Why wont they fix Barb

7 Years should be long enough .New gear for ptr is a joke. Free is a joke.


Free is the reason why we even got buffs , what have you done for us Barb players ???


Not what I want for barb he is a circle jerk


Wait have you actually tried it? Either you didnt or you just didnt use the right items. Rend WW is really strong. Im talking Chantodo Vyr type of strong.


Why would I want ww or rend fix single target.

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You can disagree with the current buffs is not your style, make demands am sure all the players will support you on what ever flaws current game has.

However who the fk you think you are to discredit Freeā€™s work? Go look around the other class sub forums, do you see ANY guides? Freeā€™s dedication and devotion to the Barb community deserves salute.

Maybe he isnt perfect, we all humans. However, show the man some respect. Him and other barbs are the SOLE reason barbs got the buff atm. What did you committ to the improvement for the Barb com? Have you plead Day and Night for the past 3/4 years?

Go fk yourselfs in the corner.


I try to be objective most times. Sometimes I fail, but I do not stop trying.
I write this to remind myself NOT to fail in this post. Apology for the preamble.

I think it is really simple. If you the OP have done some really great things for the Barbarian and can tell us what then perhaps you have a good reason to attack someone who has done the same.

If you have not done anything to increase the abilities of the Barbarian, then all it looks like is someone who does not like the other person and is trying to put crap on them publicly and itā€™s not a good look.

If you have a personal issue then take it up with them please.

If you wish to say something like ā€˜mind your own businessā€™ - then while that sometimes in certain circumstances has merit, you have made it everyoneā€™s business.
If itā€™s personal then again, take it to them please.


You sound like a spoiled child who got a new present they didnā€™t want. Go stomp your feet and slam doors, no need to be an a$$ to people because your new stuff doesnā€™t work for you. Besides, how long exactly has the new stuff been tested? Isnā€™t ptr for trials and feedback for issues revolving around the new stuff?


Well, initial results look pretty OP. Peeps are doing 110 speed solo with 800 paragon. So enjoy it while it lasts. Damage mitigation is up there or better than Vyrs.

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As many know, I have multiple issues with some of the arguments used to justify barb buffs. The fact of the matter was that barbs were underperforming and buffs were warranted. To blame Free for 7 years of ā€œbadā€ barbs is ludicrous and ignores the fact that barbs were the best or at least one of the best classes during part of the time in D3 vanilla. Also, Free is not a developer. S/he deserves credit, but I would not overestimate the pull of any of us with Blizzard. Simply stated, if you take the barb buff proposal at face value, then you must ask why were the arguments used by so many fallen on deaf ears for 3 years.

You can argue that many barbs in the community made valid suggestions that were ā€œfilteredā€ out by them in their proposal. Most notably to me is the ability to have an item or set bonus to auto apply rend while WW. Thankfully, the developers used their best judgment, followed suggestions by many in the barb community, and ignored the barb buff proposal in this matter.

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The closer to Blizzcon we get, the more trolls come outā€¦

Guess this is the time to bow out unfortunately.


Flag the OP for Inappropriate Conduct (calling out & harassing players) and ignore.

:smirk_cat: :smirk_cat: :smirk_cat:


I agree in principle with the sentiment and defended Free in a post above; however, look at your own post, especially the last sentence. Do you see the internal inconsistency?

Edit: I see that you now have deleted your last sentence that I felt was inflammatory.

Unfortunately it is now almost completely a rend build. Now with the current buff several builds no longer use or need to use skull grasp or anything related to WW other than Taeguk for the DMG reduction and damage through WW.

Some do not use Mantle either or Bul Kathos Oath and use Istvanā€™s instead. HC and SC are a little different. Many in HC seem to use more conventional builds.
There is a strong indicator that the whirlwind is not of the value it was before.


The barb buff proposal included rend buffs just not the auto apply feature.

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I get that. While I could justifiably be accused of stating the obvious from anyone that looked at the builds on the boards, I was noticing the differences. BTW, I enjoyed the new change, it is definitely a smoother gameplay, if a person wishes to use rend now.

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I like the change to auto rend; however, this is a controversial position.

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Did you try it with Istvans? I can almost say it ā€˜feels differentā€™ if that is possible with a mouse and keyboard behind a computer screen.

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Iā€™ve just tried ww. That is pretty nice. And was really a nice surprise that I havenā€™t experienced lagsā€¦ My problem is I donā€™t like ww.
Iā€™m curious about seismic slam barb. And LoD too. But Iā€™m a leapquaker in heart so no benefit right nowā€¦

Man. Are you serious? Free is a player who share thoughts in comminuty. Devs do things in game not because a player response. Only because if they want or not. They are the one you know who decide to boost numbers or not. It is only a power creep. A lot of player was talking about barbs since years. Do you really think Free enters do some calculations and all will change? No. There wasnā€™t any need to do Freeā€™s calculations because:

  1. He is only a player.
  2. Donā€™t know the game mechanics.

Players can give feedbacks. And devs will find out if they care about feedback or not. If yes they have find out how to solve itā€¦ that would be the correct way. If devs need a player to get to know how to change anything in the gameā€™s damage hierarchy than devs are simply idiots. Well maybe they are and Free we have to do the job instead of them. Do you say this? Try to forget this overhyped Free thing. I appriciate that he/she do feedbacks but do not make him an influencerā€¦ this canā€™t work in this wayā€¦