Will there be any feedback from Blizzard to the players?

there is little incentive for them to actually do this for two reasons:

  1. No one is spending money on the game
  2. Someone will always be unhappy with the results

What is the upside for them to engage? Seriously.

Well, you can scratch that as in the General forum there is a post that the PTR has ended.

There is mention however of a few changes from PTR to season 23 but the final notes haven’t been put up yet as far as I can tell.

So Wizards, now it’s time to pray that the Dev aren’t going old testament on Firebird.

“We’ll be better at communicating in future”…

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Showing current customers, who may be future customers, that they’re being heard?

I’m under no delusions that my decision to buy or not to buy future Blizzard products is going to magically make them say, ‘oh, well, Morgan is upset, we better say something if we want her to buy D4!’ But I also know it’s not just me who’s looking at how Blizzard communicates with their customers and asking myself if I’m ready to experience this frustration again for a new title.

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At least someone read my comment about keeping the PTR feedback forum open after the PTR ended and allowed us to post in here again… :sunglasses:

At that rate we might get semi-regular updates about the state of D3 around 2030 or so.

Just by looking at other Blizzard titles and how they are handled in general makes me think twice about even playing anything from them that isn’t a single player game.

Their overall communication was never great to begin with and especially after WoW become such a big hit, their corporate-speak started oozing so much arrogance towards their playerbase in general that it’s quite surprising that it took so long for people to notice.

That doesn’t seem to be working very well…

So what is the upside of even supporting this game? Why even bother with patches for absolute zero profit and unhappy users?

Take a look at this reply when asked about the Rathma set:

“May” being the word here. CMs are either clueless about what the devs are actually doing or simply forbidden to talk about it. If the dev was the one replying, I guarantee we would get a definitive answer on whether this was going to change or not.

The thing is, the CMs have never really responded to posts or passed on much in the way of information. Given that, why on earth would you expect that to change now?

You have a better chance of winning the Powerball lottery when it nears a billion dollars 100 straight times than you do hearing anything from them.

Their basic attitude to quote a Seinfeld episode is, “No Soup for You!”


Take a look at the Blizz Tracker for the PTR Feedback forum.

  • Patch 2.6.9 - 14 posts.
  • Patch 2.6.10 - 9 posts.
  • Patch 2.7.0 - 3 posts.

Notice a trend?


What would be hilarious is if no one played the PTRs anymore. Let them test their own garbage.

Better yet, skip the whole charade, and just put the next season up.


That’s pretty well what they have been doing for a long time anyway.
They fix spelling-text issues and run the other changes exactly like they choose.

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I’m starting to think the devs are using the let’s put 200 monkeys in front of computers and eventually they will turn out a new update. Makes as much sense as anything else to explain the assinine decisions that get made.

Incoming dagger transmog of a banana.

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Honestly I think the purpose of the PTR is for Blizzard to put on the appearance of listening to people. But they aren’t actually paying attention.

Also remember this: When Diablo 3 was in beta, from 2010 to 2011, they didn’t listen to feedback then. What makes you think they intend to listen to feedback now. At least when Josh Mosquiera was in charge of the dev team, there was a chance they’d listen but, he is now gone from Blizzard.

Season 24 theme leaked. New transmog…
Incoming dagger transmog of a banana


“How to defend yourself against a man armed with a Banana?” … Ok, so what about a Passion Fruit?


I still don’t understand why would D3 team chose to be silent instead of telling us what is their mind. It is not like we are asking them to reveal anything juicy about D2R, Immortal, and D4 information and development.

All we want to know what they think of the D3 PTR discussion and their philosophy about D3 balance.

For example:

  • Is there any reason why they want to make followers a utility instead of a competent ally that helps us to fight the horde of demons.?

  • Why are they to refuse to give Double EXP as a seasonal theme?

  • Why are they didn’t think of buffing underutilized legendary and weak items and unpopular gems?

  • Why are they chose to do nothing about Primal tier and Ramaladni’s Gift?

  • Why they don’t want to introduce more gold sink options to the game?

  • Why they don’t want to increase more torment level or rescaling it?

  • Why they don’t want to make Uber bosses as another endgame content for D3?
    and etc…

Even if they don’t want to do anything to what we suggested, but at least tell us the reason and their philosophy behind the action.

It is possible that their employment contract states that they are under a NDA (non-disclosure agreement), except in specific circumstances, such as Update Devlogs.

A community manager could shed light on whether they are under a NDA or not.

I can see it now: Season 23, Fear the Banana.

You’ll be in a greater rift and run into a huge mob of minions from Despicable Me all chanting banana and throwing bananas, banana peels and trying to whack you over the head with a bunch of bananas. Of course, Dave would have to be a boss and they would have to add dialogue saying, “Not cool Dave, Not cool” right after he accidentally kills part of his pack. The more I think about it, the more fun it sounds.

My thoughts exactly the same. Why should i work for free for one of the biggest gaming company? If they want me to test something, then pay me, right?
I can give feedback after the official release too. I don’t need to do their job of testing. This is not alpha, beta release of the game. Honestly i don’t know another game where the players test every update.
What is exciting for me is the new update. I don’t give a f if they screw the update badly. :slight_smile:

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I dont think they have ever given back their information on patches unfortunately. we are just going to have to exist in the disappoint…live.