Please nerf ww rend barb, it is much stronger than chantodo wizard before nerf

Since a lot of the GR boosts in seasonal comes from maintaining a kill streak and the Pandemonium effects.

So in seasonal, are you comparing relative powers of the sets or are you comparing the relative power of the set play style that lets you maintain your kill streak most effectively?

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Actually you shouldn’t do that either, since it promotes some builds over others, since you need to gain a killstreak for the buff, builds like invoker which is bad at killing normal mobs has less value than an aoe build like WW.

Also, just adding my thoughts on this, if the nerf on wiz goes through, they still be at the top, darkpatator has the NS record in europe for wiz, currently at 144. Assuming the stories of how much they lose in power, I’d say that they land on a pretty stable spot around 140 at the very max. The thing about this is that he didn’t directly go there, it took a while to get to 144, thus I believe if he manage to get to 140 (on the barb) in a very short time, it may be a bit overtuned, but that’s fine, it’s still in ptr and may be subjected to change before release.

I’m not gonna say nerf this, nerf that, but I hope the final number lands on something powerful yet balanced.

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I’m not talking about the S19 buff at all.

I"m talking about NS ptr has people with high paragon which totally confuses the quality of a high gr finish.

i.e. 5k paragon WW barb NS over a 1k paragon WW barb S19 is totally uneven.

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The highest clear on the current PTR non season for Chantodo Wizard is 131 GR, not 137. 137 was made on the previous PTR with bazooka wizard. Highest Chantodo clear on the previous PTR (so unnerfed) was 135. Simply leaderboards were not wiped, if you post results check the date of a clear first.


@Free, I think everyone is putting the cart before the horse.
I do not think they will judge it on one 10K paragon player. I prefer to look on the bright side. That is, they will do what they said they will, be fair and aim to create a balance.
I do not think so close to Blizzcon and after the last one, that they can afford a barrage of flak for being hypocrites after giving chantodo’s a full season before they nerfed it, only to nerf the Barbs after nearly two years of nothing without giving the change the identical opportunity to prove itself.
It is abject hypocrisy if they do that. If they do I doubt I will come anywhere near this forum because I can actually foresee what will happen and it will be a bun-fight.

Dang. I missed this. I just double checked the clear dates and you’re right. The leaderboard was not reset. Now I am part of the problem of giving bad information. Time to delete some columns from tables and edit some posts. Sorry everyone.

I think I updated/changed all the relevant tables. This post has an example of the current PTR barb era versus all the other classes in the current era.

The developers will decide.

So? Who cares when this was done when afaik the bazooka is not nerfed at all. Or is it?

I follow the guy with 10.000 paragon on twitch. He just wanted to be #1 on all classes. He did NOT push with every class to the highest possible.

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I watched the video of the 140 clear. The guy said that was the first wood of the night, he didn’t even fish to get that clear, he also had a terrible follow up with no power at the end, he melted a 140 boss with no pylons in less than 2min.

I guess it’s okay for some of you Barb staying 10 GR behind Wizard but not the other way round. Got it!

It is not about balance. It never was.
It’s all about this petty class dispute.


I have to agree with that.
Watching past PTR’s it has always been “Barbs or pick any class that needed a buff” can’t have this or that because it will perhaps make the Barb class for example, better than their class and it would upset the present balance of the day. Well I got news for you folks, this game has never had any, zero, nada or zilch balance for the past 7 years, If the Dev’s start now, maybe there will be a “All Class’s Balanced Game” some time in the next 7 years… but I doubt it.
All classes should have at least one end game build in my opinion, that would be a start to a well balanced game, but I don’t think the Dev’s will ever be allowed to do that even if they wanted too.


Please ignore the OP and Dnt Nerf Wiz , But Also Dnt Nerf Something Exciting and New like the BARB

It looks like the chantodo nerf will be about 3.5 grifts according to DPS testing in the PTR.

Darkpatator is dominating the solo PTR era leaderboards:

#1 Barbarian / 140
#1 Crusader / 129
#1 Demon Hunter / 128
#1 Monk / 127
#1 Witch doctor / 132

I do not see any grift clears for him for Wizards or necromancers but I might have missed it.

I would really be curious as to what he could do with wizard post-nerf on the PTR. The highest clear (post-nerf) on the PTR leaderboard is 131, the higher clears were from prioir PTR and Blizzard did not reset the leaderboard.

This is close to the number I heard. Bazooka still can do 145 which is 5 level higher than cur ptr barb.

I keep hearing this 145 number. For the current era, the top wizard clear in diablo3 ladder is darkpatator @ 144

P Reg Tier Class Battletag
1 144 wiz darkpatator <Tkk>
2 143 wiz Schm0n <Era>
3 142 nec Den78ru
4 142 wiz jedizinid
5 142 wiz 법순잉 <Katya>

Is the 145 seasonal?

What is the era record for bazooka?

The top Barbarian is at Paragon Level 10,573 at GR 140. The top Wiz that is nerfed is at Paragon Level 6926 and did a GR of 137. If the Barb was at the same PL, he also probably wouldn’t hit near a 137. The barb is NOT overpowered. It is just right to compete with other builds. At PL 10573, a GR 140 is not difficult at ALL


I would ignore the wizard PTR leaderboard. As the OP correctly pointed out, we need to check the dates. Blizzard did not reset the PTR leaderboard. As such, all the wizard 132-137 grift clears were from last PTR and not the current one. The top in this PTR is 131 which is not relevant to Wizard’s true power post-nerf.

The 137 was set @ 4/25/19.

Below is the current worldwide solo era rankings.


P Reg Tier Class Battletag
1 144 wiz darkpatator <Tkk>
2 143 wiz Schm0n <Era>
3 142 nec Den78ru
4 142 wiz jedizinid
5 142 wiz 법순잉 <Katya>
6 142 nec Sky <CRC>
7 142 wiz Crucifix <IDeaL>
8 142 wiz Lenio
9 141 wiz KarmaPolice <Era>
10 141 nec 아르고스 <아이유>
11 141 nec Crucifix <IDeaL>
12 141 wiz Styx
13 141 wiz 박세근 <UMA>
14 140 wiz Rzeźnik <mHm>
15 140 nec Apatheia
16 140 wd Ubiquity <DTMS>
17 140 wiz Dani <BigF>
18 140 wiz Jiraya <Tkk>
19 140 wiz Kerrzo <DTMS>
20 140 wd Okaper <王者歸來>

OMG, so they are all mixed? How does one know what is the 2.6.6 PTR and what is the 2.6.7 PTR?

You have to go in game and check what date the grift was cleared. Anything 132 and above was last patch. Therefore, the wizard PTR leaderboard is pretty much useless; however, reputable posters are saying it is about a 3.5 grift nerf to the chantodo build.

Forget to send you the link. All server data.

花无缺-51108 145 Bazooka. (Remark: this guy and his team were confirmed to be cheaters previously)