Why Enigma hurt 1of the core mechanics of diablo 2

Just play non expansion D2R you dont have to worry about OP runewords

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See you there! :smile:


Canā€™t say I ever played passed 1.10ā€¦

agree baal is a joke player stay afk and leech exp , at least cow level you need to move and play the game , or the cow will kill you :slight_smile: the player base of 1,14 are the same of the diablo 3 fan base both ask for life improvement

the difference between them

the 1.14 player base already have they life improvement(Enigma ) from 1.09 and now the d3 fan are in request but in the end of the day they are the same

i mean, yeah i can see some issues enigma made, but youā€™re aboutā€¦ idkā€¦ roughly 18 years too late to make THAT complaint.

removing enigma at this point would be one of if not THE biggest single item balance change you could possibly make in this game.

if they could even consider making a balance change THIS big they donā€™t deserve to be remaking d2

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is not the same for many reason
just a quick one
no druid no assassinā€™s

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I enjoyed when windforce was a good bow too, but itā€™s not like 1.09 didnā€™t have itā€™s fair share of problems.

Saying the people that prefer 1.14 are more likely to like d3 is just kinda weird tbh, d2 has had lots of patches, many people prefer 1.00, 1.06, some people love easily gambling sojs, thatā€™s why they play time travel mods.

The truth is, they had to pick 1 patch, for development reasons, and it makes the most sense from a game companyā€™s stance to use the most recent patch as a starting point.

Enigma was actually a huge complaint from the community from even back in the 1.10 patch. That, and Hammerdins. Blizzard actually make -one- attempt to nerf Hammerdin; by adding that Magic Immune within Baalā€™s Throne room. But I agree, it canā€™t be removed now, even post launch with a balance patch.

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yes diablo 2 have a very active pvp base back in the day , sadly is vanish a lot in 1.10

ok my barbarian use to run very very fast i have 10 skil in running passive and a bunch of 5% running speed charm with Guardian Angel and 2 Raven Frost have 20 skill in berserk 1 hit or 2 hit the sorc is dead because berserk break the mana shield she lag or desync 1 sec she dead and i`m still 75% dr because 1.09 cap dr is 75%

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Yes, pvp used to be a lot more viable for many builds, and there was a very active pvp community during those years.

I think pvp was better before enigma, but I also recognize how difficult it would be to release a resurrected d2 with an old patch for ladder.

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i guess i will never die in peace :sleepy:

R.i.P Charley

I think your right. Youā€™ll never convince the community of that though. I remember when enigma first appeared in game and I felt like it killed it back then too hehā€¦ but got used to it over time.

In fact Iā€™m thinking of making a teleporting barb next time as one teleported past my frenzy baba on the way to nilithak last reset I playedā€¦ you know the one with the war cry that scares all the mobs away. Yeh been thinking about making one of those for a while.

i also hate synergie having to put over 60 too 100 skill point in passive :frowning: your build end so limited having only 1 active skill to spam with Enigma this break my heart looking pvp reduce like this :frowning:

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Back when leech worked properly for WW barbs lol ahhh the good old days


i never try to convince the community

for me this community are in 90% clueless
because very few of them play 1,09 so is human nature to stay inside the conform zone , some player like to play retail wow and some like wow classic :slight_smile: some like diablo 2 classicor vanilla some like modern diablo2 or d2 retail

So are you undead now charley?

Better change that profile picture to the undead guy :slight_smile:

i guess i will buiild a barb with 43 dr Breath of the Dying Great Poleaxe Fortitude ww and will farm the Enigma spammer in the baal room :slight_smile: not to much place for teleporting :slight_smile: 1,14 pvp is dead ,so i will just pk :slight_smile: be sure i will run very fast

On the HC side PvP was non-existent even back in 1.09, Itā€™s just PKā€™ers. Thus Iā€™ll never really be concerned about enigma etc killing PvPā€¦now if they ever did anything about firing off spells, going hostile and your hydra etc killing everyone aroundā€¦

Basically the game was too diverse for one side to claim it was killed by one runeword or another. Yes it changed the game, but it added just as much to the game as it took away. Putting all those auraā€™s on the runwords killed off a lot of people playing pallys. A good pally would deliver the right aura for what the party needed. Once everyone was running around with three different aurasā€¦no need to ever change your aura.

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I would like to see many things changed, but I donā€™t think Blizzard intends to make radical changes that effect core gameplay. They implement some mild QoL other than that it will be visual & audio upgrade.

I would get rid or change many things, Enigma is one of them, but I donā€™t think anybody at Blizzard intends to go that far, or to deal with the aftermath resulting from it. They will go with the usual, modernisation for modern gaming approach, and give you the same game with better visuals.

One thing I hope that they will take serious counter-measures against botting/hacks/mods/item trafficking.

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listen what this guy say 3,00 to 3,15 sec

maybe your right , but i dont call this game a true authentic experience that revive my memory of 20 year ago because he say some of you are not even born

i dont think he talk of a 2016 patch

everyone know patch 1.14 is not the same gameplay anymore

the time classic wow release the game release with the old patch and phase 1 right ?

not with a shadowland retail patch

sadly diablo2 re is coming with a modern patch with a lot of change , so no big deal this game have change is already change anyway , let just hope 2 option , be able to play the original version of the game or have a balance patch that balance all the damage Enigma make to this game