Pretty much everything I’ve seen from Blizzard is making absolutely no change in how they communicate with the playerbase across all their titles, with the occasional statement to the effect that they’re working on that or “insight” where they dictate terms to them.
The dev notes themselves often differ wildly from reality or are humorous footnotes of goals they failed to reach, like the channeling-based Firebird set or the redesign of Rathma to make it functionally identical to other necromancer builds.
Honestly I’m fine without more of that sort of corporate-approved gaslighting. It sounds entitled, but the only thing I want to hear out of the dev team is acknowledgement of issues and clear, concise progress reports on a regular basis. I don’t need them to force uninteresting skills down my throat and I really cbf to have them orate about balance philosophy in the middle of this dumpster fire.
They aren’t my friends so idc about their thoughts and feelings on the game, let alone other issues. Things got very art school around here and I can’t for the life of me figure out why they’d think anyone would care about their ideas when
- their ideas have led to terrible results, and
- they clearly don’t care about our ideas.
The impression their community interaction leaves is, someone’s sitting at a desk sipping from a mug that says “If I wanted your opinion I’d give it to you in a blog post”. So yeah, they aren’t my friends, and if they aren’t telling the community how they’re addressing their concerns they can fold their philosophy and…well, you know the rest.
Terrible place to be in, and you can call the community toxic entitled manbabies all day long; but this is a product, not someone’s personal art project. If you’re off @#%$ing with it in a corner silently for weeks or months at a time breaking the damned thing, and every time you go back into that corner you just break different things, and all we ever hear are excuses and aspirations that will be forever unmet…
is what you’re going to get.
You put yourselves in these adversarial relationships with the community when you decided come hell or high water you absolutely weren’t going to give them what they think they wanted, because you knew better than them what that even was.
Hard pass on any more devsplaining until I can find more than a few sets on the entire leaderboard for every class without a filter.