Consider for a moment, two in the top 10 on the Hardcore Leaderboard
#1 is Austinmax who did GR Tier 125, and who is Paragon 4137
#6 is MillsSniper who did GR Tier118, and who is Paragon 1351
I’m not sure about the math but MillsSniper impresses me more than Austinmax.
The current system idolized those who achieve lofty Paragons over those who might not have the luxury of spending massive hours.
Suggestion: Add a Leaderboard category for efficiency, perhaps some formula that looks at Tier achieved and Paragon achieved.
Greater minds than mine here could come up with a formula that simply shows “the greatest player on the leaderboard adjusted for Paragon.” In other words “the most efficient player.”
In my opinion, there is nothing wrong with playing D3 for massive hours, heck, I’ve done that, but many of us work (less now with the Coronavirus) and really have limited hours and it would be nice to see the rank of those who are really, really, good at being top-notch players with limited hours.
Interestingly, it would make the leaderboard more useful since seeing what efficient players did with their builds would benefit more of us, especially those of us who can uh…only play 3-6 hours a day.
Just an idea…what do you think, or is this an old subject?
A great idea. I want to say I have made a similar suggestion – cannot remember. But, basically the formula is your best GR divided by hours played in a season on a toon. And that’s what rankings are based on. Who knows? It might killing botting all by itself because botting 24/7 would absolutely shoot someone in the foot.
Botting 24/7 on barb, amassing 40000 bounty mats, then spending as little time as possible on your pushing class in order to maximise this point system.
If it’s not class-based but character based (as toon would imply), you can even simply delete your push character every hour and have someone power level you (it takes 2mins) until you get the perfect rift on that new character, for maximum point achieved. Sounds like a great time to be had !
P.S. Someone from the blue said before they have such ranking system (that mitigates paragon) for their internal testings. Maybe they based it on mine after seeing the better rankings lol?
wrong, current system doesnt idolize anything, it simply rewards clears, which is about the only objective measure of what someone achieved.
If you want leaderboards simply divided by paragon, it accomplishes nothing outside of giving some people fake throphies - because any good player with low paragon will be matched not with other good players, but with those who farmed as little as they did. I dont think being the best among scrubs is something that warrants adding extra functionality to the game.
If what you mean is subjectively adjusting the score based on your own preference based on how high you think they would go, you simply reward them for something they didnt achieve. They might have, but they didnt, so theres no basis for them behing higher on the list than they are right now.
I dont like current system, but fixing it is not as simple as some might think.
Well you are soo wrong that you are laughable. Many can do it, but to be honest Diablo is soo played out, its only played when there is no other choice these days.
Almost no humans on Earth can survive on 2 hours sleep a night. The chances of finding a large group of them, becoming friends and that they all play D3 together, is probably less likely than winning the lottery on the same day you get stuck by lightning, twice, whilst kissing a supermodel.
Ever wondered why the end of Navy Seals BUD/S is referred to as Hell Week?
See you just live a boring life. Its not that hard to find people like that. You just have to go out and not stay at home. You know have a real life.
Also it helps to find people with the motivation to make something of their lives. It also helps to travel. Have you ever left your little town? Doesnt sound like it.
Buds is ok but I personally think SFAS is far worse even then it wasn’t that bad.
I personally dont care what you think but then I am honor bound (guess that is a foreign thing to you) To reply when you mention me.
" Short-sleepers like Ross never feel lethargic, nor do they ever sleep in. They wake early – normally around four or five o’clock – raring to get on with their day. Margaret Thatcher may have been one – she famously said she needed just four hours a night, whereas Mariah Carey claims she needs 15."
You can look up short sleepers. There is even a study on how sleeping less is better for the human body. But I wouldn’t expect you to understand it. Considering how much of a bigot you seem to be from your posts.
But either way, you seem to be getting grumpy there gramps. Maybe a nap is needed.
Ah, so because I doubt there’s a group of D3 players that are all chums and can permanently survive on less sleep than the hyper fit young Navy Seal candidates can stand for a week, you resort to insulting my intelligence, honour and call me a bigot.
Certainly more beneficial than slinging around ad hominems.
I call you a bigiot because you refuse to accept that there are people out there that are different then you are.
As for the military person. That again depends on the person. The average Seal can not do a long gaming session (just ask my brother. You messed up there. My whole family is military. )
You insult your own by assuming things you cant possibly know or understand without accepting that you are wrong.
Nice try there gramps.
You have done nothing in these forums except prove everything I have said about you.
Just because you cant keep up with many doesn’t mean they don’t exist. Get to know someone that works at one of the casinos.
But keep dismissing medical proof all you want. Like I said it doesnt matter to me either way. But let me tell you something gramps. Dont call someone out and expect them not to come to you about it.
Now about you try it, or are you just too lazy. Its not like you have anything better to do.
Wow. Just a big wow. Every post you have made in this topic about sleep has been incredibly insulting too anyone over the age of 30. You’ve managed to come across as boorish, arrogant and selfish, with no regard for any one else.
I wouldnt like to be condescending (that means talking down to someone) but if you had a few less insults and gave a reasoned argument, you might get a bit more sympathy.
As it is, it appears all you have achieved is to insult anyone older than yourself for no good reason. You dont sleep much? Thants fine and dandy, no problem with that. However I would wonder why, if you have that much time, yo uwaste it playing a game for 22 hours at a time when there are so many other things that could be done- you could perhaps tidy your room, or help mum with the washing up? I’m sure she would appreciate it, and it would give a chance for a nice family chat.