof ww down the ground to a point noone use skull grasp lololol.

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A lot of the ones wanting a nerf are worried there meta might change or he barb build will be better than theres.
I main dh but play a few different classes to break it up .
Had a lot of fun on the ptr with WW i really hope they leave it alone


the last time i played WW was in vanilla and that build/play style was the reason why i fell in loved with d3 but after ALL these years we got it back and people are trying to fk it up for us , PLZ just stop


Your information is out of date.

Here are the current PTR standings after a few days for barbs (buffed) and the current era on live American region. Also, barb players are advocating not to push the leaderboard so that Blizzard won’t know the true power of the build. If you look at the names on the leaderboard, many big names are missing. I expect barbs will continue to reach higher grift levels with more optimization and fishing. The top solo necromancer build was also nerfed.

The current estimate of the chantodo nerf is 3.5 grifts in terms of DPS loss.

Barb PTR (Non-Season) Current Era (Non-season)
Rank Greater Rift Clear Rank Barbarian Crusader Demon Hunter Monk Necromancer Witch Doctor Wizard (Non-Season current)
1 140 1 132 137 138 131 138 140 141
2 138 2 131 136 137 130 137 140 140
3 136 3 130 135 131 130 136 136 139
4 135 4 126 134 131 130 135 134 138
5 135 5 126 133 129 129 133 134 138
6 135 6 126 133 128 128 131 134 138
7 133 7 126 132 128 128 131 134 138
8 133 8 125 132 128 127 130 133 137
9 133 9 125 132 128 127 130 132 137
10 133 10 125 132 128 127 130 131 137
11 132 11 125 132 127 126 130 130 137
12 132 12 125 132 127 125 130 130 137
13 132 13 125 132 127 125 129 130 136
14 132 14 124 132 127 124 128 130 136
15 131 15 124 131 127 124 128 129 135
16 131 16 123 131 127 123 127 128 135
17 131 17 123 130 126 123 126 128 135
18 131 18 123 130 126 123 125 128 135
19 131 19 123 130 126 123 125 128 135
20 130 20 123 130 126 123 125 127 135
21 130 21 123 130 126 123 125 127 135
22 130 22 123 129 126 123 125 127 135
23 130 23 123 128 126 123 125 127 135
24 130 24 123 128 126 123 125 127 135
25 130 25 122 128 126 123 125 127 134
Median 132 125 132 127 125 129 130 136
Average 132.6 125.0 131.6 128.1 125.6 129.2 130.8 136.5
Standard Deviation 2.6 2.6 2.3 3.2 2.8 4.1 3.9 1.8

If barb stays as it is now ill play season 19 for sure . Very Mobile and very powerfull and lossing skull grasp a real bonus. Cant stand builds that are super weak on rg so the changes for me are perfect. Whirlwind mechanics are a pain and waste too many keys for good rift. Was always r0ediculous to me that the 2 and 4 piece bonus on wastes was pointless exept the damage reduction

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MicroRNA in his element. Pulling off data…
You do realise that, when every time a ptr hit, people always told others to “not push with this”.
Do you realise how strong Wizards and necros have been??.. So just cause Barbarians AFTER A LONG TIME finally got it, you then come here just to talk it down…
People told Wizards not to push cause they knew how strong they were. Same with Necro.
Now it’s barbarians, and we all know you got beef with people here, cause you ( again and again ) showed lack of info and finally got something you can troll around with… So sad that no one can support others for their class when others have reigned the leaderboard top spots for several seasons. But oh no, disaster happens when Micro got hurt by the Barbarian community cause of all the misinfo you brought to the table.


The data is what it is. I want barbs to be buffed. I actually don’t mind if they kept the buff as is. It would be enjoyable to play spin to win for awhile while clearing higher rifts.

The problem is that Blizzard has the same data that I do. I suspect that it will be modified. They nerfed wizards, because they were too strong. The power level of barbs looks to potentially surpass (at least relative to the America region) the best era solo grift clear of wizards (pre-nerf).

I hope that every build within a class could be reasonably similar in power.

I hope that the top build of every class will be reasonably similar to each other.

I remember posts from many including myself and post from people who main barbs asking for nerfs to wizard, since they were such an obvious outlier in terms of power.


Seriously. Even with all the terrible trolls on these D3 forums…If I had a one opportunity to ban a player permanently it would be this guy.

