The number of items will skyrocket, prices will drop. It cant compare to shared loot, since so many play multiplayer for exp. You cant have all that as optional, it will destroy the trading ingame.
In this thread you might be correct, because the OP wrote something about 1p loot for every player in a 8p game.
But what most of the pro-plooters are asking for is basically this:
All loot generation may is 100% unchanged. Including MF etc.
It’s drops. Exact same items that would drop in FFA also drops here.
/roll 1-X, where X is players nearby (for example within XP range).
Some number is rolled.
The item drops on the ground. ALL players can see the item.
Only one person can loot it (the winner of the roll). For others, the item text/icon is greyed out to signify they can’t.
If the winner of the item picks it up, our example ends there.
If the winner does not pick up the item within X seconds, OR move away from the area where the item dropped (including leaving the game of course), the item turns FFA. It stops being greyed out for everyone else and they can all attempt to pick it up first as with FFA.
The end.
with slight variations