hello everyone i make a video because is more easy to understand me
in my opinion 1.09 is the best balance patch because is the balance update from 1,08 , sadly patch 1.10 never have any balance update for all is new content and same to 1,14 , i`m a nochange player , but have to say this make any sense to add a bunch of content to a game and never have a balance patch , stuff are just broken , in this video is easy to see why melee suck in pvp . and also why synergie system suck and are so limited and is got a far better option , all in this video , thank you taking the time to understand the issue this game have for melee character after 1,10 to 1,14 peace
You are sort of right and sort of wrong about no balance updates between 1.10-1.14. I myself, was corrected on this recently. Between those patches, they did update some skills such as Blessed Hammer no longer ignoring resistances of undead (yeah, big whoop nerf there, lol), better damage and radius for Exploding Arrow, more critical hit for Barb masteries, etc. However, they did not add synergies for those skills with none to make them more viable, as they really just upped some skills that already had synergies.
Like myself, you may not have realized the extent of these updates, since you might not have played as much of the 1.10+ iteration, and they were fairly minor for the most part (I put thousands of hours in before 1.10, probably only a couple of thousand since then).
Synergies would be fine, if they balanced them a bit better. One main synergy and one minor synergy per skill would allow for the choice between single spec and multi spec characters, without diluting skill points so much to not offer the ability to run a main second skill that isn’t severely gimped, and would do more to increase build diversity than needing to touch the elemental immunities. If they ever added a fast cast skill bar, would also go a long way towards having multi specs not so tedious to play.
Synergies would be fine if they balanced them out better.
1,08 to 1.09 they change stats on so many item , compare 1,10 to 1,14 they add so many content item rune mix ect, and i never see any nerf on these item ? or rune mix , yes 1.10 to 1,14 they fix bug and some exploit
also i think the synergy just limited the build option , look 11,45 sec to 13,18 sec , on how this system give you so much more choice and dont penalty player , is the same bonus system of the synergy without is limitation for build ,
That is why I said sort of right and sort of wrong. Pre-1.10, there were major changes, post 1.10 there were changes, but more minor that really didn’t address the overall balance of the game. As for the rest, such as Enigma. It was probably a mistake for balance to have Enigma and Infinity in the game to begin, but they are there now and any future balancing will need to be done with those in mind. As much as I remember and love the pre-1.10 days, game needs to be balanced around what we have now, which means no removing or gimping the items.
this have a major impact in pvp for melee build using bashing animation skill and closing the gap , this have less impact on pve but still belive melee , range physical build are not so good in pve . physical zon ww barb ect…
and also talk about the down side and limitation of the synergy system
also patch 1,10 never have a balance patch update on all new item rune mix ect , compare 1,08 have a patch balance update and become 1.09 ,
i`m not a youtuber just a french guy having a terrible english , so is more easy to understand me on video peace