Most likely I’m trying out the FoH Crusader first. I used to have a FoH pally on D2 and that was a lot of fun, hopefully a little more viable for all content on D3 though haha!
i just wanna see ho garbage is the new monk set, then probably remove this game and battle net app with it all together and be done with this company.
I’m also curious about the FoH Sader and the WW Rend Barb.
Most likely I will end up playing one of those in S19.
FoH pala in D2 will always stay as a mainly PvP build in my head/memory so yea.
no news on startup I am willing to give up my time to play you would at least think they would say something about the test
Of course they do, but there is only one PTR realm and it is located in, and runs from, California. There is not one per Region. Start time is determined by the Dev and QA team when they are ready to go.
Also note, because there is only one, and everyone who wants to play has to connect to it, you will have log in queues and lag (if you are far away from CA). The number who can log on is based on the number of testers they need. Once it is full, then they are getting the data they need. Most of what they collect is from in-game data collection.
it is noon there still no communication and also no test
If you are new to the PTR cycles, then I can see how that might be confusing. The PTR normally does not have an exact announced time like Live Game launchers. It is just a test realm. It usually comes up sometime during the afternoon Pacific Time. It is currently 12:23 pm where the PTR server is at Blizz headquarters.
this was my first full season so I am a newbee I am old and disabled I was willing to help but discoraged because of the no startup not sure I am much help anyway
Lookin at a all nighter I guess with 1-2 hour wait times.
The PTR server is set up to monitor the data from those who play on it. All you have to do, is jump in and play with whatever you want! They prefer we play with the new items and sets, but you don’t have to. You don’t have to be an expert to be helpful. In fact, not knowing what you are doing can provide good feedback too. Everyone is new at some point!
Rampant MaryJane in California, have always slowed software releases
Less than an hour till Friday i guess they will start it at 18.10 not at 17.10
There are still 8 hours left on the 17th where the PTR server is located. Relax.
you cannot log into the server at all…or have you tried??
i have done the ptr for last season and i think the season before but not sure, anyway never had a lot of lag or wait time. hopefully wont be too bad this time aswell
Try 11 hours on Pacific Time
Oops lol. You right, I’m EST and goofed looking at my own time. I’m relaxed at least.
There’s always tomorrow.
Go back to your moonshine, Jed.
I don’t drink, Cheech.