Aegis of Valor rework

Good god - how many seconds did the team spend on this set? It’s the least imaginative set i’ve ever seen. All it does is make you spam fist of heaven and figure out a way to keep up your resources at full. But the problem is that the crusader has a lot of awesome abilities that are underused due to being basically useless in T9+. This set was the one chance of making many of this abilities interesting. Here’s a suggestion just for fun, but what ever the team does - this set really needs to be more than - spam fist of heaven.

2 set pieces: - Smite and Justice have a 50% chance to cast Fist of Heaven on the first target they hit.

4 set pieces: Phalanx gets the effect of the Bowman rune and they last forever. Each active Phalanx Bowman gives you a 10% damage resistance. Phalanx damage is increased by 2000%

6 set pieces: Smite, Justice and Fist of Heaven gain 7500% damage bonus. Each time Fist of Heaven hits an enemy it increases the damage of the next Haven’s Fury by 100%. Stacks up to 10 times.

Again this is just and exercise of imagination - but pls for the love of Diablo - make this set interesting.


While I agree it is a bit boring, it is not exactly bad designed - well except the 4-piece which is just terrible.

From what I can tell, it will allow a lot of FoH to be casted quickly and without consuming resource. But I do feel that Captain Crimson is going to be required for this set.

Captain Crimson and Unstoppable Force will be mandatory probably.

Yea and that is the real shame if you ask me. Those should only enhance, not be mandatory.

There are a number of “mandatory” skills in this game, one typical example is the Invigoration rune for Preparation when playing UE DH (for the +20 discipline).

I do agree though that the set is very 1-dimensional and could be broadened to encourage interactions between skills (like the Phalanx idea the OP stated).

I dunno if it would be interesting but they could do something with laws. Like double the passive of a law, or give it all runes, and when it’s activated give damage reduction for x time independent of law duration.

That way it’s DR on demand. But also not hamstrung into being something like having to maintain a law all the time.

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No ur wrong crusaders skill runes are meele also

I would change the current:

Aegis of Valor

  • 2-Piece Bonus: The charged bolts from Fist of the Heavens has a chance to cast another Fist of the Heavens
  • 4-Piece Bonus: Hitting with Fist of the Heavens reduces damage taken by 1% for 5 seconds. Stacks up to 50 times
  • 6-Piece Bonus: Increase the damage of Fist of the Heavens by 10,000%


  • 2-Piece Bonus: Hitting enemies with Fist of the Heavens summons up to 4 Phalanx Archers each dealing 1000% increased damage.
  • 4-Piece Bonus: Each time your Phalanx Archers hit an enemy you gain 10% damage reduction stacking up to 50% and the effect of your equipped law is doubled (both active and pasisive)
  • 6-Piece Bonus: Increase the damage of Fist of Heavens and Wrath generating skills by 5000% stacking up to 20,000% each time your Phalanx Archers hit an enemy

Now if you had the Unrelenting Phalanx shield equipped with this set each time you hit enemies with Fist of Heavens you would summon 8 Phalanx Archers so instead of a total of 4000% increased damage Phalanx Archers would deal 8000% increased damage (8 archers - 1000% each).

If this set would look like I suggested I would play it like crazy. The current Fist of Heavens set looks booooring and you’ll be lucky to even do T13-T16 with it unless you have 5000+ paragon and caldesans arround 130-150 in it with gems arround 120-140 rank… Maybe I’m wrong, but even if GR 90-100 is max you can do with this set, than it’s still a waste of time to play it…

If Blizz wants us to play with the new sets they should be strong enough to allow us to get on the leaderboards with them allowing to clear GR 110-120 as easy as we can clear GR 90-100 now…

Otherwise all the new sets will be as useful as the Blackthorne set, unless of course you’re ok with running max T13-T16 difficulties with them or max GR 100-110 with crazy high paragons and caldesans, equipped legendary gems…


That’s one I think most of us agree on.

Hey, I like this idea.

I’d change the 4pc to: Gain all 3 laws and all their runes but increase the cooldown to 60 seconds. Hitting an enemy with FotH reduces the cooldown of your laws by 1 second.

