World PVP toggle and Duel feature D4

Yeah like I said I don’t see Blizz making a mode where people can select pvp only always on.

They haven’t even announced world pvp. I’m trying my best to suggest something to enhance pvp experience within reason that might actually get implemented. Apparently that makes me a casual pvp player lol.

Oh yeah. Nothing like BoogerMouth is hostile towards you. HUH? Who the F is… dead. Wait, what? WTF just happened? Oh, a Strafezon just filled the entire screen with arrows and killed me. Hmmm. Yeah, that’s not annoying in any way, shape, or form. Nope. Not. At. All.

Hopefully, D4 will not have D2’s PvP(ish) system.

I agree with a toggle option. You would have to be in a town or some form of PvP environment to toggle the option. Maybe it could be a sharding or a phasing thing, only see others that are PvP toggled. No interaction with non-PvP characters. Vice versa as well. Non-PvP characters can’t see, hear, or interact with PvP characters.

No chatting with one another. No whispers or tells or battle tag communication.

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i bet both of you liked when they added flying in WoW.

Actually no. I thought it devalued all the development behind map creation. Now in expansions you must do a huge grind before being able to fly which is a much better way of alleviating the flying problem. Which Blizzard devs admitted years ago they wish they never put in the game.

I love how D4 has decided to give us mounts to travel and give all the dungeons a sense of place. This was one of the things that made original wow feel so good. Riding out into the world and visiting old places or flying over them made wow feel like a real place. Going into enemy cities with huge raid parties! I loved all of this.

I would love some pvp game modes that resemble wow pvp like alterac valley or something that felt like an Orgrimmar or Ironforge raid (game modes not non-conseual pvp before someone gets their britches in a twist!). Which is exactly why I’m talking about world pvp and dueling.

They’ve even improved the reason for us to use mounts and visit old dungeons. The fact you can find dungeon keys/sigils for each separate dungeon, and make it a “Nightmare” dungeon with different affixes, making it viable for end game, is awesome. I will very much enjoy finding multiple keys for dungeons and riding out and revisiting them on my mount.

What would make this experience even MORE amazing, especially at end game when I have a stacked powerful character and want more of a challenge and more stuff to do. Having invasions, or world pvp, or dueling would make riding around the open world feel AMAZING and way more like a real place. Just like wow did with their pvp. Blizzard should know these types of pvp are amazing and exactly what their player base love.

And at no point adding these features would make it an mmo, or interfere with a solo players experience. These types of pvp modes really are a no brainer for this type of game.

My thought has always been if they are PvP players why aren’t they playing PvP games instead of expecting PvE games to make it PvP as well, not like I can go into a PvP game and just spectate, or at least you never could once upon a time

Lol these comments! I can’t even. Saying stuff like this doesn’t make it true. All Blizzard games have pvp in them. You’re demonstrably false and even with your own analogy prove yourself wrong. Modern pvp games DO have the ability to spectate and you literally admit it in the same sentence lmao. At least choose a different analogy the laziness to prove your own point when you are throwing flippant completely wrong comments around is hilarious.

you want systematic pvp, i want organic pvp. systematic pvp doesnt belong in an RPG. it devalues the living world.

So it’s wrong of me to be truthful about what I say, no point saying anything to you then, I say my experience has been you can’t spectate in PvP but also put in a proviso that it’s been an age since I played PvP and you mock me for it

Really, I’m making false claims, I played the PvP games you are to frightened to play in the past and you couldn’t spectate back then, and said as such, just because it isn’t true now doesn’t mean it wasn’t, and all you have is you can spectate now
How does that make my comment that you at least couldn’t spectate in the past false, I played them and know you couldn’t , you on the other hand claim that because you can spectate now you always were able to

Sigh… You’ll be lucky if they implement what I’m asking for and at least get SOME pvp.

Such a weird point of view to be shouting down something that will literally make your experience better as a pvp player and what you’re asking for will never be implemented.

I’m doing you a favour by posting about this you should be thanking me.

you should be more like me and fight for what you believe in.

