What are/were the most fun builds in the game?


I’ve started playing D3 in era 2019-1. I’m mainly a Cruz (I’ve tried all the current builds except the new Akkhan on the PTR), secondly a Barb (I’ve only tried the builds mentionned below + WW Rend) and I’ve started playing the Monk in S25 (still need to try LoD WoL and PoJ Tempest Rush that are said to be fun).

Here are the builds I enjoy playing the most, without consideration for their power level:

:star::star::star: Cruz: Akkhan Thorns Bomb (soon to be dead :coffin:)
:star::star::star: Barb: Frenzy
:star::star::star: Cruz: Roland Sweep Attack
:star::star: Barb: Raekor Boulder Toss
:star::star: Monk: Inna Fire Allies
:star: Cruz: Invoker (the current version)
:star: Monk: Uliana Exploding Palm

What about you? What are/were the builds you find/found the most fun to play, without consideration for their power level, both current and dead builds?

Edit on 2022-08-02T22:00:00Z: replaced “funniest” by “most fun”. Sorry for the approximate English. (Nice to learn about some of the “funniest” builds in the game too, though!)

The WD chicken is by far the stupidest thing I have seen. Keep that nonsense out of D4.

I have been running the Monk Tempest Rush for the last few seasons. In S27 it will be the WoL Monk.


i would say for me
1 - inna monk fire allies
2 - necro rat runs version the first one
3 - zdh so cool as well
and regarding what is coming on season 27
barb hammer(animation looks so cool) and barb ww will be very fun to play


Funnest Builds for me:

  1. Wizard: Pre-RoS Arcane Torrent (arcane mines rune) and Archon (Slow Time rune), that also made great use of critical mass passive and life steal modifiers.
  2. Wizard: Early RoS Vyr 4 piece + Tal-Rasha 2 piece for Archon meteor action.
  3. Wizard: Early RoS Frost Hydra (with magistrate helm for nova) + Frost Burn gloves for constant freezing.
  4. Crusader: Early RoS phalanx build with baleful remnant flail

Funniest Build:

  1. Wizard: Early RoS Firebird build that made use of blizzard (apocalyspe rune) and black hole (blazar) since that build was incredibly squishy and required running around constant to survive.
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Jade Harvester, for sure!


  1. The bugged Rathma with Crucible power on PTR for s27.
  2. Nothing comes close.
  3. UE back when it was new and fresh (and strong).

My all time favorite was pre-ROS. Zero-dog Witch Doctor. A lot of people hated it, but I had fun with it. Actually had some gear drops with good zero-dog rolls. I had mine down to no cool down IIRC I had broken the 2.0 APS mark, or was really close to it.

Then the dev’s killed it on purpose when ROS came out.

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The pre-RoS SNS/CM Wizard was a blast.


WD chicken his hilariously hella fun for farming. The ability to do stuff like that needs to be in.

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Chicken WD.

Everything else is secondary.


Fun is relative. For some only meta or S tier builds are fun. And for some, builds that are underpreforming, but have interesting, humorous mechanics are fun.

I liked the original Witch Doctor Sacrifice build (0-dog) animation aesthetic before it was changed. The entire feel of that was much darker of a tone with each dog exploding and limbs flying all over the place followed by puffs and trails of smoke… then you got healed by a health globe too which felt like their essence or spirit energy was returning life to you.

But yeah Witch Doctor Chicken is hilarious (although I do agree maybe not D4-worthy) wait is it because stereotypically black people enjoy chicken?

I mean I DO like some chicken…

hmm? o.O?


I do really like the LoD Captain America build for the crusader. While it’s woefully underpowered, it’s easy and straightforward to play. A real pain to gear as it is LoD build but a lot of fun.

For me:
WD chicken - Hilarious
Inna’s Earth Alleys - the dumbest
Barbarian Raekor Toss - A Barbarian throwing mud pies :poop: is the strangest

Had a lot of fun with these past builds:

  1. zWD with perma root
  2. zWD that buffed the party’s damage greatly with Toad of Hugeness
  3. Pet WD that required SMK and Rain of Toads
  4. Chantodo + Firebird Archon Wiz
  5. Grenades + In-geom DH
  6. Bone Spear Necro
  7. Inna’s Water Ally

But the build that I have most fun even today is Frenzy Barb, just wish it was a little stronger.

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inarius with mirinae

Oh right, forgot pre RoS… used to love the Archon Wizard back when aslong as you killed stuff you stayed in Archon form, was so sweet for farming.

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Yeah back then killing enemies while in archon form increased the duration of your archon transformation rather than increasing it’s damage as it does now.

Make it a headless chicken spurting blood out of it’s neck then.