This would need testing but to me, it looks like having all laws and all their runes active would give a butt tonne of damage mitigation and recovery.

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yeahh phalanx and fist of the heaves the BEST combination!! blizzard please listen us, im half chinese and a commie trash so i think u will listen me, or not lol

At the very least, I hope they make this set take up the following slots:

  • Head
  • Shoulders
  • Gloves (rolls guaranteed CDR)
  • Pants
  • Bracers
  • Crusader Shield


Because with this setup, we can choose to either run the set as is with a guaranteed Aquila or Cindercoat and there seems to be no FotH shield to use from memory so we may as well free up another slot with more useful items.


We could go Aegis6/Akkhan4/Crims3 with FnR rings. This will give us perma AC, help solve the RCR issues, give us some reliable DR with the ability to add in more from the Aegis4 bonus.


I have a similar build idea in draft. I expressed this sentiment in another thread I was met with a complaint about Phalanx not fitting the Aegis theme. I couldn’t find anything about it on the web, but like you, i think the set bonuses should be more interesting.

I personally think a human dropping out of the sky to do battle is an appropriate Crusader power, like as if the Phalanx men were spawned by a ‘creator’. The visual is kind of like the movie Terminator 2, except the context isn’t scifi, its old world. Arnold appears nude outside of the Slaughtered Calf Inn and raises hell. Lol.

I was messing around in GR105-110 with FotH build on LoD w/ Stone Gaunts and Akkhan w/ CC3. Survival kind of sucked. Imagine playing LoD Condemn semi-stationary. Too many defensive buffs dropping off - it needed OrotZ to keep up Akarat’s Champion. A standard 6pc set w/ RoRG + EW + CoE doesn’t fit – OrotZ.


  • Theorycrafters will recognize that Gasnick’s proposed 2pc bonus can be merged with Akkhan 6-pc. His proposed 2-pc AoV is too strong. The damage mod should be split up the 6-pc bonus. Set the 2pc to 100% damage per Phalanx, then add add a separate multiplicative 6pc buff just for Phalanx 1000%?
  • Based on pre-ptr fiddling, the 4pc bonus needs to be around 70% DR. Alternative solutions are Khasset Cord’s RCR becomes universal RCR that supports CC3, or give it perma Decaying Strength or Unstoppable Force laws. (i like the free law, it can make for great zSader builds).


  • 2-Piece Bonus: Hitting enemies with Fist of the Heavens summons up to 4 Phalanx Archers. Phalanx damage is increased by 100% for each avatar within 50 yards.
  • 4-Piece Bonus: Each time your Phalanx Archers hit an enemy you gain 10% damage reduction stacking up to 50%. You and your allies gain Laws of Justice and nearby enemies are weakened by Decaying Strength.
  • 6-Piece Bonus: Increase the damage of Fist of the Heavens and Wrath generating skills by 20,000%. Increase the damage of Phalanx by 1000%.

Btw does anyone know the maximum amount of Phalanx that can be summoned?


2 set pieces: - Smite and Justice have a 50% chance to cast Fist of Heaven on the first target they hit.
4 set pieces: Phalanx gets the effect of the Bowman rune and they last forever. Each active Phalanx Bowman gives you a 10% damage resistance. Phalanx damage is increased by 2000%
6 set pieces: Smite, Justice and Fist of Heaven gain 7500% damage bonus. Each time Fist of Heaven hits an enemy it increases the damage of the next Haven’s Fury by 100%. Stacks up to 10 times.

I really like this suggestion but would swap out Justice for Judgement. I like the idea of being a righteous dude walking around smiting and passing judgement on my foes and then having holy fire and fury rain down from the skies on my foes. The added bonus of my phalanx brothers being there to tank and attack enemies just adds to this feeling of a band of holy warriors running around purging evil. I really hope they implement something like this rather than the current iteration.

I mean, by the time RG spawns, it will take far longer than 5 seconds and your 50 stacks of DR buff will be gone; you are squishy as sponge bob.