You’re just another pvp hater trying to keep pvp out of Diablo. I’m calling you out and making sure Blizz don’t think a bunch of old 35-50 yr old D3 players (the only people that can type on the forums, oversight much Blizz?) represent the wider audience of gamers they are trying to reach. They’d be better of looking at the stats on pvp games and steam charts showing how popular pvp games are than listening to people on the forums trying to hold back D4 from being an amazing game. Luckily they talk about pvp EVERY update so people like me are winning the war of no pvp vs pvp in Diablo. Get rekt, pvp is coming in a huge way. It’s not being left out. D4 will have a LOT of pvp and it’s glorious.

pvp to me is Ultima Online 1998
pvp to you is 2017 WoW consensual toggle button.

we are cut from a different cloth. you are the majority so you will win.

So instead of the D4 devs starting small with a PvP world that is fields of hatred. Then building on it over time isn’t a good thing. PvP to you then has to be almost everywhere like it is the main dish. But that is not what the franchise as been about.

Speak for yourself because not every player is wanting this.

That is the core of Diablo games. They are all about slaughtering demons and monsters to get awesome loot. Not about killing other players. Sure Immortal added some things but that is not true to what the Diablo franchise has been about. The first three Diablo games are that way and D4 should stay that way.

So now PvP has to be the main dish. Throw out all of the PvE stuff and only have PvP. After all you can design a game where you can get levels PvP’ing. So D4 would be all about slaughtering other players to get awesome loot. Where it is PvP, PvP, PvP, nothing to do all day but PvP. I wonder how tiring or old that would get. All because the Almighty Steam charts says it is popular right.

Not if they keep to the same formula of slaughtering monsters to get awesome loot. This idea of making D4 more about PvP than other Diablo games is not a direction that D4 should go.

The word might is being used to express a possibility. So it is saying that Dark Souls (before your reply) could have their skills where almost all combinations could do well in PvP. Could is like might, possibly, etc… All expressing what could be. Not what is, now do you understand me.

I use words like could, might, possibly when I don’t know what is. Now do you get my original statement. Seems that Shadout understands because he didn’t make a reply to me at all.

Trouble of it is in order for it to work. You would have to have a lot of players with their flags turned on. I think that even with flags in a game, which would be needed to avoid ganking. That PvP wouldn’t be viable in the open world. Due to the fact that you occasionally will see another player. If they are like myself that see a Diablo game as a game where you slaughter monsters to get awesome loot. They like me will keep their flags turned off.

If the number of players are large enough. Then you would have to increase the amount of players you see in the open world in order to support it.

D3 doesn’t do it right, it is just a one shot fest. The one that hits first wins, that is not how PvP should go.

It is not about haters, it is telling you facts. According to you D4 should be all about PvP. Throw out all PvE content and make it nothing but PvP.

PoE devs care about PvP, lmao, PoE has had only a few patches where PvP has went through some minor changes. And maybe one or two patches where the changes were big. Here I am talking about changes that were made just for PvP. So over the course of the history of PoE only very little changes have been made for PvP.

Get used plenty, I highly doubt it. Due to the fact that a lot of players will have their flags off. So duels would only be about once a day to once a week and that is being kind. If the majority keep their flag off then you won’t see a fight for a whole month or more in the open world.

When will you realize unless you increase the population of the other players seen in the game world where it would be viable. That world PvP won’t cut it. Instead I say keep it to fields of hatred. Then in time add more fields like terror and destruction. You could even have players in time be able to fight as one of the three prime evils in those fields. Where a group of players would take on one of the prime evils.

He is saying that since Hardcore is like a separate server from non hardcore. That a PvP mode would function like hardcore mode does.

They have PvP in fields of hatred as it should be. That is the only place it should be and should stay there. Sure add other fields like I said over time. But not world PvP, because the population of players in the world would have to be increased by a lot in order for it to be viable.

Again keep PvP to designated areas like fields of hatred and it will be fine. D4 should be all about slaughtering monsters to get awesome loot. Move it more toward a true PvP game and you won’t have many players bothering to play D4.

