Why wont they fix Barb

Who plays the game far more than the devs do. And took the time to meticulously construct a humongous feedback thread, essentially doing the devs’ thinking for them.

It’s called common sense, dearie.

Nope. It was stating a fact.

The sky is blue, the grass is green, :cow::cow::cow: go moooooooo, trolls troll because they got nothing better to do.

:eye: See?

Or are you just grasping at straws for an excuse to flag me because I said your forum stats thread was spam?

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You have to give Free credit. With Rage, they wrote out a detailed proposal (albeit with several issues in my mind). They made a website. They made a strategic decision to post in general discussion rather than the barb forum and resisted suggestions that the thread be moved to barb forum. They used the barb forum to encourage barbs to post in general dissusion and to “address” critics. I disagree philosophical with some of these choices. There is an old saying about train schedules that may be apt.

You do not know me well. I have only flagged about 5 posts total in the new forum that were completely outrageous. I think in all but 1 case, the posts was hidden due to the flag count or deleted entirely.

See for scientific fun: Why is the Sky Blue? (with picture)

If it is true than developers salary should have been sent to Free… There are a lot of barb who palyed plenty more than Free and shared their thoughts… Some of the thoughts will be always implemented because players can give good feedback. Not only Free but a lot player. But only in GENERAL! A detailed proposal from a player wich calculate the damage dealt can’t be taken serious. Can’t, because a player don’t know the mechanics. A player only can presume some kind of mechanics… and that is why a detailed proposal absolutely redundant. If any dev take it serious than those devs should have been fired. Moreover: all boss of the devs…
Don’t missunderstand me: it is really good and I appriciate if someone share his/her thoughts. But plz don’t make one person the reason of this change…

The rend changes are actually good. Without the auto apply and one second effect the lag would be pretty epic. WW has always been sort of easy mode, and fun. The HOTA changes seem to be good too but need a bit more work. I think skilled players can get more out of it than a WW build. If not it needs adjustment. You’ll certainly need more effort to make it work for you. Overall I’m pretty happy about it.

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For you too lol


Here’s the thing.

  1. Free and Rage are themselves not taking sole credit for this, they’ve always maintained that it is a community effort.
  2. you don’t know people’s playtimes, so throwing out that plenty of people have played more barb than Free doesn’t make sense in a discussion about facts.
  3. Yes, plenty of barbs (Free included) have been making buff requests and suggestions for years… And for the most part those were ignored. So Free and Rage took things a step further, wrote up a detailed proposal with options, made a website to host it, and got community support, feedback, and confirmation that the devs had seen it via Nev. Are you really suggesting that this is all a coincidence that the first time barb gets love is right after the proposal? The devs referenced community feedback in the PTR patch notes. I’m guessing that the well thought out organized proposal that had overwhelming community support is what they were referring to, considering the changes we got.
  4. For the OP (that may or may not be an alt for Lady P anyway), Free can’t be blamed for the actual content of the buffs if you don’t agree with the methodology. Some of the proposal ideas were used, but some were not. The devs made the call on what changes they thought were appropriate.

It’s also worth noting that if rend gets tuned down as a result of ptr testing, then maybe the ratio of damage relevance between WW/DD and Rend will be a little more even.


Do you play the game? Put me or any player that’s active since day 1 vanila and we will lecture the current D3 devs about game mechanics like Professors teaching primary school students.

Simply looking at 2 of the new sets, you dont even need to play these builds to identify the problems. Strong indication its designed by Classics team, not the D3 developers.

We dont overhype a player, but you can not discredit a players input. Barb buff is the work of the entire community, however while each one knows the flaws, the ones actually putting together and presented in a strong case should get the credit. Hence Free / Rage and amongst others contributed to that website and the feed back should be respected.

Remember they are not developers, they have a family/job and other committments too. They choose to contribute to the whole community while the other who knows the maths grinds the game in that time.


Barb is much much stronger than it was. I did a 120 with minimal effort on the PTR, and can barely do that with Vyr wiz on PTR now. My wiz has near perfect gear and 120 augments. Barb has some shoddily rolled gear NO AD and 100 augments, yet did 120 3 minutes faster. You may not like WW Rend but its gonna be the new speed meta, unless they nerf before going live.

The sad thing is I see that happening, they are gonna say its overtuned and needs to be dialed back.

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I normally don’t respond to trolls, but this has gotten out of hand. Not sure why you have such a problem with me, but let’s set the record straight.

Wrong. After Rage and I created the Buff Proposal, we talked directly with Nev, who confirmed that the devs read our proposal and were considering its ideas. Now, just to be clear: our proposal was a community effort–yes, Rage and I organized, wrote, and publicized it, but the community helped generate, refine, and continue to draw attention to the ideas. That said, Rage and I were the public faces of the effort, and when Blizzard reached out to someone, it was to me.