“I want buffs for barbarian” then proceeds to go out of his way to try to prove the opposite…“I’m glad Barbs got buffs”, but it should probably be nerfed…

Why don’t you go bother some other class? You are beyond unreasonable, have little to no game/mechanic knowledge, know nothing about pushing, and most importantly, have no idea of how to present data.

Either stop posting your nonsense or stop being deceitful and admit that your only goal here is to piss barbarian players off and to oppose anything that would advance the class.

Seriously, what’s your beef? If I was having a conversation or posting in a forum and everyone disagreed with what I was saying/presenting: Either A) what I’m saying is right and no one is listening to reason or, B) They are right and I’m not listening to reason. Think about that. There is something to be done in each case and neither involves trying to perpetuate your position.

I think there is a reason no one ever supports your position, data, or reasoning…

I’ve tested out the build on the PTR it is STRONG, but does not feel in any way OP. Unlike the first time I played a pre nerf chantodo wizard, where it was “OMG this build is ridiculously OP”. I Love playing Vyr chantodo, it makes leveling gems super easy and I’d never post anything even remotely suggesting a nerf. Honestly, I wish they weren’t nerfing it.


It is simple. I prefer balance between classes. There is a difference between wanting something buffed versus overpowered.

The fact of the matter is that I want balance. I have advocated for buffs to both monks and barbs. I also advocated for a wizard nerf since their top build is a clear outlier.

Certainly, there are people who disagree with me; however, there are others who independently post similar things and concur with my thoughts.

I have been entirely consistent in saying that barb are currently underperforming and should be buffed.


Ok. Since you keep everything private…

Link me some posts where you advocated for the nerfing of Chantodos for the sake of balance. Do not include post where you have supported blizzard’s decision to nerf it after the fact…

I’ll be waiting…

Search “wizard nerf” and my battletag

I grabbed this one from August 3

August 26

@TuneOut, I think these posts would suggest otherwise.

I think the problem that some are having is a question of nuance. I can argue for barb buffs, but find faults with the rationale/theory crafting used to reach that conclusion. I want barbs buffed but just not OP. Even Free in the barb buff proposal said he did not want barbs buffed to wizards level. Since wizards are nerfed, I think it would make sense to not exceed but certainly can be similar to wizard grift level.


The problem is : you need to stop yourself.
All you do is playing this forum. Where were you the last 4 seasons? Necro op, Wizard op.
Now you cry and give attention to data about Barbarians…
Strange, never saw you when Wizard runs 141 or Necros?
Strange you are only here for Barbarians.

I have never seen you dedicate so much time for Necros or Wizards being the top for several seasons.

All you are known for is going into barbarian posts and around 90 percent of the time, bringing up stuff you know nothing about. Go take your data collecting gameplay and throw it at Wizards or Necros. Where is it at?
Strange, cause people run Necro / WIzard for the highest clears… Yet here you are… Still about barbarians… You are far out of your own grasp , I don’t even know if you are serious or just wanting to get back at people showing you again and again you should not talk about Barbarians, cause you have made SO many mistakes about the class and was proven wrong plenty of times.


Ive always been a wizard fan and most seasones will be wiz, I loved chantandos but barb players are well over due there day. Id have liked to have seen ik hota up there as it was a fun build but ww in its new state seems fun and somethig barb players can actually push with and its good on t16 and speeds so win win.

so many people angry about this… trust me, it’s best if there is no outlying build, it keeps the nerf bat away.

If the current PTR goes live, there will be a nerf in the next few seasons. it’s best if that happens before it goes live.

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Who is angry about it? Trust you? Who are you again?..

a nobody, like you. who are you again?

So a nobody suddenly knows a lot of peoples opinions, since you can tell that people are angry? Where did you get this info from?

I agree with you. I just want better balance. Barbs can be at the top end. If this buff stays as is, top end barb build diversity takes a hit.

For TuneOut, I already posted this in response to you. I am very consistent in wanting balance between classes.


“I want barbs to be buffed.” “I advocate for barbs to get buffs with monks”.
And there you go saying otherwise. Like you always have…

You can’t say “buff barbarians” and when they do “nerf them!”.

Where were you with all your data when Necro and Wizards were op, for several months?
Oh that’s right. You were on Barbarian forum saying the same bip like you do now.