That is something that I have been trying to figure out myself.

Just because PvP is in the games doesn’t mean it is fully supported with a lot of bells and whistles that make it the greatest PvP experience ever.

I wouldn’t doubt that if you stop trying to get a PvE focused game to become PvP focused. Change your sites to only play the games that are truly focused on PvP. Then stick to only those games then you would be better off and D4 can be what it will become.

A PvE game with PvP is the main focus. And PvP as the side dish, as it has been for the longest time. If D4 tries to change the formula then there will likely be problems with players that like the Diablo franchise the way it is now. All about killing monsters to get awesome loot (PvE focused).

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You are only saying this because he is not saying I agree and put it in D4. You are saying it has to be everywhere in order for it to be supported. I say no it doesn’t and fields of hatred is a good start.

According to you D4 has to throw away all PvE content and be PvP only. After all it is all for the glory of PvP.


Bruh, you have 150 dungeons. Sigils to make every dungeon viable for end game. And world tiers to make the overworld viable for end game.

And you can’t let us have some super easy to develop, world pvp that doesn’t even require a map, or invasions, or the tiny amount of dev work it would take to have a duel feature in game.

It’s literally such a small amount of dev time to have these things in game compared to 95% of other meaningful content.

And you and all the pvp haters want to shout it down.

It won’t even affect solo players one single bit.

It won’t be “everywhere” as you’re trying to make out. You can simply (how are pvp haters so unable to understand this EXTREMELY simple concept) TURN IT OFF.

LOL what are you even talking about.

None of your points make sense.

This must be bait really… Why do you want a “toggle” if you’re a fan of PvP? Why do you care if people freely slay each other on digital space?
Current system is simple, you step into the PvP zones and there will be consequences to that. When you score a killstreak you’ll get a reward money on your head with a mark that announces your location to nearby players and you can not opt out from that. The toggle button need to be revised just for this mechanic if it applies. As long as you stand in your boundaries, there’s no need for a toggle button as entirety of open world gonna part of gameplay. I don’t see the damn point.

Either you haven’t read the update blogs or you just stand there and call people haters without giving any evidence of practicality for being a troll.

Lol again what is this reasoning? Why do I care? Why do you care what I care and you can’t speak for me I have my own opinion and have expressed it very clearly.

All these comments are trying to do is distort the truth, double speak, and gas light pvp.

I mean thanks for keep bumping the post it really helps keep it at the top of the list so the devs might actually read it :slight_smile:

Appreciate it :+1:

So you have read the blog posts, that’s a start.

Hilarious. You haven’t even read the post which actually summarized the entire blog. It’s simple really. Isometric ARPGs are ridden with randomness, when that’s the case they wanted to mitigate griefing factor.
The only toggle out there is stepping in an area, and it’s preventing griefers turning their hostile button on one unsuspecting person without possessing any kind of skill. Developers ain’t gonna go the same way again.

if you want a “PvP toggle”, you have to go out there and show your skill by scoring some kills or bust out. You can not really attack on one person or assault the ritual area without getting some flak from others having the same idea.
When you get marked for death after scoring a killstreak, you can attack anyone out there as they’ll be hunting you as well. In the grounds of hatred there’s a concern of friendly fire so you can hardly gank anyone but on a killstreaking player there’s none of that.

Developers never read forums. Community Managers do and include such threads in their weekly reports. There’s nothing a CM could do after developers silently said “No”. It won’t be included in their monthly summary. :+1:

Look D4 will have PvP, just look it up and you will see it.

But according to you it doesn’t because it isn’t world PvP. Wanting them to start with your idea. Where in time the flags would disappear and more players would be seen in the open world. So you would be able to build D4’s PvP into ganker’s heaven.

You just don’t get that world PvP won’t work without vastly increasing the number of other players you will see.

Just because you don’t want to read the documents or have read them but don’t accept it doesn’t mean it isn’t true.


So you’re saying it WILL be in their monthly summary :slight_smile:

It got so much traction so far I’m sure they will include it. Thanks for the info bud