Why Enigma hurt 1of the core mechanics of diablo 2

i take 9 min to explain why Enigma hurt the core mechanics of diablo 2

diablo 2 suppose to be a game about choice using heavy or light shield armor , fast running boot 10 . 20 .30%
walking block % vs running block % -2/3 all this are throw out the windo because Enigma need to make choice and no risk all reward , this is not the diablo2 i know in vanilla , sure some player enjoy Enigma , the same player will also enjoy the sword of 1000 truths , do this mean is good for the game balance i dont think so :frowning: thank you , let hope player will have other option maybe a vanilla option thank you

Enigma = sword of 1000 truths :frowning:


Enigma is fun and makes other characters other then the sorc more useful in pvp and doing quick runs. They already have the vanilla as a option as they announced on the offical diablo 2 channel so you can play the boring version with no rune words if you want.


I get it enigma ws bad for the game but its here to stay but if blizzard gave us the option to play older patches online we could play before enigma was added that would be the only way to get around this

You can still play classic in D2R.

what i`m saying are just fact

I’ll be playing classic on day1, you’re more than welcome to hang out with me and some fun, unselfish players :smiley:

We share loot based on class, no need to be greedy, it’s a good time.

Enigma isn’t for everyone, classic has a lot of good attributes.


Enigma kill diablo 2 in 2003 so many player leave the game because this armor , the new generation have any clue how to pvp and duels , this game have so much more to offer . today this game is only a teleport spam with 0 gameplay and pvp is so sad to watch this break my heart to know this game have so much more to offer . playing a crap 2016 patch on a vanilla game :frowning: , i miss the prime
diablo 2

, 1.14 is amost diablo 3 for me the core mechanics is throw out the windo because this armor , what is the poin of running ?
what is the point of running % on boot
what is the point of heavy or light %
why lost so many game mechanics and strategies and build ?? Enigma = sword of 1000 truths


Let’s be honest here- if they can get duping and bots under control, public duels will be FULL of people without enigma.

I’ve put 2 legit enigmas together, and found every high rune (most several times) except Zod ( dang thing’s never gunna drop for me )

It takes a lot of time to put together legit engimas, most pub duels will have non- enigma chargers, etc.


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As I said Enigma just made more classes other then sorc to be viable to do runs quickly if you didnt notice sorc has teleport and many people who do runs still are sorc lol. All my friends and me like engima walking is so tedious when your trying to get somewhere you can play your vanilla so no need to worry but its gonna have less players. I played at the start doubtful anyone played earlier then me got the game a week after it was out if they did its neglectable.

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I am counting on Blizzard following through with what they said they would do.
“Diablo II: Resurrected will be as close to the original a possible” with a few quality of life adjustments; which is what 99% of the original veteran players wanted since before Diablo 3.

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rune are easy to farm in 1.14 and with the cube is a joke compare 1.09 all class teleporting just break the game because a lot of the basic mechanics become useless :frowning:

in 1,09 Fury and Silence never break the game balance this is the most balance patch for pvp and pve and the most play

Rune farming is not “a joke” it still takes thousands of lk or chaos runs on average to make a couple high end runewords.

1.09 was one of my favourite patches, and there will be mods for you to play it, but I’m sorry, blizzard can’t please every one of us with every single thing we want.

I’d support 10 different ladders, 1 for each patch they wanted, if they wanted to do it but, it’s quite wishful thinking.

? Diablo 2 was never balanced for pvp. How is a barb gonna kill a sorc in pvp if its inpossible to hit her? Sorc instantly become the best for pvp the only one with a chance would be a pally. Enigma has variations of stats and looks theres also other good armor rune words that are viable if you dont mind walking. If you removed engima or its teleport then fortitude or a other armor would just end up being the top armor. No good reason to remove teleport other then people who like nostalgia walking

i dont ask blizzard all the patch but the prime one , the patch diablo 2 have the most player playing the game :slight_smile: this is the legacy of the game

Are we sure this is true? no doubt 1.09 was popular, I have no idea on when the most people played.

D2 was certainly very popular in the years since, it’s anything but a dead game, and enigma has been here for years.

i understand what your saying

but this dont make sense because what now ? for the same reason , you will make all class teleport in other game ??

let go world of warcraft all class teleport for farmming is more viable hey all other game everyone teleport screw the class identity no big deal

np let screw the mechanics of the game and other balance aspect of the game too make everyone more viable to farm :frowning: hey spam teleport because i`m to lazy to play the game and need to skip the map because diablo 2 have no waypoint .facepalm

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me too bro ill be on that classic

Enigma is an earned armor, it’s actually very hard to earn if you don’t just buy it or buy the runes for it. When D2R goes live it will be non-existent for a while. With a shorter ladder it will also be a very rare item. For this reason I don’t see it as the game breaking item it is now where every character starts with one…By the time someone has the ability to build an enigma on a legit play through they have plenty of good gear and can do the farming area’s easily. Enigma just speeds things up at the end of the game when all there really is to do is farm. Without these types of items the game gets stagnate and I would have left far before I eventually did.

Even if you don’t have Enigma you can just get a telly staff. You pick up gold more often if you need to pay for the recharges on the staff…

So, I agree with you here to some extent, I kinda like the team aspect of having at least
1 barb 1 sorc 1 din 1 Necro.

It’s why I love chaos runs in classic. Have to learn how to spread out to do efficient farming.

Baalruns you just stand there and everything is dead in less than a second, no need to have speed/ skill or coordination.

1 hammerdin kills too easily, doesn’t have to switch to Vigor and back, etc.

Maybe try classic honestly, if you dislike runewords so much.

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nothing is hard in 1.14 is a patch for this generaion not so far of diablo 3

saying this i bet you never play or farm rune in 1.09 ?