What's the point of the new class sets

…if they’re only slightly better than Blackthorne’s?

Why bother adding new sets for the remaining classes (Barb, DH, Necromancer, WD, Wizard) in next patches if you can barely run T13-T16 with them?

I just wonder if any of our suggestions we make in the PTR feedback category will be listened or will it end up like when we asked for a change to the S18 season theme…


For the transmogs, obviously! Everyone knows transmogging is the true end-game :wink:


I get what you are saying.

Here’s a thought. In some ways it may not be as silly as it appears on the surface.
Consider all of the Flak and arguments people are already having over the new Barbarian changes everyone is concerned will be nerfed and the already nerfed chantodo’s.

Human nature prefers to have something that does not work as well as it should eventually turn into something great, rather than being given something great that no longer does what it used to.
All you have to do is look at the copious amounts of issues with nerfing and foreseen potential nerfing.

Maybe they learned from that? That is to gradually get these up to where they work great and leave them, rather than overpowering and having to nerf them?
It’s definitely a possibility.


Better the sets be undertuned first rather than overtuned.


Relax. The new set is just for Transmogrification.


Transmog works for me, it does look nice. There is on the other hand, quite a bit of people that don’t push GR and don’t really care about hitting 120. I’ve been helping 3 people in the game the last week. One is going for hammer crusader and one wants rathmas and Jess set. Neither of which, as far as I can remember, are high pushing builds now. They like the way it plays and have fun.


Of course they read and see what we say.
…They just know better.

My phone is ready.


Apparently the new sets appear to be unfinished.
I prefer to take longer to launch, but to be better.


I was going to be kinder and say everyone needs to stop jumping the gun. I apologise that I cannot remember who, but it is a solid player and forum contributor who said that it needs to go live because comparing PTR to live is completely unrealistic.
I agree with them and with you and anyone that thinks it needs to be given a go in the real environment for at least a full season before anyone decides to tear it to pieces.

EDIT: I do not have the math skills of some people but I can understand it. The table MicroDNA put up tells me that sure it is comparative to the Chantodo’s pre-nerf, but it is NOT ahead of it. The 140 everyone went “ooooh…ahhh…” at was a player with nearly 10,600 paragons FFS. The players in the mid-range were still under Chantodo’s comfortably though certainly comparable. Leave it I say,

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I cleared a 96GR with 1670 paragon two rank 100 legendary gems Taeguk, Stricken and Bane of the Trapped 103 rank. No caldesans at all, only 4 ancients (no ancient set item). Most items with average or bad rolls.

Used Furious Charge with Merciless Assault rune and Ground Stomp with Wrenching Smash rune.

Rest was 5 set pieces of wastes, 2 pieces of crimson (belt, pants), Obsidian ring, Band of Might ring and Hellfire Amulet (Str, Chc, Chd, socket) with Rampage passive.

Passives: Boon of Bul-Kathos, Brawler, Berserker Rage and Pond of Flesh.

Weapons: Bul-Kathos Oath both non-ancient with reduced cooldown.

Rest skills:

  • Whirlwind with Blood Funnel rune,
  • War Cry with Impunity rune,
  • Battle Rage with Ferocity Rune,
  • Wrath of Berserker with any rune, cause I was using Mortick’s Brace.


  • Ambo’s Pride
  • Lamentation
  • RoRG

I’m pretty sure I could go highier with this build. For me the new WW set works as intended and anyone who thinks it’s OP is delusional


Good job.

If anything, I was going to say the Fjord Cutter could do with a damage increase but I am sure someone will try and crucify me for saying that. I tried it with a cold earth build and I could see it’s potential if it had only a little more ‘oompf’ to it.


I’m no pro with barb although I used to play a lot with him in vanilla days, but I would love to if the seismic slam skill had a wider area of damage, similar to multishot. Tried seismic slam with the cold rune and it only attacked monsters in straight line unlike multishot that hits much more mobs with one shot…

I like all the classes for completely different reasons. Yes the Barb is only now after a long time getting an upgrade. At the every least people need to let it have its day in the sun.
I hope hope they do not nerf it for next season. As for the multi-shot which I think is a good idea, I remember a long time ago someone suggested a ‘Multi-spear’ for ancient spear. I thought that was pretty good. Nobody acted on it though (obviously).

EDIT: Anyone that every played the Amazon in D2 knew that she had a wide area-damage based multiple spear throw so the person that suggested it was not off-beam in their suggestion.

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The only thing I don’t like about the barb is how low the damage reduction is for this class. It’s kind of ridiculous that a barb which is basically a bag of muscles is getting one shotted on GR100-105+ unless you have a good build with high enough paragon, items, gems etc…

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You know a lot more about the actual mechanics and maths than I do but yes, it goes from being tanky to squishy in a short space of time. Though, the only build over 100 I found I could keep that under control with and get tanky at higher levels with is the IK Hammer build.

ARe you using Band of Might? Barbs have an 80% damage reduction from that (ie you’re taking 5x as much damage without it). What my monk could do with an 80% DR ring…

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To divert the topic back to the original question I have to ask just what level did the devs get these sets to perform to?

Recent changes made it so an above average player can get any set for any class to do at least GR 100. T13/GR 60 can be done by any without even having a complete build (supporting items, gem levels etc.). And by above average I’m talking knowledge of the game and under 1000 Paragon, most players are not above average.

There are a lot of smart players trying the two new sets out and they are falling well short of those benchmarks. Even if there is some obtuse undocumented item/skill interaction required to make either of these sets work a comment from the devs on what is needed or what they expected these sets to do.

I agree with the sentiment that they shouldn’t be instant top dog and be tuned as we go, but they don’t even meet the level of usable. Like Blackthornes they are instant salvage sets. I’d hope that isn’t their intention after putting the man hours into making these.

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No argument but as I mentioned, I am wondering if they are avoiding the trap of overpowering them only having to nerf.
It’s speculation, but still good logic that they may have underpowered them in order to increase, rather than having to nerf from doing the opposite. It’s still early days too.

They are just doing the most minimal amount of work/effort to make it seem like they still care about the game. Just rehashing old meta’s into new sets and acting like it’s new content.


I agree, new sets are lacking balance. Both of them can’t compete with other class builds in high GR. But then again almost all class builds are ignored and players are literally using 1 build for their class to do high GR. It’s so stupid how it’s taking them this long to make every builds have the capability to play competitively with others. Vyr Wiz/Bazooka is a good example, literally everyone is playing ONLY those builds cause others are weak af.