What's the point of the new class sets

That’s what we’ve been saying about D3 devs since 2012.


Must remember it’s not just knowing the anatomy, it’s also not making mistakes or assumptions. Look at statistics for mistakes made by surgeons who knew their anatomy well, they are, as game developers are, human. A co-worker just had surgery for a hernia, the surgeon accidentally snipped a part of his intestine and it wasn’t the surgeon who realized it, it was the lab the piece was sent to. He had been doing this type of surgery for many years.

I do agree that one would think they know what is needed damage wise before putting it out, but then again, they may also know exactly what they are doing and have further adjustments in mind but wanted to see it in action beforehand.

That is it pretty much in a nutshell

Of course we can go in more details but I only wanted to make some general comparison to make it sensible that it is absolutely relevant to expect from blizzard’s developers to know the game mechanics and the build hierarchy. :+1::metal:

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It’s really poor form to use retarded in that context. Please don’t.

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Because the vast majority of players aren’t bleeding-edge greater rift meta pushers who will only use the absolute best build available every season. Most people will be perfectly fine to have a new playstyle option. It’s amazing how people who talk like this think everyone who plays games is some kind of theorycrafter.

I’ve been working on the new monk set and can do T13 ok but T16 is rough.

Hey I like Seeker of the Light set. In fact it is my favorite set for Crusaders.

With that type of attitude you will have sets that are way under powered when compared to the original four. Then players will complain because the only builds that they can use to compete on the leader boards are the original four. If all sets are not buffed or nerfed to the level that Blizz sets for sets then those complaints will still keep coming and they would be right to complain. Those new sets might be sets that buff their favorite skill. Now a Fist of Heaven set that can’t compete will make those that love that skill made and wondering why it was made since it can’t compete.

Meanwhile i’m having a HARD time doing GR75 or T16. . . the mob’s are pretty easy to kill but the Elites are going to hand your butt to you. . . ~MEH~

Stop saying untrue things and get facts straight instead of playing ignorant! A bug was fixed, end of discussion.

I’m just gonna quote you for stating my thoughts when I saw the thread.