Would YOU buy the successor of Diablo 3 if it will be an MMO?

Wall of text head. So either scroll really fast or grab a comfy seat.

There is also the fact that, at least with WoW, the story becomes a joke depending on how long the game runs for. I personally grew very tired of the constant conflict (If you can call the constant bickering and slapping between the Alliance and Horde a conflict) that kept cropping up between the two factions. Which results in quests where you mess with NPCs of the opposing faction. After a while, it becomes little more than a Saturday morning cartoon or an online comic strip with how things play out.

The game would also be grindy, and most likely a lot slower paced than previous Diablo games as there will be a monthly subscription that will entice the developers to create such content. Whereas now in Diablo 3 you can get a set of equipment in a week or two, expect it to take months to get that same equipment, let alone level up.

With the route World of Warcraft has been going over the last few years, I definitely would not want Diablo following the same path: super grindy reputation quests, locked races, boring quests, onion layers of equipment and RNG; faction leaders going all derp before going bad, and the changes to classes every expansion pack.

To put the changes into perspective, it would be about like everyone being forced to use a set for 1-2 years. Not having a particular set rewarded every season, not to be able to make your own tweaks to the set that may or may not be top tier, only a single set. Also maybe 1-3 legendary items along with it, if that. Then next expansion pack they may or may not swap sets around, forcing players to change how they play, or they make keep things the same but slam a class with the nerf bat so hard theyā€™ll suck for 1-2 years.

That is part of what drove me off from WoW: I used to play the Death Knight class, specifically Unholy, and had from the beginning of Cataclysm up to the beginning of Legion when they changed the specialization, as well as overall class, so much that I hated it. In Cataclysm, I was so in love with the specialization I had an AoE variation and a single target variation. When I was given time to swap back and forth I was able to keep up with death knights who had better gear then me, barely. However with every expansion pack the class, as well as specialization, was dumbed down. They kept taking customization away, ability to really tinker with setups, until it all became a shadow of what Death Knights were.

I went warrior, which I liked, but I was eventually driven off by how legendary drop rates were, ironically, Diablo-like. While in Diablo 3 it is the norm, in a game where your raid group can only tackle content once a week at certain times, requires organization, as well as really good gear to tackle the content, locking legendary items behind a random drop system really sucked. That is not including the different variations of armor on top of the different tiers that raids have (normal, heroic, and mythic): Titan forged and whatnot. Last I heard, in Battle for Azeroth there is a means of upgrading the armor, but one that supposed results in the stats or buffs being reset. Do not quote me on that.

Long story short: I do not want Diablo to become another MMO as, if not immediately, will gradually sap away at Diablo. Of course with Diablo: Immortal on the horizon that is happening regardless.

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Wouldnā€™t buy a Diablo MMO. I would happily keep playing D3 and WOLCEN (which is full releasing in January).


ā€œDiabloā€ is a ARPG game, if it ā€œchangeā€ to MMO, I canā€™t call it ā€œDiabloā€ any more.

However, grade to see MMO products based on ā€œDiabloā€ story background (although I will not buy MMO ^^). I believe MMO fans will like it.

There are a couple of mechanics that an MMO could open up. For example, Thereā€™s a lot more room for a meaningful trading economy. I am always interested in emergent gameplay. Iā€™d love to see Diablo as a simulation of the eternal battle of good and evil.

Says you.

Diablo 4 is a mental concept, that is a thought with desire.

It does not exist for us atm, so I choose to wait till there is something tangible for me to consider.

And hype is that weird guy on the corner shouting out loud, "The world will end on ā€˜xā€™ day! (of course that day never comes).

I would 100 percent buy it. There are ways to essentially make Diablo II a MMO. It doesnā€™t have to be exactly like WoW to be a MMO. It could be lots of instances as the dungeons with some open World and towns that are full MMO areas. The open world areas could have world boss events like some other MMOs have done but the story could be mostly instances with groups of 4 or 5 doing it. They could scale it like they do in Diablo 3 where more people makes it harder but give a bonus to magic find or make combo effects for team play. Either way it is dumb to continue a strictly looter only game when there is a limited replay value with that. If they added just a little bit of pvp arenas and a Max level that is basically impossible to reach like D2 the replay value would be 10 times what it currently is. Also Iā€™m not talking about just stupid simple dueling arena. Iā€™m talking fun modes like capture the flag, moba style arena and hold the PoI type stuff using your level and gear.