This is laughably wrong.

Yes, I am a player, but I’m also a community veteran, and something of a Barb expert. I also understand game design, at least on an amateur level, and I know very well the game’s mechanics. Rage and I did some very exact computations–if you read the proposal, we show all our math, and it has been double and triple-checked.

Are some of the new buffed Barb items the result of years of player feedback? Of course! But look very closely: the buffed items are, in some cases, exactly what we proposed, and even the affixes that vary are located on the items we suggested. We also requested the reintroduction of Mortick’s, which happened last patch.

Insidious is right when he said that Rage and I took things a step further. We organized the effort it took to make change happen. None of this is coincidence. It was, ultimately the Barb community that came together, consolidated their voices, and were heard.

Frankly, I am.

I write and maintain the most complete Barb build guides anywhere. I get threads stickied. I mobilize, organize, and lead community efforts. I liaison between top-ranked players and noobs to find middle ground. I communicate directly with Blizzard and, when necessary, I also spend time helping players on other sites such as Dfans, Reddit, and Icy Veins. In fact, I spend more time helping players refine their builds and understand the game’s mechanics than I do playing.

I’m not tooting my own horn when I say I’m an “influencer.” Our proposal was widely read, widely shared, and widely discussed–by several YouTube channels, podcasts, and even in conversations between myself and Nev.

The work I do is for the community, period. I don’t make a dime doing this. And for folks like you and this Aysrian creep to mouth off the way y’all are is ridiculous. Not sure when I peed in your Corn Flakes, but given half the opportunity, I’d do it again.

Now, y’all don’t have to like me. That’s fine. Not sure why you don’t, but that’s fine. But the way y’all are carrying on is childish and ridiculous. Grow up and try contributing to the community. Then, at least, you might earn some cred.


Attacking someone in a thread? Nev, Plz lock this thread.

We barb, most of the barb, want to say, the new rend buff is great. The new mechanics solves many issues. What you want to say?

If you check Cain’s corner barb community, people are thrilled about this ptr. Most of them are positive.

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Even I have defended Free in this thread and agree that you should not attack other players nor post a thread requesting help from other forum members on one subforum to attack a poster in another subforum.

I would also argue that not everyone who disagrees with an opinion should be labelled a troll; however, there definitely are posters who act in an unbecoming manner. For example, if you search my post history, this post is the only time that I have ever used the word “troll” in ANY post in the new forum. Others have used it >10 times.

One thing that I often think about when I post is this:

What if the person that you are responding to you is a significant other of a D3 Developer? If you do this, I bet posters would be nicer.

You realize as a TL3 you can convert the pinned build threads into a WIki and get help with these.

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How about “just don’t be a/an insert epithet here”? There are plenty of ways to disagree without being a jerk about it. That’s one of the things I like best about discussion in the barb community. I have disagreed with the barb proposal quite a bit. Free has never felt the need to insult me, nor I him.


Several are, but for others, I simply don’t trust anyone else to maintain them at present.


I think that you can revert any change in the wiki as it keeps a history of each edit. Your lack of trust in others may be misplaced. There are many members in the barb community that are deserving of your trust.

The Wiki controls are wonky. And it’s not my fellow Barbs that I don’t trust.


The only people who can edit a Wiki are TL3/MVPs. There are about 50 of us with a bias toward barb players. Do you really think that someone who is TL3 is really going to do something in a Wiki that can easily be reverted and likely a one-way ticket to an account ban?

I would simply argue this: If it really is about the barb community as a whole and giving the community credit, it would make sense for these to be Wikis.

Wrong. Only TL 3 can create a WIKI, but anyone can edit it. Users who edit a WIKI and are not TL 3 will also break any and all TL 3 links and images previously embedded. Bass and I had this issue with the zDPS guide.

Do I really think trolls will mess with build guides out of spite or some other, equally stupid reason?

Similar question: is water wet?

I would argue that if you cared about the Barb community, you’d quit making false dilemmas. That or stop posting. But hey, we work with what we get.


My bad. I didn’t realize that non-TL3 could edit Wikis given that you need to be TL3 to make them in the first place. This adds a complication. I can acknowledge when I am wrong, I do not cover it up, and I can say I am sorry.

##EDIT: The only people EVER to edit that wiki is you and Bass. No one outside of the two of you could have caused a problem. ##

I am sorry for thinking that edits to Wikis were restricted to TL3s.

I still think that these pinned posts should be Wikis with oversight out of fairness to the community. If tomorrow or in the future, you decided not to maintain these threads then they would fall into disrepair. As a wiki, someone could take them on.

Also, it seems that you are moving the goal posts if you actually looked at what you initially wrote and now are coming up with other reasons to justify your position.

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