what time tomorrow will the ptr server be available. cause if its at midnight i am down.
not sure, I have been trying to find that out too
Probably not midnight.
We don’t typically have a specific time posted because, as it’s PTR, it’s a test environment and things don’t always go the way we plan. Certainly, we’ll try to get the PTR up and running as quickly and early as possible.
Cue the “Why isn’t the PTR up yet?” posts starting at five past midnight.
could start right now just kidding. you know i have always held the belief that while most gaming companies produce good games, (i am a fan of ubisoft) Blizzard does story telling the best. and that is why their games last so long.
Go for it, I’ll be asleep.
Heck, it’s 02:20 CEST on Thursday here.
You’re already a couple of hours late.
I’m gonna predict (probably wrong) that, like seasons, 5:00 pm Pacific Time.
*eats PTR server*
See, we should learn from her. Instead of staying up from the anticipation; the sooner you go to sleep the closer you’ll be to playing the PTR!
Well, the PTR usually goes up early-to-mid afternoon Pacific. That equates to 9-10 PM over here in Europe so I’ll definitely have had some sleep before then.
Salty snacks and a flask of espresso may be on hand for a marathon 1000+ killstreak testing session though.
ok, i have never ask or even posted before. no need to be rude about a person you dont know.
My “PTR” reads “PLAY”.
i do have several wizards, necros, and DH’s but in the ptr i will likely try out a rend whirlwind Barb with the new stuff added in cube and see what that does to the build… i am excited!!!
I am looking forward to seeing how this plays out as well.
Check the version number…
yea but a lot of us kant press start its greyd out and it says we aren’t party leader…I mean like rifts gr’s and bountys ppl kant enter…its hooooped after the update. pl tell the higher ups nev
Seems they waited until around 4 a.m. Pacific…
" Someone had blundered.
Theirs not to make reply,
Theirs not to reason why,
Theirs but to do and die.
Into the valley of Death
Rode the six hundred."
But I have to go to work and everyone will get ahead of me! Oh wait none of that matters… Nevermind.