Who really is #1 or #10 on the Leaderboard? A suggestion to Blizzard

Ok let me make one thing clear. I dont look for nor do I need sympathy from others. I’m not emotional weak like that.

Well see you should stop thinking. Because you are soo off base you are funny. Now let me tell you that I am older then 30. Which was clear if you payed one bit of attention to anything I wrote.

As for wasting time? Well that is because I made my money by the time I was 25 and now I do what I want when I want. And that includes some days were me and some buddies will play for the whole weekend and the person who quits first has to pay everyone else internet bill for the month. Great motivation.

Most of those instances thats the case, but there the few that actually do suffer playing that way too much.

You do occasionally encounter players, not bots, with crazy high paragon during the season. I keep thinking how life is passing them by without them actually living it. Its a substitution for something else, usually working out something with pain.
I also realize there are some people that play this as a occupation and teach others which gives you a different experience and you can survive as a long hours per day player. Still during this pandemic the worse thing you can do is suffer from a lack of sleep when its needed the most. :wink:

This type of person is why the forum needs an ignore feature.

Or More mods to remove users like this.

Also While the site doesnt have a built in one, you can make one with things like AD block plus or Stylus. Consider it an olive branch.

The forum software was updated a couple of weeks ago and it now has one.

At the top right of the forum, click your avatar, then your name, and from the drop-down menu choose Preferences. In the Notifications / Users section, there’s an Ignored section, click Add+ and then specify the name of the poster you wish to ignore, and choose a length for the duration of the ignore. The maximum is four months. There’s no option of “Forever”.

yep, paragons are king when it comes to flat out clearing. kinda BS. worse part of PS4 is we cant see the players paragons.

who cares what other people are doing whit their time? i dont.
I enjoy my time while i play. if other people want to play 24/7 is up to them

I find this silly. You do care about what others do with their time because someone took the time to make this thread and you took time to respond to it.

Anyways, there are players that like to be competitive. While competition in an ARPG is sorta moot given the amount of RNG involved, if blizzard is going to introduce a competitive outlet (leaderboards), it would be nice if it was more indicative of skill and an accurate representation of who’s possibly better than who.

Given blizzards track record of decent implementation of competitive elements in their other games, they severely dropped the ball with D3.


Don”t forget to add “map type” and “pylon spawn” to your calculation. That’s sometimes more important that skill

there is a reporting function for trolling etc. but only bans for a few days …
game and forum has been abandoned for ages. there are so many great ideas here. everything disappears into nirvana

It’s not that simple I think.
In terms of statistics the highest clear is the leader, however, if you ask who has the greater skill? Then that is a different answer.
So far and only potentially, the best player in the game is statistically the person who recently beat GR132 with under 2,000 paragons which is mainly all skill.

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and lots of

Edit: really, that guy fished for hours, I saw it happen.

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Be that as it may, he deserves all the kudos he is receiving for getting that high with so few paragons.

Thanks for the kudos, I’ll keep them in my kudo stash tab.

So what about a guy with double the damage from paragon points (say 40k strength instead of 20k strength, roughly 4800 para) and clears 10 levels higher, where mobs have 1.17^10 more hp (4.8 times hp). Would you say the guy with higher paragon is less “skilled” than the 2k guy ? After all, with a character that does double the damage he managed to clear a rift that requires almost quintuple the damage. Of course this is all hypothetic, I don’t think 142 solo barb has been cleared… yet.

That is a fair comparison. Lets say that it is completely correct. Did the same guy clear 10 levels lower with less than 2,000 paragon points as well? If so, I would say you are totally correct. It is one of those debates about doing more with less, or more with more. Definitely not less skill but certainly more skill than most.

The reality is that pretty much noone going for 5k-ish paragon in a season spends (wastes) time doing mid-level at low paragon. Reality is that those players, by the time they have their target gear for push are way higher paragon than 2k. 2k paragon is done by the end of the first week at worst, not enough time to get good gear. The only way you get good enough gear for solo push before p2k is if you do mostly solo/t16 instead of rat runs, and you don’t really get 5k para doing solo.

I just think people just under-estimate high paragon level players just “because they have high paragon so it’s easy”, and it bothers me. It’s not so much the guys who actually do remarkable things (hey, 132 with 2k para with barb is impressive, ngl), but those who hardly a gr110 and then say “well if I had 6k instead of 1.1k paragon, me too could clear a 140”.

D3 is about-paragon over loot or play?
No way, get outta here, really?

Yea, busted system, rehash trying to salvage the game from the AH days into content.

The only think D3 has is paragon and comparing that on a LB, instead of rare cool loot in group quests with a great soundtrack and art and such like D2.

Era 2020-1
Solo Barb, Rank 1
GR145 in 13 minutes 5.716 seconds
Run completed on 18th March, 2020

Era 2020-1
Solo Barb, Rank 1
GR144 in 14 minutes 44.850 seconds
Run completed on 14th April, 2020

Era 2020-1
Solo Barb, Rank 1
GR147 in 14 minutes 30.316 seconds
Run completed on 3rd April, 2020

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That’s not completely correct and only for a select group(s) of people. Not everyone that purchased this game plays eight hours per day and there are a lot more than the 1,000 that show on the leaderboards. A lot of people also play in all three regions and only play a few hours per day. A lot of people also have a life and may not reach 2K in the entire season.

A lot of people play solo too and many do not even play seasons. In a group it is much easier and faster to amass paragon points.
I do agree with you that getting the right gear is one of the most important aspects.

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