What am I seeing here...are these hackers or legit?

Hey there, I’ve had the game since Beta, but this is the first time I’ve ever really dug into the game to go far with a character in a season. For a build I’ll generally go to icy veins to look for the currently best solo GR pushing build and I’ll use that. Right now (to my understanding) the best solo GR pushing build is the Rend Wastes build. But occasionally I’ll check the leaderboards for the top solo clears and see if they are doing anything different. Right now when I look at the top clears the top 4 are using similar gear and it appears ( to me) to be the worst build ever. They are at 150 cleared (the top guy did it in sub 8 mins). And the closest to them is at 141 (with a Rend Wastes build). Are these guys hackers or have they figured something out that the rest of us haven’t?

Clarification: talking about Seasonal Leaderboards

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They’re taking advantage of the seasonal theme.

Not entirely sure how it works, but they’re basically playing a support Barb and using the seasonal theme to kill mobs.

One of these threads had an embedded video of the clearance.


Also mind, theese people are far better in paragon, knowlegde, game engagement and maybe time priorities, than us casuals.

One of the Barb GR150 clearances was done at under 1000 paragon.

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Normally I credit players who find innovative, weird ways to take advantage of game systems–and lawd knows there are plenty of ways to do that with these Season themes of late. But these zDPS clears are flat-out ridiculous and, frankly, should be wiped from the board.

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Why though? Is being a dps spec and relying on the theme to do 90% or more of the damage really that different than going zdps and relying on the theme for 100%?


Did anyone ever figure out HOW they did it? Reddit didnt know either. Some people thought it may be an early condi, but I dont see how it could spawn with 0 progression.

Pylons have a chance to spawn without progression. Its rare, but can happen. I imagine they save a conduit after the last effect goes off, to rack up kills before the RG (as every normal strat usually does).

As one shown in the video, Barb pulled/lured mobs into a tight corridor. He luckily spawned a snow ball that bounced back and forth. Even with 0 stacks, it eventually racked up kills. Then he progressively used the stacks from the previous seasonal effect to kill more on the next effect. As a barb, he was able to make huge packs and clump them together. I believe a snowball is required on the first seasonal effect and can never have a fire wave in the entire rift (unless you have so many stacks).

It took wudijo 5000 keys to “just” get a good rift, end with lots of stacks and get a favorable boss with snowball or tornado and narrow spot to kill him instantly. Can’t imagine the amount of fishing/ luck to pull off a zdps clear.

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In addition, a missile dampening is very powerful with a snowball or the beam.