1000x no you killed Diablo 3 when you dumbed it down so hard durring the original beta to work with fewer buttons so you could eventually port it to console. You killed one of the greatest franchises from what use to be the greatest game dev #thanksactivison


Nope and nope. It would probably be a monthly fee and that is the reason I never once played wow. Make a good game and stop cutting corners.

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I would not make it a day 1 purchase. Just like Borderlands 3, I am waiting and observing.

Please donā€™t make Diablo an MMO Blizzardā€¦ I already lost Warcraftā€¦ Please donā€™t take Diablo away from me tooā€¦


Yeah, warcraft 4 has remained a pipe dream for me for over a decade.

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Negative, changing the entire play style of this legendary game would be futile. You guys already shot yourself in the foot with that mobile non-sense. I truly appreciate bringing this question before the forums, allowing the people to justify themselves.


I look at it from the standpoint of RTS emulated as total immersion.

There arenā€™t any internal conflicts in Diablo or that part of the story is not developed. Iā€™m not aware of factions or warring nation states unless via influence of evil you had a power struggle of ownership after battling the evil out of Khanduras and invaders want new like the Torajan with other nations banding together for one reason or another.

I think itā€™s an angle with lucrative promise for Blizzard, but at the same time I enjoy playing as heroes from all countries banding together to fight the prime evils. Still, like my favorite book series, WoT, you could have prime evils do a better job than Belial and have the city or nation held secretly hostage.

Iā€™d buy it. There is a better fleshed out faction conflict with Starcraft though. Because of the RTS. At least in SC1, the terran and the protoss were not friends until Tassadar. The MMO should start there and evolve parallel to current game. Maybe include a dual MMO that you engage both in space like EVE and per allocation of space Territory you can access planets and colonies until a rival takes them out again.

Although at this point, itā€™s more or less a neutral zerg, a rebel band under Raynor, and fractured protoss with dark and light variants. The Xel Naga feel very voidlord as in WoW, and ultimately act as parallel to the BFA expansion.

Blizzard knows Diablo would need an army of writers to flesh out the overarching world story not just prime evil stuff, and present it in a way that we are no longer legendary heroes. I mean, what plot armor stand out heroes do we have for Diablo?

TL:DR. Iā€™d buy it but it needs to start before D1 and Lazarus. Give us the world before the Prime Evil influence. Let their cancers grow, create conflict and build on that.


If you could still get all the content in single player, yes. If it was like DC universe online, and Iā€™m seeing dozens of other people doing quests Iā€™ve already done, or ones I will do, noā€¦ If they do it like Warframe, where there are hub cities it based with dozens and dozens of people that would be cool.

Actually, I think the blizzard team working on Diablo 4 needs to take well and play Warframe. Thatā€™s a game that has a difficult start, but once you get the flow is very well made and gives the players a reason to keep coming back, and v itā€™s profitable to the developers without requiring a cent to be spentā€¦ (It is grindy but definitely not pay to win)

Once upon a time, I would have loved this. But as I get older, I seem to have less and less spare time.

Like many others in this thread, I donā€™t enjoy content which has to be done with a group, not anyomre anyway. I have been there, done that. Never really enjoyed it much anyway, there was always someone holding things up, and I would spend just as much time waiting for people, as I would actually killing stuff. :sleeping:

I play games to avoid people these days, not to socialise. :zipper_mouth_face:

A Diablo MMO would have me torn, as I would probably be frothing to see the story unfold. But would cringe everytime it sent me to a dungeon/raid. :drooling_face: :confused: :unamused: :confounded:

I dare say a sizable portion of the Diablo fanbase would be 30+ years old, which unfortunately, means we are getting pummelled by responsibility leaving little time to commit to the MMO way too.


Yes and no

One hand I would like to be able to play with more than just 3 friends.

On the other, i donā€™t want to deal with raids in another game nor commit a nutty amount of time to leveling and progression

Based on how many idiots my son has to deal with while playing League of Legends, I wouldnā€™t touch D4 with a 10-foot pole if it was a MMO that required playing with randoms every time.

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Thatā€™s why I said ā€œIā€™d be just as happyā€ as in ā€œI would beā€ as in, purely hypothetical :slight_smile:

Yes i love the idea. And if it was set in a large open world it would be great. It would have to be for PC like Diablo3.

Hard no.

Iā€™m a singleplayer gamer. Itā€™s fun to have a few regulars to play with sometimes, but even in public games, I come across a lot of pushy jerks thatā€™ll just kick you because you donā€™t rush all the time. Iā€™m more than a casual gamer, but I hate being rushed everywhere, and if youā€™re not hardcore, everyone snubs you. I want to try Lost Ark Online if it ever comes to NA, but the MMO part still puts me off.