What's the point of the new class sets

Buffing as needed for these may be what they do, it is testing right now not the final say so. I watched bluddshed with the new sader set doing a GR 90 with low para and basic stuff. Time was was good but seemed to get wrecked quite easy and one shot once all toughness skills came off. I heard plenty say that’s one big negative for the set is DR.
With all the complaining about how overpowered some builds are, they may want to keep things to a mid tier level until testing by you fine ptr players are done and feedback is on with numbers.

GR105 cleared with Aegis of Valor

Build details in this thread:

NEW 2.6.7 sets, builds, LOD change

Diablo 3 PTR 2.6.7 - Aegis of valor crusader GR 117

Build details in video

I guess I need to learn how to play this set…:stuck_out_tongue:

Still would love to if they added phalanx archers to this set too :confused:

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Clearly, this is the case.
Sader set is just plain under powered and not well thought out.
Monk set is not for gr pushing, and apparently mainly for T16 key/mat farming.

We have to give the Classic devs time.

extra sets for different thoughts

There is a problem if you start something off as under powered. Now you have to buff it to standard. If you buff it too much now you have to make it the new standard (no nerfing). Then buff the next under performer till they are equal, which will never happen. An endless cycle of buffs that will lead to more power creep.

The way to balance things was to kill GRs entirely - or at least pick a benchmark - and then balance around that. They’ve never done anything close to that though.

… Yeah, we saw with the Hammer set how bad it can be when they decide to shoehorn in another skill that has no relation to the one the set is based around.

If the new sets are really so weak than the more important question for me is the following: why incompetence peaple developing this game? If it is intented to make the new sets weak than comes your question. And there is no correct answer. Maybe the devs incomperency an explication for that too. :metal::grin::grin::wink::hugs::hugs::hugs:

You just need to learn how to play the game lmao, you keep spreading non sense in the forums…

I did a 90 with AoV using 3 level 25 gems… and i was not even using akarat champion and only with 700 paragon…

Crusader set is weak for +100 (because you need way more than any other set to make it work), but clearly can handle T16 without problems.

Both sets are weak and need buffs, but saying that they are that useless as blackthorne is just a git gud problem.

What’s there to learn? I see a 7k paragon, 130 augmented player struggling to do a 117.

If that doesn’t scream underpowered, I don’t know what to tell you.

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So I guess you missed the video above the 117 clear… A player with just a little above 1700 cleared 105 GR…

Sure this set is really underpowered, but many including me thought it wouldn’t be even capable of doing GR 90 or 100, yet it did, but I agree it needs to be buffed or redesigned…

Made even a sugestions how to improve this set in 3 other threads and some players agreed with me…

Aegis of Valor: Feedback

Please give aegis of valor more skills!

Aegis of Valor rework

I mean, I really didn’t need to see that other clear really knowing the above clear. The set should be GR130 capable with those kind of stats and it’s no where close.

If you guys want back in the meta, you really gotta raise your standards. It’s 2019 man, these sub 120 clears aren’t going to cut it anymore. If you don’t see the top 10 Crusaders doing 130+, it’s complain to buff time!

The top PTR ranking for:
Sader is LoD build. (not the new set)
Monk is Sunwuko WoL build. (not the new set)

People play what they are comfortable with.
This is human nature.

No one is seriously playing these new sets until they receive some serious love!

Some are testing seriously. Quin got a 104 down with the new monk set. My guess is that they will extend this PTR because of the new seasonal theme. The sets were underpowered yes. But it’s better they are underpowered on the PTR and then are buffed for live, then the other way around. Or else the outcry is big.

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You do realize they started all sets and barb buff at 10,000 percent … That means they will change the numbers once they see the results people.

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My reply here is not directed at you or anyone else it is something I was raised with.
I was taught that if I think someone is incompetent and was bold enough to say that, it means that I am capable of doing their job much better and if I cannot, then find a different vendor or supplier.

If anyone is a programmer that makes games that can do better, it seems because everyone cares about the game so much, they should write chunks of code to assist them and send it to them so they can do better.

I am being objective and nothing more.
Every new set has needed tweaking for as long as I can remember playing this game we are ALL arguing about. Maybe we all have short memories?

It’s early days on the new sets and with seven classes and a new set coming for each, so that is 35 sets they have to deal with.

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I’m not sure that I understand well your thoughts but I would like to share some more thoughts. If I’m a game developer than I must know what is the damage that must be dealt to make that thing useful. Imagine what should happen if a doctor who operating don’t know the anatomy. It shouldn’t happen. And shouldn’t happen that a developer can’t design a build to make acceptable damage. If it happens than it proves that developer don’t know the program he/she develeps. It is truly incompetency.

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Currently I can do GR85s in little over 6 min with the Aegis of Valor. I wouldn’t say it’s weak, just needs some tweaking. It needs more mitigation and the support items need their damage buffs increased. With those changes it should go GR100+ with little difficulty and actually be competetive with other sets.

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That is another perspective certainly and a good one. I think that is definitely the right word, ‘perspective’, for both you and I.

I agree it needs tweaking.

I was a little surprised it did not come with Heaven’s fury like the Roland’s does Sweep and Shield bash together. It would have made a definite difference.

So the final full 6pce set would have been something like:
Increase the damage of Fist of the Heavens and Heavens Fury by 10,000%
Because of the Hevaens Fury Shields, perhaps a little less on the Heaven’s fury, but you get where I am going.

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Yeah, how many Necros remember how great Inarius was before they nerfed the proc rate on Marinae?

God forbid they should release more gear that they’ll have to break because it’s too good.

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